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Airship: Elevate Your Infrastructure!

Airship is a collection of open source tools for automating cloud provisioning and management. Airship provides a declarative framework for defining and managing the life cycle of open infrastructure tools and the underlying hardware. These tools include OpenStack for virtual machines, Kubernetes for container orchestration, and MaaS for bare metal, with planned support for OpenStack Ironic.

v1.0 Release

The Airship community is excited to announce its v1.0 release in conjunction with the Open Infrastructure Summit Denver. Airship v1.0 delivers a wide range of enhancements to security, resiliency, continuous integration, and documentation, as well as upgrades to the platform, deployment and tooling features. The v1.0 milestone marks production readiness of Airship for the enterprise.

More information on the v1.0 release, its features, and how to deploy it can be found here.

Try It Out

To experiment with a single-node deployment of Airship in a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 VM, visit https://airshipit.org.

To download the Airship Seaworthy multi-node Airship reference deployment and continuous integration pipeline, see the Check It Out section.

The VM is managed using OpenStack Horizon. For information on OpenStack, see the OpenStack documentation at https://docs.openstack.org/. The undercloud platform is managed using Airship Shipyard. For information about Shipyard, see the Documentation section.

Check It Out

Please, find Airship presentations here.

You can check out the source code from this repositories: https://opendev.org/airship.

There you’ll find the following components:

  • Airship Specifications - Specifications for the Airship projects
  • Armada - An orchestrator for deploying and upgrading a collection of Helm charts
  • Berth - A lightweight mechanism for managing VMs on top of Kubernetes via Helm
  • Deckhand - A configuration management service with features to support managing large cluster configurations
  • Diving Bell - A lightweight solution for bare metal configuration management
  • Drydock - A declarative host provisioning system built initially to leverage MaaS for baremetal host deployment
  • MaaS - Kubernetes deployment artifacts for Canonical MaaS
  • Pegleg - A tool to organize configuration of multiple Airship deployments
  • Promenade - A deployment system for resilient, self-hosted Kubernetes
  • Shipyard - A cluster life cycle orchestrator for Airship
  • Treasure Map - Reference Airship manifests, CI/CD, and reference architecture

An additional component is Airship Seaworthy, a multi-node Airship reference deployment and continuous integration pipeline using Jenkins, available here.

Airship is free and open source software. The code is available under the Apache 2 license.


Airship has a number of independent components, and we welcome new contributors to all of them! Good ways to get started include:

  1. Take a look at Treasure Map to see how the pieces fit together.
  2. Join the weekly design meeting to see what work is in the hopper (see Get In Touch, below).
  3. Introduce yourself in the IRC channel #airshipit (see Get In Touch).
  4. Take a look at unassigned work items in the Airship GitHub Issues and volunteer for one.

Story and Issue Tracking

Feel free to browse Airship stories and issues at the Airship GitHub Issues and even volunteer for an unassigned item.

Airship Technical Committee (TC)

Airship Working Committee (WC)

Airship Presentations

Get in Touch

Contact Information


Airship has IRC and Slack channels that are mirrored bi-directionally, so folks can use the client they prefer.

The Airship team also holds a bi-weekly dev & community team meeting over IRC/Slack:

Design Call - weekly

  • For more information, contact 'Rodolfo Pacheco ropacheco@microsoft.com.

AIRSHIP Flight Plan - Community Management Meetings

Name Chair Meetings Location HackMD
airship-flightplan Rodolfo Pacheco Every Wed 9:00 CDT / 14:00 UTC https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjNkYzI3ZDEtMDIyZi00Njc5LWI3MzctZmEwZjllYjhjM2U1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e741d71c-c6b6-47b0-803c-0f3b32b07556%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220264a933-78ba-4362-aef3-f9f2311a1964%22%7d https://hackmd.io/93_0K4AAR9izrEpuDMa5Rw

AIRSHIP SIG - Special Interest Meetings

All sig communicate via the airship-discuss@lists.airshipit.org mailing list. Please make sure you add this [sig][airship-<NAME OF THE SIG>] in the subject of any email pertaining to a specific sig (e.g. [sig][airship-yaml]).

Name Chair Meetings Location Etherpad/HackMD
airship-yaml Rodolfo Pacheco ** ON HOLD ** Every Mon 10:00 CDT / 15:00 UTC https://attcorp.webex.com/attcorp/j.php?MTID=m2d4ed6ca6c710260e0a2caf126d8c8d2. https://hackmd.io/6hw3pJOUT7iNsEceovABgA
airship-ui Rodolfo Pacheco ** ON HOLD ** Every Fri 10:00 CDT / 15:00 UTC https://attcorp.webex.com/attcorp/j.php?MTID=m858b221345a977ffefe736952a371d26 https://hackmd.io/rxmefKOdRtOCpAVJbEJzsg

Recordings for previous meetings: https://hackmd.io/CvuF8MzmR9KPqyAePnilPQ#YAML-SIG

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