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Revision as of 09:13, 9 September 2014 by Nick Jemison (talk | contribs) (UX Archive)

OpenStack User Experience

Mission Statement: Enable OpenStack users to be efficient and make their experience consistent and pleasurable.

User Experience (UX) is community-oriented and available for different audiences on several websites. This wiki serves as an informational source for UX-related activities (workstreams) that goes across multiple OpenStack projects.

UX Workstreams

UX Discussion Forum (new, temporary address)
OpenStack Personas Working Group
Usability Testing
Features, Bugs, and Releases in Launchpad
OpenStack UX Program Proposal
IRC: #openstack-ux (at FreeNode)
OpenStack UX Videos

Getting Involved as a Developer with Designing for User Experience

Are you a developer looking for feedback or help with designing new features? Are you looking for help on improving a current feature?
Please feel free to reach out to us via the openstack developer mailing list (openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org). In the subject use the tag [UX] and we will be sure to see your question/request. In the near future we will be holding UX specific meetings every other week on IRC. You are welcome to come attend those as well and ask any questions you may have during Open Discussion. Meeting information will be posted here as well as on the OpenStack Meetings[1] page as soon as it's available. One additional way to get quick feedback or have a discussion with the UX group is to join our IRC channel on freenode (#openstack-ux). If you don't get an immediate response, feel free to ask again later or jump over to using the mailing list!

Getting Involved as a Designer with Designing for User Experience

How do I get involved with OpenStack UX and work on blueprints?
We track the work that we are doing on our launchpad site[2]. If you aren't ready to contribute your own designs, start off by giving others feedback on launchpad or on AskOpenStack UX[3].

What's a blueprint in Launchpad?
It's a specification for a feature in OpenStack. In UX, this usually is presented as wireframes or prototypes, but it can be something else. There's lots more info on openstack.org[4].

How does this whole OpenStack contributor thing work anyway?
There is great getting started documentation on openstack.org. How to Contribute[5] is a good place to start.

What is the process for getting a new design into Horizon?
Assign yourself a blueprint and get to work! When you have something, post a link to your design docs on AskOpenStack UX[6] and ask for feedback. There'll be the usual revisions. Designs that are ready to go can be added to a new or existing blueprint on the Horizon project site[7]. Then, wait for a dev to implement your design. You will be expected to work with developers to answer questions or make updates to your design along the way.

That's a pretty vague process. Can't you give me a little more detail than that?
Nope, not yet. We're new to this so the process is pretty ad hoc. We'd love your help making it better! Make suggestions.

I don't see a blueprint for the work I want to do. What can I do?
Create a new blueprint! Here is a great guide on creating blueprints[8].

Is there any user research I can leverage?
Yes! Check out this group that is working on personas and usability[9]. Also, if you are going to do your own research, we'd love for you to contribute results or better yet, to collaborate with you.

Where can I ask questions or get feedback on my designs?
AskUX, Horizon weekly meeting[10], #openstack-ux on Freenode.

Where can I ask questions about technical feasibility or understanding the problem space?
AskUX, Horizon weekly meetings, Horizon Launchpad, openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org, #openstack-horizon on Freenode.

Horizon Proposals

Improve User Experience of Messaging in Horizon

Improvements to Inline Help in Horizon

UX Archive

Community Sites (old, in transition) On mobile applications development read more here. </p>