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= Documentation Newsletters =
= Documentation Newsletters =
This is where I draft the 'What's Up, Doc?' documentation newsletters. The newsletter is distributed every Friday (ish), to the openstack-docs mailing list. If you want to be added to the distribution list, or have content to add, please edit these sections:
This is where I draft the 'What's Up, Doc?' documentation newsletters. The newsletter is distributed every second Friday (ish), to the openstack-docs mailing list. If you want to be added to the distribution list, or have content to add, please edit these sections:
==== Distribution List ====
==== Distribution List ====
* OpenStack Docs Mailing List <Openstack-docs@lists.openstack.org>
* OpenStack Development Mailing List <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
* OpenStack Development Mailing List <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
* Docs liaisons (from https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons#Documentation)
* Docs liaisons (from https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons#Documentation)
* i18n List <openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org>
* i18n List <openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org>
==== Your suggestions for content ====
==== Content Sources ====
* Your
* Content
* Here
* https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Successes
* Docs-specs core team changes
* Docs core team review changes
* DocImpact
==== Looking for older editions? ====
Speciality team reports are gathered in the docs meeting every two weeks. If you are a speciality team leader and can't attend the  meeting, please either send a proxy to the meeting, or email your report to the meeting chair ahead of time.
You can see older newsletters here: [[Documentation/WhatsUpDoc_Archive]]
= 11 December 2015 =
If you have something that you would like to add to the next newsletter, please add it here:
Hi everyone,
This is my final newsletter for the year, as I'm taking summer vacation over the next few weeks (yay for Southern Hemisphere weather!). Your regularly scheduled programming will resume in mid-January.
==== Looking for older editions? ====
You can see older newsletters here: [[Documentation/WhatsUpDoc_Archive]]
I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible work of the entire documentation team, especially the core team who have worked all year to keep on top of reviews, the speciality team leads who motivate and inspire their teams each and every day, and every single documentation contributor and reviewer: without you all doing your little bit, we wouldn't have had the success we have had. Thank you also to our crew of support people: from infra and release management, to our subject matter experts and the wonderful people on the TC and Foundation. Thanks for helping us be the best we can be. I would also like to make special mention of Andreas Jaeger and Anne Gentle, who both continue to hold my hand daily and make sure I don't make too much of a fool of myself in public. Your support and encouragement have been invaluable.
= 7 April 2017 =
While we're on the goodwill wagon: if there's someone (or something!) you would like to call out for a special mention, you can do so using #success in our IRC channel. All successes get logged here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Successes and it's a great way to show your appreciation for your fellow community members.
== Progress towards Mitaka ==
This week I have still been working on drafting a governance tag for our guides called "docs:follows-policy". I have been working with Doug Hellmann (dhellmann) in the last week to change to draft dramatically, so it would be good for docs people to review again. We are trying to make this a more broad tag now, so it can be applied for other guides too. To review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445536/ I am also in the process of documenting guidelines in our Contribution Guide - which would also benefit from doc reviews:  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453642/
117 days to go!
Would like to call out and thank John Davidge for his awesome work with the Networking Guide and neutron-related patches. He's been providing valuable guidance, and reviews, and it has been greatly appreciated by myself and the team.
150 bugs closed so far for this release.
Lana Brindley has done an awesome job for the last two weeks in keeping our bug list under control. We are down to an amazing 102 bugs in queue, and 82 bugs closed this cycle already!
Next week, I will be looking after the bug triage liaison role!
If you're sitting there thinking "bugs are for me, I really love triaging bugs!" well, you're in luck! We have one spot open for the rest of the cycle (14 Aug - 28 Aug): https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams#Bug_Triage_Team
RST Conversions
== The Road to the Summit in Boston ==
* Arch Guide
** RST conversion is complete! Well done Shilla and team for getting this done so incredibly quickly :)
* Config Ref
** Is underway: contact the Config Ref Speciality team: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/ConfigRef
* Virtual Machine Image Guide
** Is complete! Well done Tomoyuki-san :)
Keep an eye out for the docs and I18n have a project onboarding room at the summit. Melvin Hillsman (mrhillsman) of the User Committee submitted a forum topic for the Ops Guide to get operator feedback.
* Arch Guide
David Flanders from the Foundation has also proposed a forum topic for developer.openstack.org (which currently houses our API, SDK, and other dev stuff). We'll be discussing major changes to that and would like to see some feedback from people here. Any questions on that, shoot it my way. My main objective for this forum topic is to reduce our current technical debt that lives on this site.
** https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/archguide-mitaka-reorg
For more information on forum topics: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum
** Doc sprint planned for December 21-22. Contact the Ops Guide speciality team for more info or to get involved.
Schedule has been released: https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedul
** Contact the Ops Guide Speciality team: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/OpsGuide
* User Guides
** https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/user-guides-reorganised
** Contact the User Guide Speciality team: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/User_Guides
== Speciality Team Reports ==
* Waiting to merge the patch for the new Jenkins job: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/251301/ which for now will be against Nova only so we can make sure it's working correctly before we roll it out across the board.
Document openstack-doc-tools and reorganise index page
* API - Anne Gentle: API versioning in relation to release versioning is currently manually compiled for the 40-ish API services, so ideas on how to automate and surface that info welcomed. More info: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-March/114690.html
* Thanks to Brian and Christian for volunteering to take this on!
* Configuration Reference and CLI Reference - Tomoyuki Kato: N/A
* High Availability Guide - Ianeta Hutchinson: We are continuing to collaborate with OS DevOps team. See the tag ha-guide-draft for bugs opened to fill content for the new guide.
Horizon UX work
* Hypervisor Tuning Guide - Blair Bethwaite: N/A
* Thanks to the people who offered to help out on this! If you're interested but haven't gotten in touch yet, contact Piet Kruithof of the UX team. There is now a blueprint + spec in draft: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/ui-content-guidelines and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252668/
* Installation guides - Lana Brindley: We have now branched, so please remember to backport if you have edits to the Ocata guide now. Big thanks to all the testers who have been working hard over the past month or two (that Nova cells bug was *tough*!), and to Brian and Mariia for doing the heavy lifting. Noticed a bunch links to draft versions of the guide in Newton/Ocata branches, backports for that have been merged, and the Contributor Guide updated so we don't miss it in the future (https://docs.openstack.org/contributor guide/release/taskdetail.html#update-links-in-all-books).
* Networking Guide - John Davidge: More patches landed in the last couple of weeks dealing with the move to OSC, and more are still in flight. Progress also continues on RFC 5737 compliance. Thanks to all contributors for their work.
== Speciality Teams ==
* Operations and Architecture Design guides - Darren Chan: Arch Guide: edited architecture considerations content and cleaned up the index page structure which was applied across OS manuals. Some ops-related content was moved to the Ops Guide. Our current focus is improving the storage design content and networking design content.
* Training Guides - Matjaz Pancur: N/A
'''HA Guide - Bogdan Dobrelya'''
* Training labs - Roger Luethi: We released the Ocata version of training-labs this week.
The change to shift IRC meeting was not accepted. Going to create a new poll this time with correct options suggested by Tony Breeds. No more updates.
* User guides - Joseph Robinson: For the user guides - the spec on migrating the Admin Guide content this week moved closer to merging. I started preparing the work items for action on the User Guides tasks wiki page.
* Theme and Tools - Brian Moss: Anne has a spec up for theme consolidation, please check it out: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/454346/, Brian has fixed up the sitemap tool tests, reviews welcome: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453976/. 41 open bugs, 13 closed in Pike
'''Installation Guide - Christian Berendt'''
We require Debian Install Guide testers. Please contact Christian if you're interested.
'''Networking Guide - Edgar Magana'''
The networking guide had its first official IRC meeting: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/NetworkingGuideMeetings We are restructuring a little bit the wikis for better engagement with new contributors; Versioning spec for networking guide has been merged: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/253283/ Working of the remaining actions items from the meeting: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/networking_guide/2015/networking_guide.2015-12-03-16.00.txt We have proposed a time and date for an IRC meeting covering APAC time zone: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/254999/
'''Security Guide - Nathaniel Dillon'''
Planning for a bug sprint and general triage/cleanup.
'''User Guides - Joseph Robinson'''
The User Guide Reorganization Spec merged this week, and the final User Guide meeting for 2016 has been rescheduled to next Thursday December 16 at 23:30 UTC, and the plan is to discuss work items. A patch for the User Guide Dashboard has begun using the blueprint implementation as a start to the reorg.
'''Ops and Arch Guides - Shilla Saebi'''
Regarding this spec - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/227660/, we decided we are going to hold off until the N-release; Architecture Guide Swarm - Asking for everyone who wants to help to please use the https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/arch-guide-reorg to document potential changes; The arch guide RST conversion is complete; For the swarm, everyone works in their timezone. They will then submit patches and allocate team members in the other timezones to review; The final dates for the arch guide virtual swarm is: 12/21-12/22.
'''API Docs - Anne Gentle'''
Trimming down what is output so that eventually we'll get working Swagger migrated from WADL. Repo still awaits being pulled into gerrit: https://github.com/russell/fairy-slipper to
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/245352/ Nova API docs sprint 12/8 and 12/9 came up with good questions and answers and patches. Also, the Gabbi API test suite has a new release, see http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-December/081891.html
'''Config Ref - Gauvain Pocentek'''
The configuration reference RST migration is almost done, only a few more Block Storage drivers docs to handle. Thanks to all the contributors!
'''Training labs - Roger Luethi'''
Training-labs merged a KVM provider patch which allows the training cluster to build on top of KVM. The IP address ranges now match the install guides. The Liberty training cluster is being worked on.
'''Training Guides - Matjaz Pancur'''
This report was erroneously left out of the last newsletter, my apologies:
A complete Korean translation of the Upstream training material is officially published at http://docs.openstack.org/ko_KR/upstream-training/ (big thanks to Ian Y. Choi and KATO Tomoyuki)
'''Hyperviser Tuning Guide - Joe Topjian'''
Finished the first pass of converting etherpad notes to the wiki. I sent an email <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2015-December/009147.html> to the openstack-operators with a summary of the current state. Hopefully the guide will pick up two or three regular contributors to help things along. I'll continue to work on it 1-2 hours a week as I get time.
== Core Team Changes ==
During last week, I announced some changes to the docs-specs core team. Previously, this core team was a small subset of docs core team members, with an understanding that we would wait for speciality team leads to +1 a spec relevant to their team before approving. Now we have formalised that process by inviting each speciality team lead to the docs-specs core team, so that they can +2A their own specs. Speciality team leads are listed on the wiki here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams remember to engage them when you create a new spec for approval.
We have also reviewed the current docs core team list for December, and the results of that will be announced shortly. We will not be reviewing the team in January because of the holiday period, and will resume regular reviews in February 2016.
== Doc team meeting ==
== Doc team meeting ==
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 20 April at 2100 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt.
For more meeting details, including minutes and the agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting
The meeting chair will be me!
We held the APAC docs meeting this week. Big thanks to Joseph for running that while I was away, you can read the minutes here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/MeetingLogs#2015-11-25
Big thanks to Joseph for stepping up in the last 2 meetings and hosting in my absence! Really appreciated it :)
Next meetings:
APAC: Wednesday 9 December, 00:30:00 UTC (CANCELLED)
US: Wednesday 16 December, 14:00 UTC
Please go ahead and add any agenda items to the meeting page here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting
Have a great week :)
Just a note that this will be my penultimate newsletter for 2015.
IRC: asettle
Twitter: dewsday
Keep on doc'ing!
= 4 December 2015 =
Hi everyone,
Slight delay in the newsletter this time around, it's been a busy week! I've been working on the DocImpact changes, reviewing the docs and docs-specs core teams, and catching up with blueprint management and reviews from while I was on leave.
= 27 March 2017 =
Since we're getting to the pointy end of the year, remember to call out successes using #success in our IRC channel. All successes get logged here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Successes and it's a great way to show your appreciation for your fellow community members.
Team team team team team,
== Progress towards Mitaka ==
Well the last month has just FLOWN by since the PTG. We've got plenty going on in the docs team...
121 days to go!
This week I have been helping out the security team with the Security Guide. We've been working on some cursory edits, and removal of content. A few patches have already made it through - thanks to the OSIC security team for tackling some of the outstanding bugs. There'll be more edits coming from me in the next few weeks. To see our planning: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sec-guide-pike
I am also in the process of drafting a governance tag for our install guides. Would be great for everyone to review and understand what the process will involve: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445536/
139 bugs closed so far for this release.
Shoutout and big thanks to Brian Moss and the nova team who worked together tirelessly to document Nova v2 Cells and Placement API - which was a massive blocker for our Installation Guide.
RST Conversions
Also, thank you to our Ocata release managers, Maria Zlatkova and Brian Moss for cutting the branch! Pike is well and truly underway now.
* Arch Guide
** RST conversion is complete! Well done Shilla and team for getting this done so incredibly quickly :)
* Config Ref
** Contact the Config Ref Speciality team: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/ConfigRef
* Virtual Machine Image Guide
** https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/image-guide-rst and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/244598/
Ianeta Hutchinson has done an awesome job for the last two weeks in keeping our bug list under control. We are down to an amazing 104 bugs in queue, and 59 bugs closed this cycle already!
* Arch Guide
** https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/archguide-mitaka-reorg
** Doc sprint in planning for December 21-22. Contact the Ops Guide speciality team for more info or to get  involved.
** Contact the Ops Guide Speciality team: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/OpsGuide
* User Guides
** https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/user-guides-reorganised
** Contact the User Guide Speciality team: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/User_Guides
Next week, we have Lana who will be looking after the bug triage liaison role!
* This is now well underway, with the first two patches merged. One changes the default bug queue for DocImpact back to the projects' own queue, and the other changes all current projects (with the exception of the six defcore projects) to their own bug queue. There has also been some discussion on the mailing lists about this process change. The next step is to merge the new Jenkins job (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/251301/) which for now will be against Nova only so we can make sure it's working correctly before we roll it out across the board. Thank you to Andreas, Josh Hesketh, and everyone else who has helped get us this far, and to the Nova team who are allowing us to use them as guinea pigs.
If you're sitting there thinking "bugs are for me, I really love triaging bugs!" well, you're in luck! We have a few spots open for the rest of the cycle: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams#Bug_Triage_Team
Document openstack-doc-tools and reorganise index page
== The Road to the Summit in Boston ==
* Thanks to Brian and Christian for volunteering to take this on!
Horizon UX work
* Schedule has been released: https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/
* Thanks to the people who offered to help out on this! If you're interested but haven't gotten in touch yet, contact Piet Kruithof of the UX team. There is now a blueprint + spec in draft: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/ui-content-guidelines and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252668/
* Docs and I18n have a project onboarding room at the summit, keep an eye out on the dev ML for more information. Kendall will inform us when the time comes. Anyone around to help me with that? http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-March/114149.html
* Docs project update will be delivered by me (asettle) on Mon 8 , 3:40pm-4:20pm. https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/global-search?t=Alexandra+Settle
== Speciality Teams ==
== Speciality Team Reports ==
'''HA Guide - Bogdan Dobrelya'''
* API - Anne Gentle: There's still a lot of discussion on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/421846/ which is about API change guidelines. Take a look and join in on the review. Also on the openstack-dev list, there's a thread about the future of the app catalog, which is relevant to the app developer audience so I include it here: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack dev/2017-March/113362.html Also related to the app dev audience is the wrapping up of the App Ecosystem working group: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2017-March/001825.html
Finished IRC meeting schedule poll, finalised the Corosync/pacemaker patch (https://review.openstack.org/235893), participating and tracking progress with the HA for OpenStack instances research (https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/automatic-evacuation) to make it into the HA guide, eventually.
* Configuration Reference and CLI Reference - Tomoyuki Kato: N/A
* High Availability Guide - Ianeta Hutchinson: At the Atlanta PTG, the documentation team outlined a new table of contents that is now upstream as a draft here: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-manuals/tree/master/doc/ha-guide-draft. A blocker to progress in the past had been a lack of SME’s for the topic of high availability but that is no longer the case \o/. The OSIC DevOps team has an “adopt-a-guide” project in which they are collaborating with the OpenStack docs community and OSIC Docs team to apply the new ToC and validate all content for the guide. The progress of this collaboration is being tracked here <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hw4axU2IbLlsjKpz9_EGlKQt0S6siViik7ETjNg_MgI/edit?usp=sharing> We are calling for more contributors both as SME's and tech writers. Ping iphutch if interested!
'''Installation Guide - Christian Berendt'''
* Hypervisor Tuning Guide - Blair Bethwaite: N/A
Debian install guide nearly completed, testers needed; meeting time for the EU/US meeting will probably change from 13 UTC to 17 UTC; Aodh install instructions nearly finished, ongoing discussion because of missing SUSE packages; Japanese translation of the Liberty install guide published.
* Installation guides - Lana Brindley: Cells bug is closer to being fixed, and we are closer to a complete test install (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/NewtonDocTesting look at all that green!). We're planning to branch Ocata by the end of this week.
* Networking Guide - John Davidge: N/A
'''Networking Guide - Edgar Magana'''
* Operations and Architecture Design guides - Darren Chan: Arch Design Guide: Minor IA and general cleanup of the storage, compute, and networking sections in the Design chapter. Currently updating gaps in storage design content. Ops Guide: Removed cloud architecture content (migrated to the Arch Design Guide).
We are having our first official IRC meeting tomorrow at 1600 UTC. The goal is to find out what we can to complete during the Liberty cycle and have specific tasks assigned. Relevant patches: Create tags for the Networking Guide - WIP (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/251979/)
* Security Guide - Nathaniel Dillon: Edits from Alex going through, and patches from the OSIC DevOps team. See above for more info.
* Training Guides - Matjaz Pancur: For Training guides related topics: a new brand for activities around OpenStack Upstream University/Training. It is now known as OpenStack Upstream Institute (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_Upstream_Institute)
'''Security Guide - Nathaniel Dillon'''
* Training labs - Roger Luethi: We are currently testing our automated version of the Ocata install-guide. We had a problem with Ubuntu's new ISO image (16.04.2 LTS) which is now resolved.
No update this week
* User guides - Joseph Robinson: Several other Legacy commands were converted to OS commands this week. Reviewed the Admin Guide spec.
* Theme and Tools - Brian Moss: I'd like to do an openstackdocstheme release soon, as we've got some items (PDF styling, search page JS fix, image centering) that would be good to have in production. Any concerns or last minute items to merge please let me know. We've had some issues come up with the auto-generation scripts. Some have been fixed already (thanks Kato and Christian!), and we're investigating others. If you notice anything amiss or would like to help out, please let me know. 46 open bugs, 8 closed in Pike
'''User Guides - Joseph Robinson'''
The User guide meeting on IRC worked, however attendance was down; the reorganization spec is updated with information from Big Tent Project navigator to define the scope (http://www.openstack.org/software/project-navigator) and information from the published nova-network to neutron migration study.
'''Ops and Arch Guides - Darren Chan'''
The arch guide RST conversion is completed. We plan on doing a virtual swarm this December. The doodle link was sent out last week and the poll is now closed. The final date for the virtual swarm is: 12/21-12/22.
'''API Docs - Anne Gentle'''
Working on usage docs for migration, how to build, what gets migrated, how the docs are assembled: https://github.com/russell/fairy-slipper/blob/master/doc/source/usage.rst Responding to spec reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/246660/ Revising patch to bring fairy-slipper into openstack org: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/245352/
'''Config Ref - Gauvain Pocentek'''
The RST migration is still in progress. The Manila section has been greatly improved in the process, and the Zaqar documentation should land during this cycle as the spec has been approved.  
'''Training labs - Pranav Salunke'''
KVM port is almost done. Planned to merge this by end of this week; Network configuration for the cluster is updated. Now it uses same network addresses as install guides; Welcome berndbausch into our team; Liberty port is in progress. Follow https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/training-labs-liberty for more details; Need to decide meeting time for weekly IRC meetings.
'''Training Guides - Matjaz Pancur'''
No update this week
'''Hyperviser Tuning Guide - Joe Topjian'''
Still on schedule. Halfway done with a first-pass cleanup. Should be ready for open contributions within 2 weeks.
== Core Team Changes ==
During last week, I announced some changes to the docs-specs core team. Previously, this core team was a small subset of docs core team members, with an understanding that we would wait for speciality team leads to +1 a spec relevant to their team before approving. Now we have formalised that process by inviting each speciality team lead to the docs-specs core team, so that they can +2A their own specs. Speciality team leads are listed on the wiki here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams remember to engage them when you create a new spec for approval.
We have also reviewed the current docs core team list for December, and the results of that will be announced shortly. We will not be reviewing the team in January because of the holiday period, and will resume regular reviews in February 2016.
== Doc team meeting ==
== Doc team meeting ==
We held the APAC docs meeting this week. Big thanks to Joseph for running that while I was away, you can read the minutes here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/MeetingLogs#2015-11-25
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 7 April at 2100 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt.
For more meeting details, including minutes and the agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting
Next meetings:
APAC: Wednesday 9 December, 00:30:00 UTC (CANCELLED)
US: Wednesday 16 December, 14:00 UTC
Please go ahead and add any agenda items to the meeting page here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting
Have a great week :)
Just a note that this will be my penultimate newsletter for 2015.
IRC: asettle
Twitter: dewsday
Keep on doc'ing!

Latest revision as of 17:37, 30 November 2017

Documentation Newsletters

This is where I draft the 'What's Up, Doc?' documentation newsletters. The newsletter is distributed every second Friday (ish), to the openstack-docs mailing list. If you want to be added to the distribution list, or have content to add, please edit these sections:

Distribution List

Content Sources

Speciality team reports are gathered in the docs meeting every two weeks. If you are a speciality team leader and can't attend the meeting, please either send a proxy to the meeting, or email your report to the meeting chair ahead of time.

If you have something that you would like to add to the next newsletter, please add it here:

Looking for older editions?

You can see older newsletters here: Documentation/WhatsUpDoc_Archive

7 April 2017


This week I have still been working on drafting a governance tag for our guides called "docs:follows-policy". I have been working with Doug Hellmann (dhellmann) in the last week to change to draft dramatically, so it would be good for docs people to review again. We are trying to make this a more broad tag now, so it can be applied for other guides too. To review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445536/ I am also in the process of documenting guidelines in our Contribution Guide - which would also benefit from doc reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453642/

Would like to call out and thank John Davidge for his awesome work with the Networking Guide and neutron-related patches. He's been providing valuable guidance, and reviews, and it has been greatly appreciated by myself and the team.

Lana Brindley has done an awesome job for the last two weeks in keeping our bug list under control. We are down to an amazing 102 bugs in queue, and 82 bugs closed this cycle already! Next week, I will be looking after the bug triage liaison role! If you're sitting there thinking "bugs are for me, I really love triaging bugs!" well, you're in luck! We have one spot open for the rest of the cycle (14 Aug - 28 Aug): https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams#Bug_Triage_Team

The Road to the Summit in Boston

Keep an eye out for the docs and I18n have a project onboarding room at the summit. Melvin Hillsman (mrhillsman) of the User Committee submitted a forum topic for the Ops Guide to get operator feedback. David Flanders from the Foundation has also proposed a forum topic for developer.openstack.org (which currently houses our API, SDK, and other dev stuff). We'll be discussing major changes to that and would like to see some feedback from people here. Any questions on that, shoot it my way. My main objective for this forum topic is to reduce our current technical debt that lives on this site. For more information on forum topics: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum Schedule has been released: https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedul

Speciality Team Reports

  • API - Anne Gentle: API versioning in relation to release versioning is currently manually compiled for the 40-ish API services, so ideas on how to automate and surface that info welcomed. More info: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-March/114690.html
  • Configuration Reference and CLI Reference - Tomoyuki Kato: N/A
  • High Availability Guide - Ianeta Hutchinson: We are continuing to collaborate with OS DevOps team. See the tag ha-guide-draft for bugs opened to fill content for the new guide.
  • Hypervisor Tuning Guide - Blair Bethwaite: N/A
  • Installation guides - Lana Brindley: We have now branched, so please remember to backport if you have edits to the Ocata guide now. Big thanks to all the testers who have been working hard over the past month or two (that Nova cells bug was *tough*!), and to Brian and Mariia for doing the heavy lifting. Noticed a bunch links to draft versions of the guide in Newton/Ocata branches, backports for that have been merged, and the Contributor Guide updated so we don't miss it in the future (https://docs.openstack.org/contributor guide/release/taskdetail.html#update-links-in-all-books).
  • Networking Guide - John Davidge: More patches landed in the last couple of weeks dealing with the move to OSC, and more are still in flight. Progress also continues on RFC 5737 compliance. Thanks to all contributors for their work.
  • Operations and Architecture Design guides - Darren Chan: Arch Guide: edited architecture considerations content and cleaned up the index page structure which was applied across OS manuals. Some ops-related content was moved to the Ops Guide. Our current focus is improving the storage design content and networking design content.
  • Training Guides - Matjaz Pancur: N/A
  • Training labs - Roger Luethi: We released the Ocata version of training-labs this week.
  • User guides - Joseph Robinson: For the user guides - the spec on migrating the Admin Guide content this week moved closer to merging. I started preparing the work items for action on the User Guides tasks wiki page.
  • Theme and Tools - Brian Moss: Anne has a spec up for theme consolidation, please check it out: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/454346/, Brian has fixed up the sitemap tool tests, reviews welcome: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453976/. 41 open bugs, 13 closed in Pike

Doc team meeting

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 20 April at 2100 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt. For more meeting details, including minutes and the agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting The meeting chair will be me!

Big thanks to Joseph for stepping up in the last 2 meetings and hosting in my absence! Really appreciated it :)


Have a great week :)


IRC: asettle Twitter: dewsday

27 March 2017

Team team team team team,

Well the last month has just FLOWN by since the PTG. We've got plenty going on in the docs team...

This week I have been helping out the security team with the Security Guide. We've been working on some cursory edits, and removal of content. A few patches have already made it through - thanks to the OSIC security team for tackling some of the outstanding bugs. There'll be more edits coming from me in the next few weeks. To see our planning: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sec-guide-pike I am also in the process of drafting a governance tag for our install guides. Would be great for everyone to review and understand what the process will involve: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445536/

Shoutout and big thanks to Brian Moss and the nova team who worked together tirelessly to document Nova v2 Cells and Placement API - which was a massive blocker for our Installation Guide.

Also, thank you to our Ocata release managers, Maria Zlatkova and Brian Moss for cutting the branch! Pike is well and truly underway now.

Ianeta Hutchinson has done an awesome job for the last two weeks in keeping our bug list under control. We are down to an amazing 104 bugs in queue, and 59 bugs closed this cycle already!

Next week, we have Lana who will be looking after the bug triage liaison role! If you're sitting there thinking "bugs are for me, I really love triaging bugs!" well, you're in luck! We have a few spots open for the rest of the cycle: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams#Bug_Triage_Team

The Road to the Summit in Boston

Speciality Team Reports

  • API - Anne Gentle: There's still a lot of discussion on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/421846/ which is about API change guidelines. Take a look and join in on the review. Also on the openstack-dev list, there's a thread about the future of the app catalog, which is relevant to the app developer audience so I include it here: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack dev/2017-March/113362.html Also related to the app dev audience is the wrapping up of the App Ecosystem working group: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2017-March/001825.html
  • Configuration Reference and CLI Reference - Tomoyuki Kato: N/A
  • High Availability Guide - Ianeta Hutchinson: At the Atlanta PTG, the documentation team outlined a new table of contents that is now upstream as a draft here: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-manuals/tree/master/doc/ha-guide-draft. A blocker to progress in the past had been a lack of SME’s for the topic of high availability but that is no longer the case \o/. The OSIC DevOps team has an “adopt-a-guide” project in which they are collaborating with the OpenStack docs community and OSIC Docs team to apply the new ToC and validate all content for the guide. The progress of this collaboration is being tracked here <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hw4axU2IbLlsjKpz9_EGlKQt0S6siViik7ETjNg_MgI/edit?usp=sharing> We are calling for more contributors both as SME's and tech writers. Ping iphutch if interested!
  • Hypervisor Tuning Guide - Blair Bethwaite: N/A
  • Installation guides - Lana Brindley: Cells bug is closer to being fixed, and we are closer to a complete test install (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/NewtonDocTesting look at all that green!). We're planning to branch Ocata by the end of this week.
  • Networking Guide - John Davidge: N/A
  • Operations and Architecture Design guides - Darren Chan: Arch Design Guide: Minor IA and general cleanup of the storage, compute, and networking sections in the Design chapter. Currently updating gaps in storage design content. Ops Guide: Removed cloud architecture content (migrated to the Arch Design Guide).
  • Security Guide - Nathaniel Dillon: Edits from Alex going through, and patches from the OSIC DevOps team. See above for more info.
  • Training Guides - Matjaz Pancur: For Training guides related topics: a new brand for activities around OpenStack Upstream University/Training. It is now known as OpenStack Upstream Institute (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_Upstream_Institute)
  • Training labs - Roger Luethi: We are currently testing our automated version of the Ocata install-guide. We had a problem with Ubuntu's new ISO image (16.04.2 LTS) which is now resolved.
  • User guides - Joseph Robinson: Several other Legacy commands were converted to OS commands this week. Reviewed the Admin Guide spec.
  • Theme and Tools - Brian Moss: I'd like to do an openstackdocstheme release soon, as we've got some items (PDF styling, search page JS fix, image centering) that would be good to have in production. Any concerns or last minute items to merge please let me know. We've had some issues come up with the auto-generation scripts. Some have been fixed already (thanks Kato and Christian!), and we're investigating others. If you notice anything amiss or would like to help out, please let me know. 46 open bugs, 8 closed in Pike

Doc team meeting

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 7 April at 2100 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt. For more meeting details, including minutes and the agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting


Have a great week :)


IRC: asettle Twitter: dewsday