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< Fuel
Revision as of 11:21, 5 August 2015 by Ipovolotskaya (talk | contribs) (How to create tags and branches in the plugin's repo)


What is Pluggable Architecture

Beginning with 6.0 version, Fuel features the ability to install plugins along with your environment. Fuel plugins are downloadable software components that enable you to add new capabilities to your environments in a flexible, repeatable and reliable manner. There is no need to install drivers and patches manually after Fuel deploys your cloud – plugins do this for you.

Fuel plugins enable you to install and configure additional capabilities for your cloud, such as additional storage types and networking functionality. For example, a Load Balancing as a Service (LBaaS) plugin allows you to add network load balancing functionality to your cloud so that incoming traffic can be spread across multiple nodes. Or you might want to use the GlusterFS plugin so that you can use a Gluster file system as a backend for block storage (Cinder).

Fuel offers an open source framework for creating these plugins, so there’s a wide range of capabilities that you can enable Fuel to add to your OpenStack clouds. If you’re a hardware vendor that has created drivers that enable OpenStack to work with your product, you can create a plugin so Fuel can deploy those drivers when it’s standing up new clouds. Or you might simply want to enable OpenStack functionality that’s not readily available in Fuel. Because Fuel includes a pluggable framework, you’re not limited to what’s provided “out of the box”.

The plugins are kept in a special Fuel Plugins Catalog.

Note, that Fuel plugins can only be installed before configuring and deploying the environment. Otherwise, you will have to redeploy the environment to enable the plugin. Please, make sure you read the documentation for the plugins you would like to install and that you are aware of limitations, prerequisites and known issues.

How to develop a plugin for Fuel

Planning to create a plugin for Fuel

Entry development requirements

When planning to write up a plugin for Fuel, mind the following recommendations:

  • Provide deb and rpm packages together with their dependencies. For instructions on creating packages, see Fedora project wiki and Ubuntu Packaging Guide.
  • Create puppet manifests according to the Official OpenStack documentation. For nice code examples and workflow, see Puppet in OpenStack.


It is recommended that you create a repo for your plugin in StackForge. StackForge is the way that OpenStack related projects can consume and make use of the OpenStack project infrastructure. This includes Gerrit code review, Jenkins continuous integration, GitHub repository mirroring, and various small things like IRC bots, pypi uploads, RTFD updates. Projects should make use of StackForge if they want to run their project with Gerrit code review and have a trunk gated by Jenkins. Your plugin project should look like https://github.com/stackforge/fuel-plugin-<your_plugin_name>.

How to create a project

1. Make sure you're registered at LaunchPad. If not, see the official OpenStack documentation.

2. Request the repo creation in Fuel project. Enter Fuel project at Launchpad and click Report a bug link.


3. In Summary, specify Create a plugin project in Stackforge.


4. Bug description should consist of:

  • Plugin name (for example, HA Fencing)
  • Plugin functionality overview (for example, enables STONITH-based fencing in HA mode)
  • Developer's contact information (email, skype, etc.)
  • List of developers with contact information to enter core reviewers group (example)- used to merge changes
  • List of developers with contact information to enter release group (example) - used to create release branches and tags in the repo

You will need to review the commit for your project and make sure both lists of developers to enter core and release groups are correct.

5. Click Extra options. In the menu, specify devops tag.


6. After the repo is created (that means, your bug should be marked as Fix Committed or Fix Released) you can start filling your repo with the following files:

  • Plugin code itself
  • README.md file with the following:
    • overview of your plugin (what functionality it provides)
    • links to external documentation/Fuel Plugins Catalog
  • specs folder with developer’s specification formed according to the template
  • LICENSE file
  • copyright for specific repo files
How to create tags and branches in the plugin's repo

To track the release cycle in a more efficient manner, you can use:

  1. release branches
  2. tags

The latter is the git concept that points to a specific commit.
In terms of plugins, it should be the same as the plugin's version specified in metadata.yaml file.
Here is the example implementation of the tag in VPNaaS plugin repo: Repo-tags-1.png

For instructions on creating a tag, see the official Project Driver's Guide.


  • You should add a tag once you get all the required files added into the repo and checked

if they contain copyrights. Otherwise, you will have to create new tags.

  • You should create tags with gpg key using console gnupg.


It's recommended to set up CI for your Fuel plugin. The section below provides summary instructions on CI components and their roles.


Here is the list of key issues, used in terms of Fuel Plugins CI:

CI Continuous Integration
CD Continuous Delivery
OSTF OpenStack Testing Framework
BVT Build Verification Tests
JJB Jenkins Job Builder
VM virtual machine
Fuel Fuel
Fuel CI Fuel CI
GitHub GitHub Server
Stackforge Stackforge
Gerrit OpenStack review tool

As to the tools, the following ones are used:

  • GitHub repository with Gerrit code-review tool
  • Jenkins CI-server - provides full information about jobs status, scheduler, test results, etc.
  • Jenkins Job Builder - tool for easy adding and managing Jenkins jobs. It provides functionality to store jobs’ configuration in a human-readable .yaml markup language and convert them to Jenkins-specific .xml.
Steps to prepare development & testing environments (mandatory)
  1. Stackforge and/or Gerrit repository should be created. See Repo section for more details.
  2. Preferable quantity of test labs should be allocated (plugin-specific).
  3. Specific Hardware resources should be installed and configured (plugin-specific).
  4. Test labs should be configured for setup environments and test running. See Fuel development documentation
Steps to configure CI server (optional)
  1. We recommend for all plugin developers to have their own CI server. It provides better versioning, collecting test-results, deduplicating the same jobs, easier configuration and managing.
  2. We recommend using Jenkins with Jenkins Job Builder plugin which provides easy jobs management and their configuration storage.
  3. We recommend to install JJB from git and take example jobs from the section below.You may find the main job helpful: this should be plugins.yaml and dependent builders: docs/builders/.sh.
  4. We recommend creating a pre-commit-hook to check your code:
# Save this script to <PROJECT>/.git/hooks/pre-review and make it executable
set -e
set -o pipefail

find . -name '*.pp' | xargs -P1 -L1 puppet parser validate --verbose
find . -name '*.pp' | xargs -P1 -L1 puppet-lint \
          --fail-on-warnings \
          --with-context \
          --with-filename \
          --no-80chars-check \
          --no-variable_scope-check \
          --no-nested_classes_or_defines-check \
          --no-autoloader_layout-check \
          --no-class_inherits_from_params_class-check \
          --no-documentation-check \
find . -name '*.erb' | xargs -P1 -L1 -I '%' erb -P -x -T '-' % | ruby -c
fpb --check  ./
Example jobs
  • deploy-plugin.sh:
set -ex

export SYSTEM_TESTS="${WORKSPACE}/utils/jenkins/system_tests.sh"
export VENV_PATH='/home/jenkins/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9'
YOUR_PLUGIN_PATH="$(ls ./*rpm)" #Change this to appropriate fuel-qa variable for your plugin
export YOUR_PLUGIN_PATH         #

sh -x "${SYSTEM_TESTS}" -w "${WORKSPACE}" -V "${VENV_PATH}" -i "${ISO_PATH}" -t test -o --group="${TEST_GROUP}"
  • prepare_env.sh:

set -ex

export VENV_PATH="/home/jenkins/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9"

rm -rf "${VENV_PATH}"


virtualenv --system-site-packages "${VENV_PATH}"
source "${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate"
pip install -r "${REQS_PATH}" --upgrade
django-admin.py syncdb --settings=devops.settings --noinput
django-admin.py migrate devops --settings=devops.settings --noinput
  • syntax-build-plugin.sh
set -ex

find . -name '*.erb' -print 0 | xargs -0 -P1 -I '%' erb -P -x -T '-' % | ruby -c
find . -name '*.pp' -print 0| xargs -0 -P1 puppet parser validate --verbose
find . -name '*.pp' -print 0| xargs -0 -P1 puppet-lint \
          --fail-on-warnings \
          --with-context \
          --with-filename \
          --no-80chars-check \
          --no-variable_scope-check \
          --no-nested_classes_or_defines-check \
          --no-autoloader_layout-check \
          --no-class_inherits_from_params_class-check \
          --no-documentation-check \

fpb --check  ./
fpb --build  ./
  • plugins.yaml:
- project:
    name: plugin_name #Your plugin mame
    path_to_fuel_iso: $PWD #Path to FuelISO
    plugin_repo: plugin_repo #Your plugin repo name at stackforge
    email_to: emails_list #List of emails separated by comma
    test_group: test_group #Test group in fuel-qa for deployment tests of your plugin
      - 'prepare_env'
      - '{name}.build'
      - '{name}.{dist}.deploy':
          dist: 'centos'
      - '{name}.{dist}.deploy':
          dist: 'ubuntu'

- job-template:
    name: 'prepare_env'
      - shell:
          !include-raw-escape './builders/prepare_env.sh'
    description: 'Prepare environment to testing'
      numToKeep: 10
      - string:
          name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC'
          default: 'refs/heads/master'
      - git:
            - $GERRIT_BRANCH
          refspec: $GERRIT_REFSPEC
          url: 'https://review.openstack.org/stackforge/fuel-qa'
          choosing-strategy: gerrit
            before: true
      - email:
          notify-every-unstable-build: true
          recipients: '{email_to}'

- job-template:
    name: '{name}.build'
      - shell:
          !include-raw-escape './builders/syntax-build-plugin.sh'
    description: '<a href=https://github.com/stackforge/{plugin_repo}>Build {name} plugin from fuel-plugins project</a>'
      numToKeep: 10
      - string:
          name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC'
          default: 'refs/heads/master'
      - git:
            - $GERRIT_BRANCH
          name: ''
          refspec: $GERRIT_REFSPEC
          url: 'https://review.openstack.org/stackforge/{plugin_repo}'
          choosing-strategy: gerrit
            before: true
      - gerrit:
            - patchset-created-event #Trigger plugin build for every gerrit patchset
            - project-compare-type: 'PLAIN'
              project-pattern: '{plugin_repo}'
                - branch-compare-type: 'ANT'
                  branch-pattern: '**'
          silent: true
          server-name: 'review.openstack.org'
      - archive:
          artifacts: '*.rpm'
      - email:
          notify-every-unstable-build: true
          recipients: '{email_to}'

- job-template:
    name: '{name}.{dist}.deploy'
      - copyartifact:
          project: '{name}.build'
          which-build: last-successful
      - inject:
          properties-content: |
      - shell:
          !include-raw-escape './builders/deploy-plugin.sh'
    description: 'fuel-qa system test for {name}'
      numToKeep: 10
      - string:
          name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC'
          default: 'refs/heads/master'
      - git:
            - $GERRIT_BRANCH
          refspec: $GERRIT_REFSPEC
          url: 'https://review.openstack.org/stackforge/fuel-qa'
          choosing-strategy: gerrit
            before: true
          wipe-workspace: false
      - archive:
          artifacts: 'logs/$BUILD_NUMBER/*'
      - email:
          notify-every-unstable-build: true
          recipients: '{email_to}'
CI/CD Workflow


In terms of a specific plugin, we recommend to go through the following CI pipeline:

  1. Prepare labs and start or update the lab (when a new Fuel ISO has been built):
    • a) Download current ISO from the Fuel CI. Depending on Fuel version specified in plugin’s requirements, Jenkins downloads released ISO(s) and/or currently developed and passed BVT test on core CI. (for now, this should be done manually; in future, API should be provided to inform external CIs about a new stable ISO)
    • b) Deploy this ISO and prepare the required amount of labs for testing using fuel-dev and fuel-qa repositories and running it in console: $ fuel-main/utils/jenkins/system_tests -t test -j dis_fuelweb_test -i (path to downloaded Fuel-ISO) -o --group=setup -V ${VIRTUAL_ENV} -k You can find all the information about script installation and usage in Fuel development documentation:
    • c) Create/restore the required quantity of empty VMs from snapshots.
      The script from the previous list item uses dos.py utility for managing VMs and their snapshots (it was configured and installed on the previous step). You can find all information about dos.py just running dos.py -h.
  2. Gerrit review job will start to build plugin. See Gerrit workflow for more details.
    • a) use preconfigured Gerrit Trigger to start your job after new Gerrit Patch arrives
    • b) run code syntax checker and unit tests according to the instructions from Testing
    • c) run puppet linter (see Puppet OpenStack page for more details)
    • d) build plugin (plugin should pass Fuel Plugin Builder requirements)
    • e) trigger plugin testing
  3. Vote on Gerrit patch’s page and add review result in comment using Gerrit Trigger. (optional)
  4. Plugin testing (all three steps are part of system_tests.sh runner from fuel-qa repository) :
    • a) install a plugin
    • b) configure an environment
    • c) deploy environment with inactive plugin
    • d) run OSTF tests.
  5. Run plugin-specific functional tests to check that current plugin version provides expected functionality.
  6. Publish resulting aggregated logs to the log storage. You can do it with archiving logs.
Automation test cases and test framework

You should follow this recommendation on how to write automation tests and configure test framework. Follow the links below for more information:

First of all, you should prepare environment and download Fuel ISO.

1. Clone GIT repository:

git clone https://github.com/stackforge/fuel-qa

2. Activate virtual env with running:

source ~/venv-nailgun-tests-2.9/bin/activate

3. Export Fuel ISO path with running:

export ISO_PATH=path-to-iso

4. Enter this folder:

cd fuel-qa/

Start tests by running this command:

./utils/jenkins/system_tests.sh -t test -w $(pwd) -j fuelweb_test -i $ISO_PATH -o --group=setup

Alternatively you can install empty setup with 1, 3, 5 or 9 slaves for the manual testing:

fuel-qa$ ./utils/jenkins/system_tests.sh -t test -w $(pwd) -j fuelweb_test -i $ISO_PATH -o --group=prepare_slaves_5

system_tests file is used as a runner for tests from fuel-qa repository.

5. For more information on how tests work and additional options for test run, read the usage information with running:

./utils/jenkins/system_tests.sh -h

In the section below, you can find information about main files and modules:

  • system_tests.sh - a file where tests start execution. This file processes parameters specified from command line and invokes run_tests.py
  • run_tests.py - used to import your test files inside this file to run your test then.
  • settings.py - contains environment variables used for environment customization. With this file, you can set such variables like path to ISO, nodes quantity, etc.

Models folder with files provides the main logic of the project:

  • environment.py - contains methods for environment deploying, virtual machines creation and networking for them, installing Fuel on the Fuel Master node, etc.

Environment creation process uses devops manager fuel-devops/devops/manager.py. Devops manager is used for virtual machines creation and uses lower level libvirt driver. Also environment model contains methods for ssh interaction.

  • nailgun_client.py - contains functionality for nailgun handlers, methods and API that are supported by the nailgun client can be found here. Nailgun client uses http client that is located in helpers folder. Nailgun client is used in fuel web client.

Fuel web client contains such methods as:cluster creation, OSTF tests launch, adding nodes to the cluster, etc.

Helpers folder contains the following files:

  • checkers.py - has methods for ssh client to verify nodes access and other.
  • common.py - has methods for OpenStack API access, instances creation, etc.
  • decorators.py - has different decorators, the most usable is ‘’log_snapshot_on_error’’; it's recommended to use this decorator for all tests, in case of any error diagnostic and environment snapshots will be created.
  • os_actions.py - has methods to work with OpenStack.

When writing your first test case, please mind the following:

  • for writing your first test case, you can use ‘’test_fuel_plugin_example.py’’.
  • when creating your own test class, you have to inherit this test class from TestBasic class located in ‘’base_test_case.py’’ where fuel web client initialization is performed.
  • each test class and method have to be decorated with ‘’@test’’.
  • each class in test group has groups to run all test cases together and each test case has groups to separate run.
  • test cases have depends_on method or test and it means that this test case does not run until depends_on method or test will be done.

Test execution order:

  1. Base test cases are executed: these are the tests that set up environment and install the Fuel Master node.
  2. After these tests are passed, snapshots are created which will be used by tests for creating clusters.
  3. Revert to previously created snapshots.
  4. Set up cluster and deploy it.
  5. Run Health check test (OSTF).

For test execution debugging you can use dos.py You can create snapshot with the following command:

dos.py snapshot fuelweb_test_system_test –snapshot-name=<myenv>

You can revert snapshot with:

dos.py revert fuelweb_test_system_test –snapshot-name=<myenv>

Where to keep plugin's tests

Currently, the system tests for Fuel Plugins are kept in fuel-qa repo because system_tests framework is used as the basic one. In Fuel 6.1, it is impossible to keep tests in a separate repo as they all depend on system_tests.

Preparing an environment for plugin development

Prepare your environment for plugin development in three easy steps:

1. Install the standard Linux development tools.

  • For Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, run:
   sudo apt-get install createrepo rpm dpkg-dev
  • For Centos 6.5, run:
   yum install createrepo rpm rpm-build dpkg-devel

2. Install the Fuel Plugin Builder. To do that, you should first get pip:

   easy_install pip

3. Then, install Fuel Plugin Builder (fpb) itself:

   pip install fuel-plugin-builder

If you need to install the latest version of the Fuel Plugin Builder, follow the instruction below:

1. Clone the repository:

   "git clone https://github.com/stackforge/fuel-plugins.git"

2. Go to the 'fuel_plugin_builder' folder:

   "cd fuel-plugins/fuel_plugin_builder/"

3. Install the fpb:

   "sudo python setup.py develop"

Using Fuel Plugin Builder tool

Plugin structure

To build your plugin, you should first generate its structure. It looks as follows:

Untitled drawing-3.png

Generating the structure and building the plugin

So, to generate the plugin structure as given above, you should run the following command:

fpb --create <fuel_plugin_name>

As the result, you will only have to build your plugin: fpb --build <fuel_plugin_name>

After your plugin is built, you can see it in your plugin's directory; for example, fuel_plugin_name/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0.noarch.rpm".

How to use files from plugin structure


By default, Fuel Plugin Builder generates two tasks:

  • The first one runs a deploy.sh bash script that is located in deployment_scripts directory; this task is applied only on nodes with Controller role.
  • The second task creates /tmp/plugin.all file that contains all text; this task is applied to all nodes in the environment.

stage parameter

Each task has a "stage" parameter which tells when to run a particular task; "stage" can have either post_deployment or pre_deployment value:


timeout parameter

For each task, you must also specify execution timeout in seconds. Otherwise, the deployment will fail if timeout expires. By default, timeout is set to 300 seconds.
Previously, when plugin developer set timeout for operation, this timeout worked differently for specific operations. For example:

  • shell task type timeout = timeout * retries (Mcollective retries, 2 by default)
  • puppet task type timeout = global timeout (the one set by plugin developer).

Now its works properly in both cases: shell and puppet task types have global timeout.

type: shell parameter

Fuel supports two types of plugins, shell and puppet: the first one runs the specified shell command, the second applies Puppet manifests.

Here is the example of shell task:

# This tasks will be applied on controller nodes,
# here you can also specify several roles, for example
# ['cinder', 'compute'] will be applied only on
# cinder and compute nodes
- role: ['controller']
  stage: post_deployment
  type: shell
    cmd: ./deploy.sh
    timeout: 42
# Task is applied for all roles
- role: '*'
  stage: pre_deployment
  type: shell
    cmd: echo all > /tmp/plugin.all
    timeout: 42

type: puppet parameter

Puppet task type allows you to apply your own Puppet manifests on OpenStack nodes. For more information, see Puppet in Fuel section.

To enable this task type, add your site.pp file in deployment_scripts/puppet/manifests/ directory. Then put all required modules in deployment_scripts/puppet/modules directory.

  • puppet_manifest - specify directory path for your manifest relative to deployment_scripts.
  • puppet_modules - specify directory path for your modules relative to deployment_scripts.
# Deployment will be applied on controllers only
- role: ['controller']
  stage: post_deployment
  type: puppet
    puppet_manifest: puppet/manifests/site.pp
    puppet_modules: puppet/modules
    timeout: 360

type: reboot parameter

Beginning with Fuel 6.1 release for plugins with package_version: 2.0.0, reboot task type allows you to reboot your node with specifying the timeout. This can be useful to apply numerous changes at the node.

- role: '*'
  stage: pre_deployment
  type: reboot
    timeout: 300


This file describes additional attributes that will appear on the Settings tab of the Fuel web UI. When the environment is deployed, these attributes are passed to the task executor so that the data is available in the /etc/astute.yaml file on each target node and can be accessed from your bash or puppet scripts.

By default, your environment_config.yaml file adds text field on Fuel web UI:

    value: 'Set default value'
    label: 'Text field'
    description: 'Description for text field'
    weight: 25
    type: "text"

For more information on Fuel web UI elements for a plugin, see Fuel plugin UI elements.


This file contains the description of your plugin:

# Plugin name
name: fuel_plugin_name
# Human-readable name for your plugin, it will be shown on UI
# as a name of plugin group
title: Title for fuel_plugin_name plugin
# Plugin version
version: 1.0.0
# Description
description: Enable to use plugin X
# Required fuel version
fuel_version: ['6.0']
# The plugin is compatible with releases in the list
  - os: ubuntu
    version: 2014.2-6.0
    mode: ['ha', 'multinode']
    deployment_scripts_path: deployment_scripts/
    repository_path: repositories/ubuntu
  - os: centos
    version: 2014.2-6.0
    mode: ['ha', 'multinode']
    deployment_scripts_path: deployment_scripts/
    repository_path: repositories/centos
# Version of plugin package
package_version: '1.0.0'
Parameter Usage Comments/Example
name Internal name for your plugin. Name can consist of lowercase letters, '-' and '_' symbols.
title Human-readable name for the plugin that will appear on the Fuel web UI.
description Description of your plugin. For example: Enables X functionality for nodes with Controller role.
version Plugin version. For the guidelines, see Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
fuel_version A list of plugin-compatible versions of Fuel. For example, 2014.2-6.0.
package_version version of plugin; Fuel uses this version to choose the way a plugin should be installed. Example
releases a list of OpenStack releases compatible with the plugin. For example, 2014.2-6.0.
os a name of supported Linux distribution For example, Ubuntu or CentOSe
version A version of OpenStack release
mode A list plugin-compatible modes. 'ha' is used if plugin supports High Availability;’'multinode' - if it does not.
deployment_scripts_path A path in your plugin directory where all deployment scripts for the release are located relative to the top of the plugin directory.
repository_path A path in your plugin directory where all packages for the release are located relative to the top of the plugin directory. Example

Plugins deployment order

Beginning with Fuel 6.1 release, you can specify the order in which plugins are deployed. This is especially useful if several plugins should be enabled in one environment. For example, plugins for network configuration should be run before plugins installing software services. For each stage name plugin developer adds a postfix, which defines the stage of specific execution order of the task. Let's have a look at the following sample:

The tasks.yaml file of Fuel plugin A:

role: ['primary-controller', 'controller']
      stage: post_deployment/100
      type: shell
        cmd: ./deploy.sh
        timeout: 42

The tasks.yaml file of Fuel plugin B:

 role: ['primary-controller', 'controller']
      stage: post_deployment/50
      type: shell
        cmd: ./deploy.sh
        timeout: 42

During post_deployment stage execution, the task of plugin B will be run before plugin post task of plugin A, because post_deployment/50 is lower than post_deployment/100. Nevertheless, in some cases plugins do not know about each other so the best way to solve the problem is to define the convention of ranges which plugin developers will be able to use:

0 - 999 hardware configuration, for example drivers configuration
1000 - 1999 reserved for future uses
2000 - 2999 disks partitioning and volumes configuration
3000 - 3999 reserved for future uses
4000 - 4999 network configuration
5000 - 5999 reserved for future uses
6000 - 6999 software deployment
7000 - 7999 reserved for future uses
8000 - 8999 monitoring services deployment

How the deployment order works in specific cases

  • If one network plugin defines stage: post_deployment/100

and another one has stage: post_deployment/2000, they will be installed in the right order without knowing about each other.

  • If there are two plugins which implement monitoring, plugin developers

can figure out which plugin should be installed first and tune postfixes accordingly.

  • If two tasks have the same priority, they should be sorted in alphabetical

order by name and the first in the list should be deployed first.

  • If several tasks with the same postfix priority are present in a single plugin,

then they should be deployed in the same order in which they specified in the file.

  • Postfix can be negative or positive, floating or integer number.

Additional stages

Additional plugin-specific stages can be defined:

  • hw_configuration
  • disk_partitioning
  • network_configuration
  • software_installation

With the already existing stages:

  • pre_deployment
  • post_deployment

And, finally, a new stage:

  • monitoring

In this case, plugin developer will be able to work with a single entity without some additional postfixes.

How to display plugin restrictions to users

Sometimes you might need to provide restrictions for your plugin in the Fuel UI. That means, all incompatible options (e.g. Networking Setup) should be somehow grayed out.

What are restrictions?

Restrictions define when settings and setting groups should be available. Each restriction is defined as a condition with optional action and message:

  - condition: "settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"
    message: "KVM only is supported"
  - condition: "not ('experimental' in version:feature_groups)"
    action: hide
  • condition is an expression written in Expression DSL. If returned value is true, then action is performed and message is shown (if specified).
  • action defines what to do if condition is satisfied. Supported values are "disable", "hide" and "none". The "none" value can be used just to display message. This field is optional (the default value is "disable"):
    • disable - plugin checkbox (placed into the Settings tab of the Fuel web UI) turns inactive and has a yellow triangle with a pop-up warning (when hovering a mouse).
    • hide - when incorrect parameters are selected, the plugin checkbox will not appear in the Settings tab of the Fuel web UI at all.
    • none - plugin checkbox stays active and has a yellow triangle with a warning (when hovering a mouse).
  • message is a message that is displayed if the condition is satisfied. This field is optional.
  • strict is a boolean flag which specifies how to handle non-existent keys in expressions. If it is set to true (default value), exception is thrown in case of non-existent key. Otherwise values of such keys have null value. Setting this flag to false is useful for conditions which rely on settings provided by plugins:
  - condition: "settings:other_plugin == null or settings:other_plugin.metadata.enabled != true"
    strict: false
    message: "Other plugin must be installed and enabled"

There are also short forms of restrictions:

  - "settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'": "KVM only is supported"
  - "settings:storage.volumes_ceph.value == true"
How to add restrictions to plugin-related fields and checkbox

Note, that you can not only add restrictions to the checkbox, but also to the plugin-related fields. Here is the example implementation:

  # Show contrail only in supported network config
      - condition: "not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"
        message: "Please use Neutron with VLAN segmentation, the only network type supported with Contrail plugin."
    value: '64512'
    label: 'AS Number'
    description: 'AS number for BGP communication'
    weight: 10
    type: "text"
      source: '^(?:(6553[0-5])|(655[0-2]\d)|(65[0-4]\d{2})|(6[0-4]\d{3})|([1-5]\d{4})|([1-9]\d{1,3})|([1-9]))$'
      error: "Invalid AS number"
    value: ''
    label: 'Private network CIDR'
    description: 'CIDR for private network used in Contrail inter-node communication'
    weight: 20
    type: "text"
      source: '^(?:\d|1?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(?:\.(?:\d|1?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){3}(?:\/(?:[1-2]\d|[8-9]))$'
      error: "Invalid network CIDR"

Such a restriction will be then displayed in the Fuel web UI as follows: Plugin-restriction.png

Example implementation

Here is the example implementation of the restriction:

              - data: "disabled"
                label: "Mellanox drivers and plugins disabled"
                description: "If selected, Mellanox drivers, Neutron and Cinder plugin will not be installed."
                  - "settings:storage.iser.value == true"
              - data: "drivers_only"
                label: "Install only Mellanox drivers"
                description: "If selected, Mellanox Ethernet drivers will be installed to support networking over Mellanox NIC. Mellanox Neutron plugin will not be installed."
                  - "settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm'"
              - data: "ethernet"
                label: "Install Mellanox drivers and SR-IOV plugin"
                description: "If selected, both Mellanox Ethernet drivers and Mellanox network acceleration (Neutron) plugin will be installed."
                  - "settings:common.libvirt_type.value != 'kvm' or not (cluster:net_provider == 'neutron' and networking_parameters:segmentation_type == 'vlan')"

How to migrate plugins from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 package version

Beginning with Fuel 6.1, new plugins format is supported. Note, that new format is not compatible with Fuel 6.0.

For new plugins, Fuel Plugin Builder builds RPM packages instead of fuel plugin archives.

In order to migrate from old format to new, follow these steps:

  • Get the latest fuel plugin builder version, 2.0.0 or higher.
pip install fuel-plugin-builder
  • Change the value of package_version parameter in metadata.yaml file from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0.
  • Run the following command:
fpb --check plugin_path

and fix the errors one by one or follow the instructions below.


If your plugin uses "controller" role in tasks.yaml file, make sure that you have also specified the "primary-controller". In new plugins, "controller" and "primary-controller" should be defined explicitly. In previous version, you could indicate "controller", and then the "primary-controller" was added at the backend automatically.

Brand new features

Several obligatory fields are added to metadata.yaml file:

  • groups field is used to specify group which your plugin belongs to. Either of the options is available:
    • network
    • storage
    • storage::cinder
    • storage::glance
    • hypervisor
    • monitoring.

If your plugin does not belong to any of these options, set an empty list as a value for "groups" parameter.

  • authors field provides the list of authors. Here you should specify your or your company's name.
 Note: No commas should be used in authors field like in the following example: 
       authors: ['Vyacheslav Struk, Mirantis', 'Oleksandr Martsyniuk, Mirantis']
  • licenses field contains the list of licenses.
  • homepage field sets a link to plugin's project.

See the Contrail plugin metadata.yaml file for example.

One more task type is introduced: the reboot task is useful if you perform node configuration which requires reboot; for example, in case of linux kernel parameters configuration. For information about reboot task type, see the Plugins wiki.

Plugin versioning system

When new functionality, minor updates or security fixes should be delivered, plugin developer creates a new version of the plugin; this can be major or minor one:

  • major - changes in API, functionality.
  • minor - security fixes only.

In 6.0, plugins had .fp format only. It’s deprecated now. In 6.1 and higher, only RPM plugins are used. Their versioning is performed as follows:

Plugin file format fuel-plugin value metadata.yaml major minor
RPM fuel-plugin-1.0-1.0.0 1.0 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.1

Here is the example: Let's suppose that a plugin has 1.0.1 version in the metadata.yaml file. The plugin file should then have a different format: plugin-1.0-1.0.1.rpm.

Update procedure

Update Limitations
fp NO
RPM YES Can be updated to minor version only with fuel plugins --update <fuel-plugin-file> command. To get a major one, user has to download it from Fuel Plugins Catalog and create a new environment from scratch.

Versioning scheme

  • for .fp plugins versioning is not supported at all. That means, user has to download&install the plugin from scratch.
  • for RPM plugins, it looks as follows:

Rpm plugin versioning.png

Important note

Please, consider changing the versioning scheme for customized packages to have clear indicator which package is installed - the ones that enter Mirantis OpenStack or customized ones.

Otherwise, there is need to check python files to understand which package is actually installed.

How it works from the inside


Installation procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. User copies fuel_plugin_name-1.0-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm file on the Fuel Master node with secure copy.
  2. Then, after it’s copied to the Fuel Master node, the user runs the following command:
    fuel plugins --install fuel_plugin_name-1.0-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
  3. Fuel client installs the contents of the fuel_plugin_name-1.0-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm package to the /var/www/nailgun/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.
  4. Fuel client registers the plugin using REST API Service (Nailgun); it sends a POST request with the contents of metadata.yaml file to /api/v1/plugins url.


Configuration procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. When a new environment is created, Nailgun tries to find plugins which are compatible with the environment.
  2. Nailgun merges the contents of the environment_config.yaml files with the basic attributes of the environment and generates a separate group and the checkbox on the Fuel web UI for each plugin.
  3. The plugin is disabled until the user enables it. After user selected the plugin checkbox, the Fuel web UI sends the data to Nailgun. Nailgun parses the request and creates relations between Plugin and Cluster models.


After environment is created and configured, user starts a deployment. Meanwhile, Nailgun gets the list of enabled plugins from the database. For each plugin from the list, Nailgun parses tasks.yaml file:

- role: ['controller']
  stage: post_deployment
  type: shell
    cmd: ./deploy.sh
    timeout: 42
- role: '*'
  stage: pre_deployment
  type: shell
    cmd: echo all > /tmp/plugin.all
    timeout: 42

For example, we have a two-node environment deployed. A node has a Controller role with UID 7 and Compute role with UID 8. In this case, the task executor generates the following tasks:

    "pre_deployment": [
            "uids": ["8", "7"],
            "parameters": {
                "path": "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0.list",
                "data": "deb
                fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/repositories/ubuntu /"
            "priority": 100,
            "fail_on_error": true,
            "type": "upload_file",
            "diagnostic_name": "fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0"
            "uids": ["8", "7"],
            "parameters": {
                "src": "rsync://",
                "dst": "/etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/"
            "priority": 200,
            "fail_on_error": true,
            "type": "sync",
            "diagnostic_name": "fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0"
            "uids": ["8", "7"],
            "parameters": {
                "cmd": "echo all > /tmp/plugin.all",
                "cwd": "/etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/",
                "timeout": 42
            "priority": 300,
            "fail_on_error": true,
            "type": "shell",
            "diagnostic_name": "fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0"
    "post_deployment": [
            "uids": ["7"],
            "parameters": {
                "cmd": "./deploy.sh",
                "cwd": "/etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/",
                "timeout": 42
            "priority": 100,
            "fail_on_error": true,
            "type": "shell",
            "diagnostic_name": "fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0"
    "deployment_info": "<Here is regular deployment info>"
Task Comment
pre_deployment 1st subtask: Generated automatically by Nailgun. Adds a new repository for the node. Repository's path is built according to the following template:
  • master_ip is an IP address of the Fuel Master node
  • plugin_name is a plugin name
  • plugin_version is the plugin version
  • repository_path is a path for a specific release in metadata.yaml file.

2nd subtask: Generated automatically by Nailgun.Using rsync, copies plugin deployment scripts on the target nodes. Path to these files is pretty similar to the repository path. The only difference is that the deployment scripts path is taken from deployment_scripts_path that is placed into metadata.yaml file. 3rd subtask: Initiated by user and taken from tasks.yaml file, converted to task executor format.

post_deployment Has only one task which is taken from tasks.yaml file; uids field contains a list of nodes on which user should run a particular task. In this example, tasks.yaml file has "role: ['controller']" and this role is assigned to controller
deployment_info Contains configuration information, required for deployment and not related to plugins.


Once you have encountered a bug in a specific plugin, plugin development team should quickly learn about that and start creating a fix or workaround.

The Fuel Plugins Launchpad project uses a widely spread bug triage workflow. It is based on reporting bugs, providing information for bug reports and working out the fix. In terms of the triage process, we use Importance and Status to reflect progress on bug fixing.

Importance criteria

Development bugs

  • Critical = can't deploy anything and there's no trivial workaround; data loss; or security vulnerability
  • High = specific hardware, configurations, or components are unusable and there's no workaround; or everything is broken but there's a workaround
  • Medium = specific hardware, configurations, or components are working incorrectly; or is completely unusable but there's a workaround
  • Low = minor feature is broken and can be fixed with a trivial workaround; or a cosmetic defect
  • Wishlist = Not really a bug, but a suggested improvement

Documentation bugs

  • Critical = following the instructions from documentation can cause outage or data loss
  • High = documentation includes information that is not true, or instructions that do not yield the advertised outcome
  • Medium = important information is missing from documentation (e.g. new feature description)
  • Low = additional information would improve reader's understanding of a feature
  • Wishlist = cosmetic formatting and grammar issues


All bugs, both development and documentation can have the following statuses:

New is the default state assigned to the bug automatically when it was reported. Make sure there is no bug already filed for the same issue (use advanced search filters at LaunchPad), then enter the details of your report.

  • Incomplete. The bug report is incomplete and needs more information before it can be triaged.

If you lack information to properly reproduce or assess the importance of the bug, you should ask the original reporter for more information.

  • Confirmed. Someone besides the original reporter believes that this report describes a genuine

bug in enough detail that a developer could start to work on a fix. The person must make sure that milestone, importance and assignee are present and set properly. Still the bug could not be reproducible or confirmed as genuine.

  • Triaged (optional). The bug supervisor believes the bug report contains all information a developer

needs to start work on a fix. It is clear how to fix the bug and solution can be posted in the comments. Sometimes the implementation of the fix will be straightforward and you would jump directly to bugfixing, but in some other cases, you would just post your complete debugging analysis and give someone else the opportunity of fixing the bug.

  • In progress. At this stage, a developer starts working on the fix. During that time, in order to avoid

duplicating the work, this status should be set immediately when developer starts the work on the issue. Note, that when the commit is created (with sending the first patch set out to review) and Closes-Bug tag is put into the commit message, this status is assigned to the bug automatically. If the developer was not specified manually, then his/her name will appear in the bug report after sending out the first patch set for review.

  • Fix committed. Once the change is reviewed, accepted, approved by Core Reviewer (with the

subsequent merge to the master branch), it will automatically move to Fix committed status.

  • Fix released. Someone besides the assignee has verified that the issue does not manifest after the fix is applied.

The status is left for QA to mark bugs as verified after fix is merged to the master branch.

How to report a bug

  1. Make sure you're registered at LaunchPad. If not, see the official OpenStack Developer's Guide.
  2. Report a bug in Launchpad in the Fuel Plugins project: enter https://launchpad.net/fuel-plugins.
  3. Click Report a bug link:
  4. Fill in Summary field for a bug. It is going to be the headline. The headline must cointain plugin name (for example, EMC Plugin) in square brackets. Please be descriptive but short and to the point:
    • Bad - "<plugin-name> doesn’t install"
    • Good - "<plugin name> fails to install in HA mode when “Neutron with VLANs” network is selected"
  5. Enter “Further information”. This is a bug description. Let's focus on every issue it has:
  6. Description of the environment. Provide enough relevant information:
    • Output of http://fuel-master-node:8000/api/version/
    • Operating System
    • Reference Architecture (HA / non-HA)
    • Network model (Nova-network, Neutron+VLAN, Neutron+GRE, etc.)
    • Related Projects installed (Savanna, Murano, Ceilometer)
  7. Steps to reproduce:
    • Bad: Run the deployment in HA configuration
    • Good:Install the Fuel Master node. Copy the plugin to the Fuel Master node and install it. Create a new cluster.
  8. Expected result:
    • Good: The plugin is deployed, up and running.
  9. Actual result:
    • Bad: Plugin fails to install.
    • Good: Plugin installation fails with the error message “xxx”. Please see the attached screenshot which shows the errors on “Logs” tab.
  10. Workaround:
    • Bad: Don’t use “Neutron with VLANs”
    • Good: Apply patch/Change configuration from x to y.
  11. Impact:
    • Bad: Needs to be fixed.
    • Good: Deployment cannot be completed, because customer requires us to implement a use case for Savanna and “Neutron with VLANs”. Changing configuration to “Neutron with GRE” is not as acceptable option here so this has to be addressed as soon as possible.
  12. Select visibility for the bug under “This bug contains information that is” field. Either leave it as “Public” by default.
  13. Add attachments under “Extra Options” section
  14. Logs
  15. Diagnostic snapshot
  16. Screenshots
  17. Add <plugin-name> tag.
  18. After everything is entered, select the “Submit bug report” button.

Important note: please, keep private bugs in internal bugtrackers. Do not report any of those at LaunchPad.

Common recommendations for bug triage workflow

When triaging bugs, please take into consideration the following:

  • Review all New bugs. Plugin development team is responsible for the review. To create a plugin’s team, follow How to create plugin development team in Launchpad
  • Target each New bug to the release milestone under development and set the corresponding bug status.
  • Consider changing the bug title to be more specific: replace generic statements like "deployment timeout exceeded" with description of the root cause (if identified) or symptoms that are unique for that bug. Feel free to use tags in the bug title and the report with creating new tags manually when required.
  • Assuming all bugs reported in Fuel Plugins project are public, request the missing information, and set the bug status to Incomplete. Add a comment using the following template: We didn't receive required details in order to correctly troubleshoot the problem, so we are setting this bug into Incomplete state. Please provide the requested information and we will investigate this issue further. If you think it was set to Incomplete by mistake, please comment in the bug.
  • If there is sufficient information on how to reproduce the bug and milestone, importance and assignee are properly set, set the status to Confirmed.
  • If there is sufficient information to start implementing a fix, set the status to Triaged.
  • If the root cause of the bug is identified, include it in the bug description.
  • Review all Incomplete bugs.
  • If an Incomplete bug has new updates, use the same steps as described above for New bugs.
  • If an Incomplete bug did not have any updates for 4 weeks, close it as Invalid. Add a comment using the following template: This bug was incomplete for more than 4 weeks. We cannot investigate it further so we are setting the status to Invalid. If you think it is not correct, please feel free to provide more information and reopen the bug, and we will look into it further.
  • During new release scoping, review all bugs targeted at that release milestone, make sure it is updated daily by the assignee (or bug reporter if the bug is not assigned to a person).
  • Every status change of a bug should be accompanied by a comment explaining the reason why the change was made.

Bug report tags

For tracking bugs better, please, use different tags:

  • every plugin should have its own tag that has <plugin name> format.
  • every documentation issue should be marged as docs.

How to create plugin development team in Launchpad

To make the bug tracking process for plugins as simple as possible, plugin developers should create their own teams in Launchpad. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Enter Launchpad site.
  2. Click Register a team link:
  3. Fill in the fields. You should also provide the following links to the plugin repo, README.md file and Fuel Plugins Catalog:
  4. Select Membership policy:
  5. Click Create Team button to finish.

For information on adding members and running your team, see the official Launchpad guidelines.


How To: Build and install a plugin from source

These instructions explain how to build a plugin package from the source repository. This is useful when you want to install a plugin's version that isn't available on the Fuel plugins catalog yet.

1. Install the fuel-plugin-builder script.

2. Clone the plugin's repository.

git clone https://git.openstack.org/stackforge/fuel-plugin-neutron-fwaas

3. Go to the plugin's directory and switch to the desired Git branch or tag (optional).

4. Build the plugin's package.

fpb --build ./fuel-plugin-neutron-fwaas

5. The resulting RPM package should be available in the current directory. Follow the rest of the installation procedure as described in the README.md file of the plugin.

How To: Debug UI

UI elements are described in environment_config.yaml file. To check how your built plugin looks on the Fuel web UI, install and create an environment:

1. Enter plugin directory

cd fuel_plugin_name

2. Edit environment_config.yaml file

3. Build a plugin

fpb --build <plugin_name>

4. Install plugin, use "--force" parameter to replace the plugin if you have it installed:

fuel plugins --install fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0.fp --force

5. Create new environment

fuel env --create --release 1 --name test

6. Check that UI correctly shows elements from environment_config.yaml file

How To: Debug deployment

To show how it works, let's create a simple plugin with an error in the deployment script.

1. Create a plugin:

fpb --create fuel_plugin_name

2. Add an error in the default deployment script (fuel_plugin_name/deployment_scripts/deploy.sh):

# It's a script which deploys your plugin
echo fuel_plugin_name > /tmp/fuel_plugin_name
# Non-zero exit code means, that a script executed with error
exit 1

3. If you do not want to run plugin build, but you want to check that plugin format is correct, you can use --check parameter with the following command:

fpb --check fuel_plugin_name

4. Build and install the plugin:

fpb --build fuel_plugin_name/
fuel plugins --install fuel_plugin_name/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0.fp

5. Use the Fuel web UI or CLI to create an environment:

fuel env create --name test --rel 1 --mode multinode --network-mode nova

6. Enable the plugin on Fuel web UI Settings tab and then add several nodes. The first node has Controller role, the second node has Cinder and Computes roles.

fuel node set --node 1 --env 1 --role controller
fuel node set --node 2 --env 1 --role compute,cinder

7. Check that Nailgun generates correct configuration data that a user can set on Fuel web UI:

fuel deployment --default --env 1
 cat deployment_1/controller_1.yaml
   fuel_plugin_name_text: Set default value

8. Now can see that the file for target node contains plugin data.


The command mentioned above is useful when you do not know how your configuration data from Fuel web UI Settings tab will look like in /etc/astute.yaml file on target nodes.

9. Perform provisioning without deployment for two nodes:

fuel --env 1 node --provision --node 1,2


To reduce the time required for testing, make a snapshot after nodes are provisioned. Note that if you use virtual machines, make snapshots of your target nodes.

10. Now you can run deployment:

fuel --env 1 node --deploy --node 1,2

11. The deployment fails with the following message:

Deployment has failed. Method deploy. Failed to deploy plugin fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0 

12. You can see an error in /var/log/docker-logs/astute/astute.log task executor logs:

[394] Shell command failed. Check debug output for details
[394] 13edd324-6a11-4342-bc04-66c659e75e35: cmd: ./deploy.sh
cwd: /etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/
exit code: 1

13. It fails due to the changes in deploy.sh script that you made in step 2. Let's assume that we do not know what happened and try to debug the problem:

# Go to the first node
ssh node-1

14. All plugin deployment scripts are copied to the separate directory on the target node; in this case, it is /etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/:

cd /etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/
# The directory contains our deploy.sh script, lets run it
# And check exit code
echo $? # Returns 1


If you use puppet for your plugin deployment, run the following command on the target node to check if your puppet manifests work correctly:

puppet apply --debug --modulepath=/etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/modules /etc/fuel/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/manifests/site.pp

15. Now we can see that deployment fails due to non-zero exit code error. To fix the problem and check that the proposed solution works, edit the /var/www/nailgun/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/deployment_scripts/deploy.sh script on the Fuel Master node. Note that there is no need to rebuild and reinstall a plugin:


# It's a script which deploys your plugin
echo fuel_plugin_name > /tmp/fuel_plugin_name

# Now our deployment script returns 0 instead of 1
exit 0

16. If you run the deployment again, it goes successfully:

fuel --env 1 node --deploy --node 1,2


During the testing of your deployment scripts, make sure that your scripts are idempotent: they should work correctly when applied several times. Run environment deployment at least twice and check that your plugin works properly. The reason for this workflow is the following: Fuel can run deployment of your plugin several times in case the first deployment try failed. Also, your deployment scripts can be executed during OpenStack patching.

17. To make sure that plugin works without errors, revert snapshots which you made in step 6, and run deployment again:

fuel --env 1 node --deploy --node 1,2

18. In the same way with no plugin reinstallation, you can edit /var/www/nailgun/plugins/<fuel_plugin_name>-1.0.0/tasks.yaml file. Note that in this case to make sure that your tasks have a valid format, you should at least run the following command:

fpb --check /var/www/nailgun/plugins/fuel_plugin_name-1.0.0/

Plugin elements in the Fuel web UI

Here is an example of the environment_config.yaml file that contains all possible Fuel web UI elements:


  # Text field
    type: "text"
    weight: 10
    value: "Default text"
    label: "Text field label"
    description: "Field description"
      source: '\S'
      error: "Error field cannot be empty"

 # Select
    type: "select"
    weight: 20
    value: "value2"
    label: "Select label"
    description: "Select description"
      - data: "value1"
        label: "Value 1 label"
      - data: "value2"
        label: "Value 2 label"
      - data: "value3"
        label: "Value 3 label"

  # Checkbox
    type: "checkbox"
    weight: 30
    value: false
    label: "Checkbox label"
    description: "Checkbox description"

  # Radio button
    type: "radio"
    weight: 40
    value: "disabled"
    label: "Radio buttons label"
      - data: "data1"
        label: "Label data1"
        description: "Description data1"
      - data: "data2"
        label: "Label data2"
        description: "Description data2"
      - data: "data3"
        label: "Label data3"
        description: "Description data3"

After plugin is installed, additional elements will appear on the Settings tab of the Fuel web UI. Here are UI elemens for Elasticsearch-Kibana plugin:


Puppet in Fuel

Fuel does not use master Puppet. Task executor copies manifest from the Fuel Master node and runs puppet apply command on each target node. It is recommended that you use puppet tasks in your plugin instead of running puppet in shell tasks. Task executor has code with special logic which handles errors, if puppet apply command returns zero/non-zero exit code. Note that it does not mean that command is succeed or failed. That means, it returns '2' if there were changes during the execution: task executor parses /var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_summary.yaml file to determine the status of puppet run.

Creating documentation for Fuel Plugins

Fuel Plugins can provide brand different functionality, that's why you should not only develop a plugin itself, but also write documentation clear to end users.

Documentation package

When certifying the plugin, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Test Plan - contains information on planned testing activities
  • Test Report - contains information obtained during testing
  • Plugin Guide - cointans installation, configuration and usage instructions.

Using Fuel Plugins Catalog, you can download not only the plugin file, but also Plugin Guide.

All documents from the list are formed according to the templates. When writing, take style recommendations in consideration.

Following Gerrit workflow

Gerrit workflow provides the following advantages for Fuel Plugin documentation:

  • aligns development and documentation writing cycles.
  • provides shipping both specific plugin and related documentation at once.
  • provides writing in RST (as already works for the specs).
  • enables flexible updates for developers.

Note, that when saying "plugin documentation", we mean end user documentation (i.e. Plugin Guide) only. Test Plan and Test Report are for internal usage only.

High and low-level workflow diagram

The high-level workflow looks as follows:

The low-level workflow looks as follows:
Documentation&development - low-level-2.png

A special script is then used to publish the Plugin Guides into the Fuel Plugins Catalog.

Documentation files structure

When forming Plugin Guide in RST, mind the following example file scheme:


Style recommendations

  1. Spell out acronyms and abbreviations when they are first used and avoid using abbreviations that are ambiguous. For example, "OS" could mean either "Operating System" or "OpenStack".
  2. Do not add many links to external resources in main sections. It is recommended that you put them into Appendix section.
  3. Each link should have a brief description.Be sure to define any complex concepts and terms that are required to install/use/test the plugin.
  4. Use step-by-step instructions, structured with an introductory sentence followed by a numbered list of steps to take.

Note, that they should also meet acceptance criteria to pass the certification successfully.

Acceptance criteria

Plugin Guide

Plugin Guide should meet the following acceptance criteria:

  • the Guide is written according to the given template
  • the plugin version is the one reflected in the plugin's metadata.yaml file
  • the Guide contains 2 main parts: Installation Guide and User Guide
  • the Installation Guide has the following issues covered: 1) how/where to download a plugin 2) how to install a plugin 3) any additional prerequisite procedures (e.g. backend configuration)
  • the User Guide has the following issues covered: how to use the plugin (e.g. a set of commands) with an example (commands usage with specific values is strongly required)
  • all links to external documentation/resources should be present in the Guide
  • an intro section explains the functionality the plugin provides in a detailed and clear manner
  • all complex concepts are explained in a detailed and clear manner
  • if plugin has its own UI or supposes some actions to take in Horizon, the User Guide must have screenshots with clearly seen UI elements and the instructions provided

the User Guide must have properly cropped screenshots

  • the User Guide should contain specific tasks to accomplish in a form of how-to step-by-step manual
  • the Guide must be targeted not only at experienced admins/operators, but also at people new to Mirantis OpenStack. That means paying extra attention to items 5-8 covered above.


Issue Tick if done
Plugin version is the one specified in the plugin's metadata.yaml file (see the example).
All key terms/acronyms/abbreviations are put into the corresponding table and clearly explained or at least refer to other resources with detailed description.
Plugin name doesn't somehow change within the document (like VPNaaS and vpnaas). Stick to one variant and use it along the text.
If configuration of specific components (if any) is not covered within the document, then there must be a link pointing to the detailed step-by-step instructions.
All UI elements are properly seen in the screenshots and or even highlighted to point at a specific action/element.
All instructions are put into numbered lists to track the task accomplishment and navigate along the document.
All instructions concerning Fuel UI wizard or Fuel web UI refer to the official documentation.

License and copyright

Fuel Plugins are licensed under Apache 2.0.
The plugin's repo should contain the following:

Note, that configuration files can have the following format:

The Fuel Plugins can have extra components included. To provide users with this information, make sure that the Plugin Guide has a separate section with the following table:

Component License
Component1 License1
Component2 License2


Where can I find Fuel Plugin Builder source code?

fuel-plugin-builder is located in fuel-plugins repository.

Are there any plugins examples?

All plugins for Fuel now have their own repos under Stackforge project.

How can I reuse Puppet modules from Fuel? According to the design, every plugin should have all necessary components to be then deployed. This means, every plugin should have its own copy of Fuel Puppet modules. If you do not want to keep copy of Fuel library manifests in your repository, you can use pre_build_hook to download the required modules during the plugin build. To do that, add the following code into your hook:

set -eux
ROOT="$(dirname `readlink -f $0`)"
mkdir -p "${MODULES}"

wget -qO- "${REPO_PATH}" | \
    tar -C "${MODULES}" --strip-components=3 -zxvf - \

The code then copies inifile and stdlib modules from fuel-library repository.


To reuse existing Puppet manifests you can also specify several Puppet modules in your task with colon separator: for example, puppet_modules: "puppet/modules:/etc/puppet/modules". Note that we do not recommend using this approach, because Fuel puppet modules can be changed during OpenStack update procedure; this can lead to compatibility failures.

How can I download the packages which are required for a plugin? Use wget in your pre_build_hook script to download packages in the required directories:

set -eux

ROOT="$(dirname `readlink -f $0`)"

wget -P "${RPM_REPO}" http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/fuel-plugins/6.0/centos/glusterfs-3.5.2-1.mira2.x86_64.rpm
wget -P "${DEB_REPO}" http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/fuel-plugins/6.0/ubuntu/glusterfs-client_3.5.2-4_amd64.deb

It downloads two packages in your plugin's directories before Fuel Plugin Builder starts building repositories.

Why is there no /etc/astute.yaml file, when I run pre_deployment task? If you have task with "stage: pre_deployment" parameter set, you will not find /etc/astute.yaml file on the target node during the task execution. The file /etc/astute.yaml is a symlink that is created before Fuel deploys a role. Target node can have several roles and each role contains its own file with deployment data. Here is the example of a node with ID 2 and two roles, Controller and Cinder:

root@node-2:~# ls -l /etc/ | grep yaml
-rw------- 1 root     root      8712 Nov 19 12:48 controller.yaml
-rw------- 1 root     root      8700 Nov 19 12:48 cinder.yaml

Let's assume that we need deployment data file for Controller role. We can use '/etc/controller.yaml' file directly in deployment script.

What is the user context that fuel plugin hooks are invoked as: root or fuel user? Plugins hooks are executed under the root.

Are the keystone IP addresses and user name or password available to the fuel plugin post_deployment hook? Keystone admin_token, admin_password are in /etc/astute.yaml and can be used in the post_deployment hook. For connection to keystone we should use management_vip:5000. management_vip is also in the astute.yaml. Also keystone url can be fetched from /root/openrc (OS_AUTH_URL), but this is hackish way.

Do multiple openstack controller nodes mean multiple neutron­server nodes?Neutron server is installed on each controller node. Are all the controller nodes' private IP (not VIP) available and accessible to the post­deployment hook?(because we want to run the avi­controller, network etconly once, but we have to run the plugin install on all neutron­server nodes)? Since there are multiple controller nodes, then fuel infrastructure automatically runs the plugin post­deployment hook on each of them.

The private IP is referred to the IP of VM, or what we call management IP - all people in OpenStack name it differently. On the post_deployment step all networks, controllers, e.t.c. are configured and run.

In pre-deployment, the astute.yaml is a symlink to the role specific yaml (controller, cinder etc) before the role is deployed, but in post-deployment how is astute.yaml organized - merged from all role yamls? The astute.yaml files are not merged during deployment process. Result file just astute.yaml for last deployed role. Specific astute.yaml can be found by role name.

How can I add a custom role? Current Plugin Architecture does not provide a way to define role. Starting with Fuel 6.1 you can use the Operating System role as a workaround.

In the tasks.yaml file use the base-os string to specify which task should be used for the role deployment.

- role: ['base-os']
  stage: post_deployment
  type: shell
    cmd: ./deploy.sh
    timeout: 42

When creating documentation for your plugin, ask the user to assign the Operating System role on the required node and specify the name to give this node, such as zabbix-01. In the deployment script you can query the user_node_name variable and decide if the script should deploy Zabbix related packages on the node.

user_node_name: zabbix-01

Channels of communication

If you have some questions left, feel free to use the following channels:

  • #fuel-dev IRC channel at Freenode
  • openstack-dev mailing list (use [fuel][plugin] prefix). For instructions on mailing list usage, see openstack-dev

mailing list instructions.