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Revision as of 22:36, 31 March 2014 by Julim (talk | contribs) (Personas Working Group Meeting Summaries)

Personas Working Group Meeting Summaries

The following is a summary for the Personas Working Group meetings. Meetings occurrence and logistics may be found at: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PersonaMeetingTimes.

Meeting Summary for 2 April 2014



Meeting Summary for 19 March 2014



Meeting Summary for 12 March 2014


Ju, Jeff, Thuy, Liz


(1) Pool from persona screener & Horizon usability testing screener

  • Only 7 people responded on the persona screener, and only 2 interested in participating in persona interview, but neither meets our 3-4 targetted users (cloud admin, cloud end user, cloud developer). Still, because they expressed interest, we'll include these 2 in our persona interviews.
  • About ~22-24 from Horizon usability testing screener. Most were cloud admins and some cloud endusers / Paas developers. No cloud developers. ASK of each team to reach out to their internal development teams to do 2-3 developer interviews.
  • AI: Need to resend the screener to try and get more responses

(2) persona interviewing next steps

  • We'll have 1-2 person teams (Melissa & Piet, Ju & Liz, Jeff & Thuy, Jacki & ?). Easier to have teams from same company as harder to coordinates schedules across three organizations vs. the team and the persona interview candidate.
  • completion time for persona interviews: 1st week of April 2014?
  • AI: Ju to send out the curated list of potential candidates for the 4 teams -- see below -- contact, schedule and interview the potential persona interview candidates.

(3) finalize questionnaire & template in March 19 2014 meeting

(4) next steps

Meeting Summary for 5 March 2014


Piet, Liz, Ju, Jenny, Fei, Jacki, Jeff, Thuy, David Lyle, Nick Chase


1. Horizon usability testing

  • Rough start but starting to improve
  • Thank to community team members who participated and took notes and contributed observations
  • Debrief early next week
  • Melissa still trying to setup a few more usability sessions
  • Some areas for improvements: create instance workflow has room for improvements
  • Audio not so great - open to new solutions / proposals for how to improve audio
  • Wiki link for the Horizon Usability Testing: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HorizonUsability_Testing

2. Persona Planning Milestones

  • Propose to have 2-3 personas for Summit (Cloud Administrator, Cloud Operator, Cloud End User, Cloud Developer)+1
  • survey / screener
  • Who's interested (please write your names here): Ju, Jeff, Thuy, Liz, Jenny, Fei, Jacki, Mellisa Meingast
  • Action Item (everyone) review
  • Who's interested (please write your names here): Ju, Jeff, Thuy (note taker), Liz, Jacki, Piet, Mellisa Meingast, Marc Dysart
  • Conduct a small # of interviews and use survey after to validate and gather more datapoints
  • Next Steps
  • Send out persona screener invite tomorrow (after updates to the intro pending Jeff's feedback)
Updated intro / invite March 6 2014
Screener posted on [Personas Screener].
To embed in a blog / website:
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dHl2Qi1QVzdDeVNXUEIyR2h3LUttcGc6MA" width="760" height="2460" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
  • Meet next week @ same time for 30 minutes and discuss teams we'll have based on the respondents and interview next steps

3. Open Topics None

Meeting Summary for 19 February 2014


Piet, Ju, Liz Blanchard, Sriram, Jeff, Thuy, Margie Callard, Jeremy Hopkins, David Lyle, Jacki Bauer


1. Updates - screener, usability testing

  • Screener setup in Survey Monkey and invite sent of week of Feb 17 2014, there were 53 respondents
  • Usability Study week of Feb 24 2014
  • Planning to conduct 10-12 tests with 2-4 sessions daily though Friday will be 1-2
  • Participants from all over (different timezones)
  • Melissa running the test using VirtualRoom, streamed via Google Hangout (limit 10 people)
  • Melissa will have VR & GH running at same time
  • Propose to pose questions and/or comments via chat
  • Let them know who will attend ahead of time
  • All observers must actively participant / contribute during and after (analysis)
  • Online document (etherpad, googledocs, multichat) for sharing
  • Schedule? TBD -- Melissa to reach out to folks tomorrow morning and schedule
  • Test is planned for 1 hour
  • Usability Test Plan?
Scenario: Spin-up a New Host
You've been asked to get a new application up and running in your Cloud. To setup the new application, you will have to create and get a virtual host up and running. Given the following Horizon credentials, how would you do so?
Guidelines on kind of OS type that would help them create the instance.
Individual Tasks:
-Create a security key pair. (Could be set up optionally before test)?
-Create a network. (Could be set up optionally before test)
need to add a section for creation of full neutron setup.
that basically means:
1. create router
2. attach router to external network
3. create network
4. attach network to router
5. create subnet
6. create sec groups as required (note: if you don't provide a default sec group as we do in PC, then you need to make sure to create a default sec group and add a rule for port 22 to allow ssh access)
-Import an image. (Could be optional)
-Launch an instance using security key pair X, network Y, and image Z. (Could add in additional requirements such as size or number of instances to launch.)
-Confirm that instance was launched successfully.
How often is this task performed?
What types of application do you typically put in your cloud?
Are these application hosts long running or short-lived?
When the host is no longer needed, what do you typically do, e.g. keep it running, retire it, archive it, etc.?
Scenario: Make a Point-in-Time Copy of the Host
Now that you have your host up and running, assume that you've made some changes on the host and now need to make a point-in-time copy of it, so that you can access it or revert to the point-in-time copy at a later time. What steps would you take to make a point-in-time copy?
Individual Tasks:
-Either Launch an instance successfully, or identify a running instance in the instance view.
-Choose to take a snapshot of that instance.
-Confirm that the snapshot was successful.
How often is this task performed?
What's your use case for performing this task?
How many PiT copies do you typically keep? What do you do with the old PiT copies?
Scenario: Launch a New Instance using a Snapshot or Image
Using the Point-In-Time Copy of the Host previously made, how would you start up another instance?
Individual Tasks:
-Choose to either create an instance and boot from a snapshot, or identify a snapshot to create an instance from.
-Confirm that the instance was started successfully.
How often is this task performed?
What's your use case for performing this task?
Scenario: Launch an instance that boots from a specific volume.
You want the Host you created to use persistent storage (instead of ephemeral storage) when it starts up and when it's running. What steps would you take to change to enable the host to start up using persistent storage?
Individual Tasks:
-Create a volume (Could be set up optionally before test)
-Launch an instance using Volume X as a boot source.
How often is this task performed?
How many people typically perform this task? Specifically, is the storage setup by someone else?
Scenario: Understand how many vCPUs are currently in use vs. how much quota is left.
You're interested in resource utilization. Where would you go to see this information?
Individual Tasks:
How often is this task performed?
What does the information tell you?
What do you typically look for?
Is there anything missing?
Qualifying questions - plans for them but don't have them yet
Focus on the Self-Service Cloud End User (HP calls this user the "Steve Persona") for the usability testing

2. Persona - screener, next steps

There are 2 screeners: usability study, persona
We have a strawman for persona (using the usability study) but need more work on it, ask location of the respondent
ASK: Smaller working group to review
Who's interested (please write your names here): Ju, Piet, Liz Blanchard, Jeff
Meet next Wed same time as this meeting timeslot

3. Persona planning (milestones)

Propose to have 2-3 personas for Summit (Cloud Administrator, Cloud Operator, Cloud End User, Cloud Developer)+1
survey / screener -- 2 weeks' time, by next meeting (March 5th); need to give survey a week to find candidates
interview -- Finish interviewing by March 26th?
interview script/questions
use survey monkey?
ASK: Smaller working group to work on this?
Who's interested (please write your names here): Ju, Jeff, Thuy, Liz, Jenny, Fei, Jacki
preliminary review
persona development
full review
persona validation
publish/share persona Summit, just before summit or after?

4. Open Topics

Vote for our persona session at the summit!

Meeting Summary for 5 February 2014


Nick Chase, Liz, Piet, Dave Lyle, Fei Guo, Jenny, Jacki, Mellisa


1. Updates from last meeting

OpenStack Personas Working Group Wiki started by Nick Chase. Thank you Nick Chase!!!+1

2. Confirmation that we will meet every other Wednesday beginning Feb 5 4:00EST (21:00 UTC)

Let Piet know if you want to be added to the calendar invite.

3. Summit proposal for Juno Release Summit.

Submitted for the Atlanta OpenStack Summit. This should be available to vote for after Feb 14th. Liz will send link when available.
Title: Development and Application of the OpenStack Personas
This session builds on Dave Neary’s previous efforts to develop a set of personas to help the development community align with their users’ needs and tasks.
The team will share updates from the newly formed OpenStack Persona Working Group, which is made up of members from over ten global companies. The session will include a review of the methodology used to develop the personas, insights from the user interviews and the personas created from the effort.
Finally, the team will provide recommendations and examples for how the community can effectively use the personas during their own planning, design, development, and testing efforts to improve user experience.
Q: Does it make sense to propose this in the main track, or in the Developer Summit? More exposure to developers in the dev section. (DN)

4. User roles to focus on initially

  • Cloud Developer: Design, implement, publish and maintain the technical aspects of a service component
  • Cloud Operator: Monitor running systems, and track and initially triage events
  • Cloud Administrator: Responsible for all cloud operational processes in their area of expertise (e.g., Network)
  • Tenant / Domain Administrator: Responsible for administering a customer’s communities and their resources.
  • Cloud Consumer / End User: Request & use resources, depending on aaS offering (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, etc. user).

5. Next steps

Develop screener for the roles
Pilot screener with a few people, make any necessary edits
Begin developing interview questions
Ask about primary tasks, secondary tasks (which tasks are in your core role)
Discussion around how to find individuals to interview
openstack-operators mailing list? openstack-dev mailing list? G+ groups, linkedin groups, Blogs/newsletters that we run (Not just limited to OpenStack...VMWare, Azure too)

6. Open topics

Jared Spool's Persona Building Steps
a) Built a cross-functional team including User Experience Designers, Software Testers, Documentation Specialists, Product Managers, Developers. (Done)
b) Gave an overview to the team on what Personas are, how they are used, how we will construct them. (Done)
c) Broke out into small teams to break down some of the preparation tasks.
d) Prepared a screener to run by potential interview candidates.
e) Prepared a set of interview questions and reviewed with the entire team.
f) Performed a few mock interviews to practice.
g) Visited 20 interviewees and asked the same interview questions to all while taking a lot of notes.
h) Created a scale of answers for each question and mapped all 20 participants back to scale. (We used colored sticky notes to differentiate between all participants)
i) Identified clusters of interviewees responses.
j) Created persona writeups based on these clusters keeping the folks that we interviewed in mind.
k) Finalized persona designs including a short write up on the persona and included a photo, Key Attributes, and Behavioral Drivers.
l) Printed large versions to post around the office, small 5x7 cards on keyrings for the team to keep and reference.

7. Worked on screener (survey)

Meeting Summary for 17 January 2014


Piet Kruithof, Ju Lim, David Lyle, Nick Chase, Liz Blanchard, Jacki Bauer, Dave Neary, Jenny Mahmoudi, Fei Guo, Birgit Schmidt-Wesche, Jeff Calcaterra

Meeting Summary

Here's a short summary of the last meeting and what was decided:

  • The goal of the Persona Working Group project is to make clear the needs of the people who are consuming OpenStack, so the cummunity understands what the product they're building needs to provide.
  • Initially the focus will be on technically-focused personas in order to ease development and also get community buy-in.
  • Methodology will be based on creating personas using the following video as guidance: http://aycl.uie.com/virtual_seminars/building_personas_in_30_days_or_less; rather than be site-visit focused, it will be more questionnaire focused.
  • Initial "buckets" (categories) that we will focus on are: Operator, User, Developer. These are intentionally broad.
  • Within those buckets will go the roles defined below (lines 68 to 165 in the Etherpad), as agreed by the working group.
  • Once we have roles, we will develop questions and recruit participants.
  • Roles are designed to make sure we haven't missed sub-groups within the buckets, and to facilitate question creation.
  • Decisions will be discussed in meetings but "ratified" on the mailing list, in case people miss the meeting.
  • For meetings, we still are determining when to meet. Current thinking is to meet every 2 weeks and perhaps host the meetings at at alternates times every other meeting so team members that are not in the US will have an easier time to join the meetings. Here's yet another Doodle to figure out the 2 different meeting times on which to meet:
When you vote, please keep in mind, we're trying to come up with 2 different meeting times -- one that accommodates US (most of the team currently) and one that accommodates folks overseas (Europe, Asia, Australia, etc.).
  • we need more folks to reviews the persona roles (lines 68 to 165 in the Etherpad) and comment on which ones you've come across, the titles most commonly associated with the role, and vote on which roles we should work on. Please do so before our next meeting.
  • OpenStack Personas Working Group Useful Links:
Mailing List archives: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-personas/
Mailing List: openstack-personas at lists.openstack.og
IRC: #openstack-ux
Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/persona-working-group

Meeting Summary for 18 December 2013

The initial meeting was kicked off on 18 December 2013.


Piet Kruithof (HP), Ju Lim (Red Hat), Liz Blanchard (Red Hat) , Andreas Jaeger (SUSE), Nermina Miller (Mirantis), Jeff Calcaterra (IBM), David Avila (IBM), David Lyle (HP), Jenny Mahmoudi (Puppet Labs), Terry Bleizeffer (IBM) Unable to attend but would have liked to: Tom Fifield (OpenStack Foundation), John Pruitt (Dell), Dave Neary (Red Hat), Birgit Schmidt-Wesche (IBM), Nick Chase (Mirantis), Fei Guo (Puppet Labs), Thuy Duong (IBM), Jacki Bauer (RackSpace)


Intro - meet and greet, expectations Group Organization - follow OpenStack community

  • To be officially recognized as an official program in OpenStack, there is a high hurdle so we'll have to run this as an informal program for now (especially since there is no official UX program). David Lyle (Horizon PTL) happy to lend a hand to help champion it within the Horizon community, e.g. give up a session at Summit. Horizon would be a consumer of these personas. OpenStack community still does not quite understand UX community and what it means to have UX and still very much code driven. user-committee exists already and how does UX fit in, as well as personas fit in with that effort. There is a process to get folks recognized as ATC (Active technical contributor) for folks who don't code (e.g. benefits: voting, free admission to Summit) and David willing to support folks working on this effort as ATCs. Will need to educate the other groups as to personas since it's still a new concept. Socializing and adoption will be important.
  • Level of Engagement

Attendees & Interests

  • Nermina Miller (Mirantis) -- wants to do a blog on this effort and try to promote it and observe, understand Russian
  • Liz Blanchard (Red Hat) -- interviews, validation, visual design, could maybe get Julie Pichon to help with interviewing in French, Jarda in Czech, Alvaro in Spanish?
  • Melissa (HP) -- interviews, analysis
  • Piet Kruithof (HP) -- interviews, analysis, project management
  • Ju Lim (Red Hat) -- all, Ju speaks Malay/Indonesian
  • IBM -- wants to be involved in entire process and contribute to each deliverables; still need to figure out who from IBM would be responsible for various deliverables. Thuy (interviews), tasks assignment TBD
  • Fei and Jenny (Puppet Labs) -- 20 hours a month? creating interview plan or plan for creating interviews-, post session analysis, Fei speaks Chinese
  • David Lyle (HP) -- advisory, help initial creation process understanding defacto current personas, review
  • Andreas (SUSE) -- mainly validate and review; speaks German
  • Tom Fifield (OpenStack Foundation) - keeping tabs & documentation team interface
  • Communications -- meeting logistics, when and how
  • Less often would be better

Action Items

  • For Everyone: Doodle for voting and finding an ideal meeting time: http://www.doodle.com/yiz4xytwmkkn6uh6. Please enter your name and vote for times that work for you for the monthly meeting.
  • Monthly meeting proposed for larger group
  • Subgroups may meet more frequently and have a different rhythm

More Kick-off Meeting Notes

  • User Committee Presentations:
Portland Summit (Havana planning) - http://www.openstack.org/summit/portland-2013/session-videos/presentation/openstack-user-committee-update-and-survey-results
Hong Kong Summit (Icehouse planning) - http://www.slideshare.net/openstack/openstack-user-survey-october-2013
Q. User survey data -- can we get access to the raw anonymized data? How soon?

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