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(August 2015 Nova Networks to Neutron Migration Study)
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Results will be available in early September.
:* [http://people.redhat.com/~julim/openstack/Nova-Neutron%20Study%20Key%20Highlights%20(July-Aug%202015).pdf Results from preliminary Nova-Neutron operator interviews (July-August 2015)]
:* Additional results will be available in September / October from a planned community survey on Nova-Neutron.

Revision as of 21:06, 24 August 2015


The following is a list of user research activities that have been conducted on behalf of the community. The sessions associated with each study are streamed to the community and the results are available by clicking the link at the end of each description.

The studies are ordered with the most recent at the top.

August 2015 Nova Networks to Neutron Migration Study


The Nova, Neutron and UX teams are conducting a study to understand the barriers to migrating from Nova Networks to Neutron. The study includes a series of interviews with operators followed by a large sample survey to validate the interviews.

August 2015 Launch Instance Usability


The UX Team conducted an unmoderated usability study of Horizon in August 2015 to validate the proposed Launch Instance workflow. The intent is to feed the results of the study back to the community, make updates to the workflow and move it out of beta.

As part of this study, in order to find participants, a screener was created and distributed using Survey Monkey. More information on the screener may be found at:

May 2015 Menu Concept Usability


The UX Team conducted a usability study to evaluate a proposed menu concept in Horizon and recommend ways to improved it.

Results coming soon to a browser near you.

April 2015 Card Sort Validation

Why do another card sort?

The goal of this research was to validate the 5 category model, as well as the category names, that were arrived at based on the earlier open card sort of the top of the tree Horizon items.

  • This data can then be used to help inform future IA decisions.

A moderated closed card sort was used in order to be able to probe on why participants were making the choices they were making, assess their interpretation of items, and identify any cards for which multiple categories were being considered viable.


13 individuals participated in this study.

  • After the initial 3 participants, 1 of the category name was modified.
  • Therefore, data from 10 participants was included in the final analysis.

While we tried to recruit a range, we focused on users with Horizon experience.

  • 11/13 had used Horizon to create an instance in the past three months.
  • 10 worked or studied in environments where cloud computing services were offered.
  • All had experience with at least 1 cloud service provider.
  • Participants had a range of roles, including software development, software architects, CS students, system engineers, and support.
  • Participants all received a $25 Amazon gift card as a thank you for their participation.

Test Materials

Eighteen cards were used in the sort.

  • These were the same cards used in the earlier, open sort.
  • These cards represented the current top-of-tree for Horizon, or were recommended by the Horizon PTL.

• Therefore, the cards were presented to participants as a term definition, followed by the term itself.

Five categories were used:

  1. Overview
  2. Compute
  3. Storage
  4. Networking
  5. Compute Services

The term "Compute Services" was changed to “Platform Services” based on finding from the 3 initial participants.
The presentation can be viewed here

December 2014 Card Sort

Why bother with a card sort?

The goal of this research was to understand how users grouped the top of the tree items in Horizon, as well as how they labeled these groupings. This data can then be used to help inform future IA decisions. An open card sort was used to explore the category types users generated, in addition to allowing them to create the groupings that were most meaningful to them.


The sample included 45 participants with recent (past 3 months) Horizon experience and 20 without recent experience.

Test Materials

Eighteen cards were used in the sort. These cards used in the study are currently top-of-tree for Horizon or recommended by the Horizon PTL.

  • Initial pilot data indicated that the terms themselves were ambiguous, and not all participants reviewed the definitions.
  • Therefore, the cards were presented to participants as a term definition, followed by the term itself.

The presentation can be viewed here

February 2014 Usability


The UX Team conducted a usability study of Horizon starting the week of February 24 2014. The intent is to feed the results of the study back to the community and take actions to improve the Horizon user experience.
As part of this study, in order to find participants, a screener was created and distributed using Survey Monkey. More information on the screener may be found at:

Let us know if you, or anyone you know, would be interested in participating in the study. We are specifically looking for Cloud Operators, but do not need to have experience with OpenStack. If you and/or you know someone interested in participating, please contact the OpenStack Personas mailing list.

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