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Solum/solum kilo demo

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Revision as of 22:33, 24 April 2015 by Devdattakulkarni (talk | contribs) (Solum Demo Vagrant Installation Instructions)

Work In Progress


Coming soon.

Set Up Your Own Demo Environment

You can set up your own demo environment to run your own installation of Solum with Devstack in a vagrant box. This uses VirtualBox as the default provider, so it will work on a Mac or PC with Vagrant and VirtualBox loaded. The demo system can actually deploy an application, and has a fully functional CLI included.

Solum Demo Vagrant Installation Instructions

1. Install Vagrant (http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html). Tested with Vagrant v1.5.4

2. Make a directory vagrant repository.

mkdir ~/Solum-Demo
cd ~/Solum-Demo
git clone https://github.com/rackerlabs/vagrant-solum-dev.git vagrant

3. Set the following environment variables.

export SOLUM_IMAGE_FORMAT=docker
export NOVADOCKER_REPO=https://github.com/ed-/nova-docker.git
export NOVADOCKER_BRANCH=solum-pin


The repository https://github.com/ed-/nova-docker.git is a fork of nova-docker pinned to the commit hash just before nova-docker included docker-py in its requirements. Since docker-py is not yet in global-requirements.txt, starting up vagrant vm using 'vagrant up' command (step 3) fails if we don't pin to the above version of nova-docker. However, for solum to work in the vagrant setup, we need the latest code of nova-docker. So the way we get around this seemingly inconsistent situation is by pinning to a specific version of nova-docker (as above) before booting up the vagrant vm, and then installing the latest version of nova-docker once inside the vagrant vm as shown in step 4.

3. Create the demo environment on your system:

cd vagrant
vagrant up

NOTE: This may take between about 15 and 60 minutes to install, depending on the speed of your machine and network.

4. Login to vagrant VM

 vagrant ssh

5. Git clone the latest nova-docker

    mv /opt/stack/nova-docker /opt/stack/nova-docker.bak
    git clone http://github.com/stackforge/nova-docker.git /opt/stack/nova-docker

6. For the nova-docker change to take effect we need to restart the nova services:

  You can restart the n-* services by going to their screen sessions and killing and restarting the service.
  screen -x stack
  Ctrl A + n -> next screen
  Ctrl A + p -> previous screen
  Ctrl C within a screen will stop the process
  You can restart it by typing up arrow and hitting enter

7. Now you are ready to experiment deploying your applications using Solum.

8. Start with the Quick start guide here: https://solum.readthedocs.org/en/latest/getting_started/index.html

9. You can follow the steps of creating a language pack, creating an app, deploying the app, etc.