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Revision as of 13:28, 17 October 2013 by Key (talk | contribs)



Document describes the idea and technical concept of DB service for OpenStack like Amazon DynamoDB. There is no implementation yet.

What is MagnetoDB?

MagnetoDB is Amazon DynamoDB API for OpenStack world.

Why it is needed?

To provide hight level database service with DynamoDB API interface

Why not Trove?

Initially suggested as blueprint for Trove it was rejected as not following the programm mission. MagnetoDB is not one of existing database provisioned by Trove, but storage with HTTP API where Trove is used for provisioning and managing underlaying database.

Overall architecture

It two layer horizintally scalable web application

Magnetodb architecture.png


The API consists of the following methods



The most suitable data source is Cassandra. But it is better to make datasource plugguble and give the framework for implementation of interface for any other underlying storage.

OpenStack component reusage

Purpose OS component
Provisioning of web tire Heat, Mistral (Convection)
Load balancer LBaaS, Neutron
Autoscaling of web tier Heat autoscaling, Ceilometer
Data Source provisioning and management Trove
Monitoring Ceilometer
Authentication Keystone


  • Web autoscaling is suggested to implement with HEAT autoscaling group resource
  • Datasource scalability based on future Trove autoscaling