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< I18nTeam
Revision as of 10:07, 11 September 2015 by Daisy (talk | contribs) (Create a Local Translation Team)

Create a Local Translation Team

OpenStack I18n team is a team to coordinate all language translations and the cooperation between I18n team and development teams. Usually, OpenStack I18n team have work plans. Local translation teams could follow I18n team's work plans. But as a local translation team, your team also have the right to decide your own work items and the priorities.

If you want to create a local translation team and you want to be the coordinator, please follow below steps:

  1. Following this wiki page to register an ID in the translation website.
  2. Write an email to "openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org" to introduce yourself and the language team you want to create, together with your ID in Transifex.
  3. When your request is approved, add an item in "Local Translation Teams" in the wiki page, create a wiki page under page /I18nTeam ( for example, I18nTeam/zh_cn ) to introduce your team, with below information at least: the contact information, the web page, and the work items.

Then your locale translation team is created successfully. You can enroll more people to join and start your translation works.

Don't forget to work with your local user group coordinator and the OpenStack Ambassadors to raise awareness and gather members :)