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Revision as of 20:06, 17 April 2014 by Adrian Otto (talk | contribs) (Summary)


An OpenStack Related Stackforge project designed to make cloud services easier to consume and integrate into your application development process. Solum is planning to pursue incubation as an OpenStack project upon achievement of development milestones.

Detailed Description:

Solum is natively designed for OpenStack clouds and leverages numerous OpenStack projects, including Heat, Keystone, Nova, Trove, and more. We value vendor neutrality, open design and collaboration, and leveraging existing solutions where possible. One example is our use of Docker for deployment of containers. Multiple language run-time environments will be supported with a modular "language pack" solution so you can easily run applications written in any language of your choice.

The project is under active development, and meets weekly as an OpenStack team.


Click roadmap photo above for features planned for Solum

Key Project Goals

Developer Productivity

  • Application Lifecycle Management using a set of environments (Dev, Test, Staging, Prod, etc.)
  • CI/CD with automated deployment
  • Git push
  • Integration with common IDE’s (Eclipse, IntelliJ, Komodo, etc).

Application Portability

  • Applications run on Solum can be exported to OpenStack clouds from different vendors.
  • Application portability between public and private clouds.
  • Designed for use with Nova Compute capabilities, including use of Docker-powered containers allowing movement between clouds offering Docker container deployment.

Language / Application Stack Flexibility and Tooling / Add-On Extensibility

  • Language Neutral (pluggable language runtimes, language packs).
    • Allow code written in any language to run on the cloud by using a compatible language pack.
  • Self-serve extensibility to facilitate an ecosystem of add-on services.
  • Allow vendor-specific extensions for value-add features.

Key Project Tenets

Community Driven

  • Collaborative open design (not donating pre-developed code)
  • Open source under Apache 2.0 just like OpenStack.
  • Simple governance model that mirrors existing OpenStack projects.
    • Code hosted on OpenStack with StackForge.
    • Gerrit code reviewers drive code merges, not core committers.
    • Use of Launchpad Blueprints for features and bugs.
    • Weekly IRC Meetings with agendas posted on the web

OpenStack Native Design

  • Leverage existing OpenStack projects (Heat, Nova, Glance, Keystone, Neutron, Trove, etc.)
  • Advanced features such as an optional multi-tenant SDN from Neutron with OVS to allow an application to securely share a private network with other services such as caches, queues, data services, etc.
  • Solum makes no assumption on the nature of the the deployment unit. It could be whatever Nova provisions in a given OpenStack based cloud including containers and virtual machines.
  • The only touch point between Solum and the physical/virtual infra is OpenStack's control plane with APIs like Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Designate, Heat, Trove etc.
  • Multi-tenancy as practiced by the operator in OpenStack is consistent within Solum such that standard Multi-Tenant techniques work consistently across various services.


The developers use IRC in #solum on freenode for development discussion.


Frequently Asked Questions

Please see our FAQ for answers to common questions about Solum.

Etherpad links











