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Revision as of 17:44, 30 August 2017 by Bswartz (talk | contribs)

Weekly Manila team meeting

NOTE MEETING TIME: Thursday at 15:00 UTC

If you're interested in management of shared filesystems for OpenStack, we have a weekly meetings in #openstack-meeting-alt, on Thursdays at 15:00 UTC. Please feel free to add items to the agenda below. NOTE: When adding topics please include your IRC name so we know who's topic it is and how to get more info.

Previous meeting logs can be found here: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/manila/

Next meeting

NOTE: Include your IRC nickname next to agenda items so that you can be called upon in the meeting and arrive at the meeting promptly if placing items in agenda. You might want to put this on your calendar if you are adding items.

Scheduled for 31 Aug, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Docs for share groups (bswartz)
  2. Open Discussion

Previous meetings

Scheduled for 17 Aug, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. PTG

Scheduled for 10 Aug, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Bugs / RC1 Status

Scheduled for 27 Jul, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Feature Freeze
  2. Bug Squash Day
  3. Python 3 in Queens

Scheduled for 20 Jul, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. FPF Exception request - ONTAP QoS (gouthamr)
  2. IPv6 access revisited (bswartz)
  3. Milestone 3
  4. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 13 Jul, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Feature Freeze
  2. Driverfixes
  3. Docs migration
  4. Bug Squash Day
  5. Per share type quotas

Scheduled for 29 Jun, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Revisit priorities for Pike
  2. Bug squash?
  3. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 22 Jun, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. IPv6 Status
  2. Driver fixes to branches beyond stable/R-1 (gouthamr)

Scheduled for 15 Jun, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. How should support both IPv6 and IPv4 with DHSS=true
  2. IDs and instance IDs in the driver interface

Scheduled for 8 Jun, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Milestone 2
  2. IPv6 Testing
  3. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 1 Jun, 2017, 15:00 UTC

Share groups + UI Open Discussion

Scheduled for 18 May, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. PTG involvement

Scheduled for 4 May, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Share usage monitoring (zhongjun)
  2. Summit/PTG
  3. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 27 Apr, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Notification about vponomaryov's stepping out of project
    • Valeriy Ponomaryov, known as "vponomaryov" in IRC, will be involved in Manila project till the middle of June. Then he will have other responsibilities.
  2. Share usage monitoring (zhongjun)

Scheduled for 20 Apr, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Ensure shares (zhongjun)
  2. Update shares (zhongjun)
  3. Infinite shares (zhongjun)
  4. API filtering (zhongjun)

Scheduled for 13 Apr, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Spec Freeze
  2. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 6 Apr, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Concurrency bugs with LVM driver? email (tbarron)
  2. Pike Specs

Scheduled for 30 Mar, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. ensure share(zhongjun_)

Scheduled for 23 Mar, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. SSL certificate verification
  2. Specs
  3. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 9 Mar, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Specs Deadline (continued) (bswartz)
  2. Community Goals (bswartz)
  3. Experimental APIs (bswartz)
  4. Refactor of Tempest scenario base classes (bswartz)

Scheduled for 2 Mar, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Experimental Features (bswartz)
  2. Specs Deadline (bswartz)
  3. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 16 Feb, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. i18n liason needed
  2. PTG

Scheduled for 2 Feb, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Microversions (rhagarty)
    • Do we follow Cinder's lead and provide an easy way for other projects to know our current supported microversion? (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/420119). This would provide the mechanism for the Manila UI to determine if features should/should not be made available to the user.
  2. Share groups bugs
  3. LVM revert to snapshot

Scheduled for 26 Jan, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Feature Freeze
    • IPv6
  2. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 19 Jan, 2017, 15:00 UTC

  1. Specs implementation status (bswartz)
  2. Filterscheduler warning in logs (ravichandran)
    • "WARNING manila.scheduler.manager [-] Scheduler driver path manila.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler is deprecated, update your configuration to the new path manila.scheduler.drivers.filter.FilterScheduler "
  3. How to see the recently committed changes to (master branch ) /config-reference/shared-file-systems/drivers/hpe-3par-share-driver.html in docs.openstack.org.(ravichandran)
  4. How to update the tables inside manuals.Is it auto updated from the code. (ravichandran)
    • Is there any way to call some scripts or manila cli commands with in setupClass of tempest tests to address the prerequisite steps of backedn
  5. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 22 Dec, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Specs implementation status (bswartz)
  2. briefly clarify the "24 hour rule" (tbarron)
  3. Manila CI Tempest Test Cases are Failing (ravichandran)

Scheduled for 8 Dec, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. PTG (bswartz)
  2. Default share type (tbarron)
  3. migration-start new command syntax (ganso)
  4. remove access-update fallback to access_allow/deny? (tbarron)
  5. decision of deadline for driver config docs in devref removal (ganso)
  6. Specs implementation status (bswartz)

Scheduled for 1 Dec, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Discussion about driver docs in devref (ganso)
  2. Specs implementation status (bswartz)

Scheduled for 17 Nov, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Spec review & prioritization (bswartz)

Scheduled for 10 Nov, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Decide defaults for migration options (ganso)

Scheduled for 3 Nov, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Spec review & prioritization

Scheduled for 20 Oct, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Specs and Deadlines (bswartz)
  2. Adding invalid user to the access rule changes valid access rule state from 'active' to 'error' (ravichandran)
  3. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 13 Oct, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Ocata Design Summit
  2. PTG

Scheduled for 6 Oct, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Microversion-ing addition or removal of transitional ('micro') states (gouthamr)

Scheduled for 29 Sep, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Ocata Design Summit
  2. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 22 Sep, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Specs process

Scheduled for 8 Sep, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. RC1 status
  2. Project Logo
  3. Container Driver Security (aovchinnikov)
  4. Security "vulnerability-managed" tag for manila (tbarron)
  5. Zanata translations for manila-client and manila-ui (tbarron)
  6. Tempest direction (tbarron)

Scheduled for 1 Sep, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Mascot (bswartz)
  2. Vulnerability Management

Scheduled for 25 Aug, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Huawei share replication and CI
  2. IPv6 (cknight)
  3. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 18 Aug, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Driver private data admin API
  2. Scenario tests are broken
  3. Revert to snapshot

"Scheduled for 11 Aug, 2016, 15:00 UTC"

  1. None

Scheduled for 4 Aug, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Migration APIs
  2. Correct approach for avoiding races

Scheduled for 28 Jul, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Stepping Down as Docs Liaison (dustins)
    • Current job responsibilities don't give me the time to devote to this that I'd like to have, so it should go to someone else with a passion for documentation and has the willingness and desire for taking up the mantle.
  2. N-3 Review focus

Scheduled for 21 Jul, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Migrate API reference into tree (dgonzalez)

Scheduled for 14 Jul, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. N-2 milestone
  2. Managing initial security (of the root directory) for new shares
  3. Mascot/Logo discussion
  4. Tempest alternatives

Scheduled for 30 Jun, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. non-disruptive nfs-ganesha export modifications (rraja/tbarron)
  2. share backup spec discussion (zhongjun)

Scheduled for 23 Jun, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Implement extend and shrink features for glusterfs driver (DaiDV)
  2. Do all drivers have to inherit from driver.ShareDriver? (mkoderer)
  3. Creating a second share instance for driver-assisted migration (ganso)

Scheduled for 16 Jun, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. A share support multiple protocols (zhongjun)
  2. Drivers with minimum size for shares (tpsilva)

Scheduled for 9 Jun, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. HPB feature (mkoderer)
  2. the fate of nova-network support in manila (gouthamr)
  3. multi-AZ tests in the gate

Scheduled for 2 Jun, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. N-1 milestone (bswartz)
  2. Decision on APIv1 removal for newton (bswartz)
  3. Model updates from drivers (bswartz)
  4. Midcycle meetup
  5. Spec update

Scheduled for 26 May, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. N-1 milestone
  2. Update access remaining work
  3. Topics not covered at design summit https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-manila-contributor-meetup
    • Nova-network removal
    • APIv1 removal
    • Model updates from the driver

Scheduled for 19 May, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Topics not covered at design summit https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-manila-contributor-meetup
    • UI Customization
  2. Share Backup(zhongjun)
  3. Snapshot Restore (cknight)
  4. Specs (ganso)

Scheduled for 12 May, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Driver private storage: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/315346/ (xyang)
    • Admin wants to check driver private storage before doing some actions on a resource, i.e., force delete a share or unmanage a share.
    • The patch proposes to add admin API to retrieve driver private storage data. Alternative approach proposed by Valeriy to use manila-manage (i.e., manila-manage driver-private-storage <uuid of a resource>). Which one should we choose?
  2. Topics not covered at design summit https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-manila-contributor-meetup
    • Py3 functional tests
    • Replication with share networks
    • Service-check
    • Container driver

Scheduled for 5 May, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Topics not covered at design summit https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-manila-contributor-meetup
    • Documentation update (dustins/gouthamr)
    • User messages
    • Experimental features in UI
    • Share/snapshot size mismatch
  2. BP Specs (tbarron)

Scheduled for 14 Apr, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Manage API retrying (gouthamr/nidhimittalhada)
  2. Tempest test structuring - resource sharing and cleanup issues (akerr)
  3. Snapshot support common capability in the documentation (gouthamr)

Scheduled for 7 Apr, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Access rules (bswartz)
  2. Design summit planning (bswartz)
  3. Release notes, continued (gouthamr)
  4. Midcycle meetup
  5. Access Groups
  6. Revert to snapshot

Scheduled for 31 Mar, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Mitaka release status
  2. Design summit planning
  3. Manila Documentation (gouthamr)
  4. Managing/unmanaging replicated shares and snapshots (gouthamr)

Scheduled for 24 Mar, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Design summit planning
  2. Question about share servers (Jay.Xu)
    • Is there a way to get gateway IP address when the API setup_server() is invoked. I did not see this attribute in the input parameter network_info. Gateway IP is mandatory to create the interface for EMC storage which will be release coming soon, so it is expected that we can add the gateway IP into NetworkAllocation model if not.

Scheduled for 10 Mar, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Common Capabilities Matrix (dustins)
    • https://review.openstack.org/#/c/288504/
    • I'm adding a table in the Developer Reference documentation to show which common capabilities are supported by which backends and when that support started.
    • I've got most drivers covered now.
    • If you want me to add your capabilities, leave a review on the patch and I'll update the table!

Scheduled for 25 Feb, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. OpenStack bug smash event (toabctl, mkoderer)
    1. link: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenStack-Bug-Smash-Mitaka
  2. Status of new drivers
    1. M.3 deadline is a week away.
    2. Only a few things have merged in the last couple days. At this rate, many things won't make it.
    3. Zuul is busy and will only get worse until the deadline.
    4. Multiple Manila gate breakages have occurred recently, and more are likely.
    5. The Manila tests are very unreliable at concurrency > 1.
    6. The generic driver is too slow to pass the gate at concurrency = 1.
    7. The new drivers *are* fast enough to run at concurrency = 1.
    8. The new drivers may not be 100% done, but they are done enough to pass reliably at concurrency = 1.
    9. We should switch voting to the new drivers NOW, or start throwing stuff overboard for the release.
  3. Next Manila mid-cycle location
    1. Proposal is to do it in Germany
    2. Need to know who could attend at that location.
    3. Would it make a difference if the Cinder mid-cycle happens in Dublin, and the Manila meeting is immediately before or after the Cinder one?

Scheduled for 18 Feb, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Feature Proposal Freeze (bswartz)
  2. Open Discussion

Scheduled for 11 Feb, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Hierarchical port binding support (mkoderer)
  2. Next Manila mid-cycle (mkoderer)
  3. Replication + ZFS Driver (bswartz)
  4. Driver FPF (bswartz)
  5. HDFS CI (bswartz)

Scheduled for 4 Feb, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Data service handling protocol mount commands (ganso)
  2. Separate process for copy on data service (tpsilva)
  3. ZFS driver (bswartz)
  4. First party drivers share migration support cooperation (ganso)

Scheduled for 28 Jan, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Hierarchical port binding support (mkoderer)
  2. Core reviewer team and other manila-related projects (bswartz)
  3. Replication status (bswartz)

Scheduled for 21 Jan, 2016, 15:00 UTC

  1. Update_access backwards compatibility approach discussion. (ganso)
  2. Exposing the Data Service to drivers. (ganso)
  3. Snapshot manage/unmanage (bswartz)

Scheduled for 17 Dec, 2015, 15:00 UTC

  1. Proposal for share groups (cknight)
  2. Liberty.1 stable release (bswartz)

Scheduled for 10 Dec, 2015, 15:00 UTC

  1. The most of the driver already report the "'QoS_support': False" to scheduler. Does we need to remove it or save it as Qos support flat? and write 'QoS_support' to capabilities_and_extra_specs.rst?(zhongjun)
    1. https://github.com/openstack/manila/blob/master/manila/share/drivers/hpe/hpe_3par_driver.py#L391
    2. https://github.com/openstack/manila/blob/master/manila/share/drivers/hitachi/hds_hnas.py#L354
    3. https://github.com/openstack/manila/blob/master/manila/share/drivers/netapp/dataontap/cluster_mode/lib_base.py#L257
    4. https://github.com/openstack/manila/blob/master/manila/scheduler/host_manager.py#L111
    5. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/247286/4/doc/source/devref/capabilities_and_extra_specs.rst
  2. Architectural concerns and interoperability of new features (cknight)

Scheduled for 3 Dec, 2015, 15:00 UTC

  1. Midcycle meetup
  2. Add "data loss" flag in DB migrations which lead to losing of existing data and update "manila-manage db sync" command to forbid applying such migrations without "--force" flag (u_glide)
  3. Reorganization of Manila scheduler to merge oslo-incubator code and simplify future maintenance (cknight)
    1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252060/
    2. Mostly for awareness, this is now merged and should be backwards compatible.
    3. Cinder could benefit from a similar treatment. And with the incubator gone, we could explore a common library with the Cinder team, since the heretofore shared components are certain to diverge over time, but I'm not sure how receptive they would be. Xing?
  4. CI reliability
    1. Why should we merge patches for drivers whose CI systems consistently fail? This negates the value of CI. I think that accepting patches that aren't proven by CI does a disservice to everyone, most of all to the driver owners themselves. Refusing to merge driver patches without a good CI result for that driver seems like a gentler and more uniform-over-time approach than threatening to throw out a driver near the end of a release. And why make our illustrious and overworked PTL be the CI policeman when all core reviewers could simply glance at the corresponding CI result before giving +A? (cknight)
    2. http://ci-watch.tintri.com/project?project=manila
    3. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/232293/
    4. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/235522/
    5. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/235726/
    6. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/249999/
    7. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/237454/

Scheduled for 19 Nov, 2015, 15:00 UTC

  1. GB --> GiB (markstur)
  2. OpenStack Manuals and Devref (markstur)
    • Config Ref (and others) are moving to .RST!
    • How should we document prior releases in devref?
  3. Midcycle Meetup Date (bswartz)
  4. Deadlines for features (bswartz)
    • Feature proposal freeze vs Big Features
    • New drivers
  5. Data Copy Service network approach discussion (ganso)

Scheduled for 12 Nov, 2015, 15:00 UTC

  1. Which method is better for Manila QoS(independent way or just use extra specs ) (zhongjun)
  2. Manila DR update (ameade)
    • Still no reviews on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/238572/
    • First-party driver implementation? Which driver, current generic or new solution? When do we need this implemented and who wants to do it?
    • Replication_change share state - This is the state of the share when any of it's replicas are being promoted. Is 'replication_change' good or is there a better phrase?
  3. Manila Driver minimum requirements document update (ganso)
  4. Manila Data Copy service name (bswartz)
  5. Upcoming change for Manila CI hooks (vponomaryov)
  6. Manilaclient enhancement to provide request_id when set http_log_debug is True. It will co-ordinate the request and its id, so it will be helpful to filter the log and the failed request. (Jay Xu)

Scheduled for 5 Nov, 2015, 15:00 UTC

  1. Decide on read-only access rules as a required feature
  2. Manila DR - Design/Code feedback (gouthamr)

Scheduled for 1 Oct, 2015, 15:00 UTC

  1. Liberty RC2 status
  2. Mitaka Design Summit
  3. Vendor driver docs
  4. Manila Client Nova Style Microversion Support (cfouts)

Scheduled for 24 Sep, 2015, 15:00 UTC

  1. 3rd-party CI status
  2. Liberty RC status
  3. Support for QoS in Manila (zhongjun2)
  4. Reminder for backend driver maintainers to update feature support table (toabctl)
  5. Regression when using NetApp - license issue with netapp_lib (toabctl)
  6. Mitaka Design Summit
  7. Vendor driver docs
  8. Open Discussion