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Board of Directors - May 7, 2017 Meeting

The OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors will meet at 9:00am - 5:00pm Boston on May 7, 2017. Directors may participate in person or via conference dial-in. Audio from the meeting will also be available to the community.

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton, Level 2, Constitution Ballroom

To join the session remotely:

  1. Go to https://openstack.webex.com/openstack/k2/j.php?MTID=tcd678de6941e4dd3822bae40a52af3a4
  2. Enter your name and email address (or registration ID).
  3. Enter the session password: This session does not require a password.
  4. Click "Join Now".
  5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Board Meeting Agenda

Chair: Alan Clark, Vice Chair: Lew Tucker
Executive Director: Jonathan Bryce
Minutes: Mark Radcliffe
Non official meeting discussion Channels:

(9:00) Call To Order, Open Session

  1. Welcome to the new board members.
    Thank you and best wishes to Eileen Evans and Toby Ford for their dedication, support and contributions to the OpenStack Board efforts.
    Welcome to Anni Lai as a Platinum Director.
    Welcome to Kandan Kathirvel as a Platinum Director.
    Welcome to Jessica Field as a Gold Member Director
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approve minutes from March 9, 2017 board meeting

(9:30) Executive Director Update

(10:00) Committee Actions and Updates

  1. (10:00) Interoperability WG - Egle, Mark, Chris
    1. Interop WG general updates
    2. Status of 2017.08 guideline
    3. Schema 2.0
    4. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1An0UleTkLCzIilMjSgcyBPM-q8ouJ0kq2ntryExVhJw/edit?usp=sharing
  2. (10:20) Product WG - Shamail and Leong
    1. Product WG vision, asking for feedback
    2. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DR3Caiy_qBxjlm6_S7BupktavpCQdv7-cCXcqxSWMFQ/edit
    (10:40) Break
  3. (11:00) Membership Committee - Rob, Anni
    1. (11:00) China Unicom - William Lu
    2. (11:30) FiberHome - Wang Hao and He Qing

(12:00) Executive Session - Working Lunch

(13:30) Board Business

  1. Board motions - Alan

(14:00) Meeting Close

(14:00) Joint Meeting of the Board, TC and UC

(14:00) Call To Order, Open Session

(14:15) Proposals

  1. (14:15) Clamping the App Gaps - David Flanders & Clark Boylan - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/clamping-app-gaps
    Numerous tools have emerged as connectors for utilizing OpenStack APIs. This range of connector tools is too great for any one community to support: (a) APIs/SDKs (e.g. OpenStackCLI, LibCloud, Shade, jClouds, Fog, GopherCloud, etc), (b) Provisioning (e.g. Ansible, Terraform, Salt, Chef, Puppet), and (c) C/PaaS (e.g. OpenShift, Cloud Foundry, Docker Swarm, Cloudify, DC/OS, etc). Discussion on recommendations for moving from a '1 to many' to a '1 to few' application community tactic.
    Names: David F. Flanders, Monty Taylor (proxy for Clark Boylan).

(14:40) The Strategic Focus Areas Reports from each area has been placed placed on: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/UnofficialBoardNotes-May7-2017

  1. (15:00) Communicate about OpenStack -Thierry
    Categorize (objective data) and map (subjective approach) OpenStack projects as base versus optional (within a specific use case), integrated versus independent release, emerging versus mature, stability, adoption metrics, what works together, services versus consumption (operational tools/client libraries), and other criteria
    Names: Thierry Carrez [lead], Alan Clark, Allison Randal, Jon Proulx, Melvin Hillsman, Lauren Sell, Tim Bell, Mark Baker, Kenji Kaneshige
  1. (15:20) Unanswered Requirements - Melvin
    Bring different groups (UC/TC/Product/InterOp/etc) together at Forum to collaborate/communicate aroud user stories, gap analysis, what fits in the current state of tech, prioritize what would have the greatest impact in reducing pain for users.
    Names: Melvin Hillsman [lead], Yih Leong Sun, Jon Proulx, Rob Esker, Emilien Macchi, Doug Hellmann, Tim Bell, Shamail Tahir (was unable to join last week), Anni Lai, Arkady
  1. (15:40)Adjacent Technologies:
    Make our technology more consumable (independently) by other communities/projects.
    Names: Chris Price [lead], Alan Clark, Dims, Rob Esker, Mark Collier, Steven Dake, Mark McLoughlin, Shamail Tahir (was unable to join last week)
  1. (16:00)Changes to the Technology:
    Workstream to simplify existing projects, reduce dependency options, reduce config options.
    Names: Mike Perez [lead], --> TC project
  1. (16:20)Community Health:
    Grow next generation of leadership/experts/cross-project devs within the community
    Names: Steven Dake [lead], Chris Price, Jeremy Stanley, Dims, AlanClark , Joseph Wang

(17:00) Meeting Close