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Revision as of 22:37, 13 February 2014 by Julim (talk | contribs)

Personas Working Group Meeting Summary

The initial meeting for the Personas Working Group was on January 17, 2014.


Piet Kruithof (HP), Ju Lim (Red Hat), Liz Blanchard (Red Hat) , Andreas Jaeger (SUSE), Nermina Miller (Mirantis), Jeff Calcaterra (IBM), David Avila (IBM), David Lyle (HP), Jenny Mahmoudi (Puppet Labs), Terry Bleizeffer (IBM) Unable to attend but would have liked to: Tom Fifield (OpenStack Foundation), John Pruitt (Dell), Dave Neary (Red Hat), Birgit Schmidt-Wesche (IBM), Nick Chase (Mirantis), Fei Guo (Puppet Labs), Thuy Duong (IBM), Jacki Bauer (RackSpace)


Intro - meet and greet, expectations Group Organization - follow OpenStack community

  • To be officially recognized as an official program in OpenStack, there is a high hurdle so we'll have to run this as an informal program for now (especially since there is no official UX program). David Lyle (Horizon PTL) happy to lend a hand to help champion it within the Horizon community, e.g. give up a session at Summit. Horizon would be a consumer of these personas. OpenStack community still does not quite understand UX community and what it means to have UX and still very much code driven. user-committee exists already and how does UX fit in, as well as personas fit in with that effort. There is a process to get folks recognized as ATC (Active technical contributor) for folks who don't code (e.g. benefits: voting, free admission to Summit) and David willing to support folks working on this effort as ATCs. Will need to educate the other groups as to personas since it's still a new concept. Socializing and adoption will be important.
  • Level of Engagement

Attendees & Interests

  • Nermina Miller (Mirantis) -- wants to do a blog on this effort and try to promote it and observe, understand Russian
  • Liz Blanchard (Red Hat) -- interviews, validation, visual design, could maybe get Julie Pichon to help with interviewing in French, Jarda in Czech, Alvaro in Spanish?
  • Melissa (HP) -- interviews, analysis
  • Piet Kruithof (HP) -- interviews, analysis, project managment
  • Ju Lim (Red Hat) -- all, Ju speaks Malay/Indonesian
  • IBM -- wants to be involved in entire process and contribute to each deliverables; still need to figure out who from IBM would be responsible for various deliverables. Thuy (interviews), tasks assignment TBD
  • Fei and Jenny (Puppet Labs) -- 20 hours a month? creating interview plan or plan for creating interviews-, post session analysis, Fei speaks Chinese
  • David Lyle (HP) -- advisory, help initial creation process understanding defacto current personas, review
  • Andreas (SUSE) -- mainly validate and review; speaks German
  • Tom Fifield (OpenStack Foundation) - keeping tabs & documentation team interface

Communications -- meeting logistics, when and how

  • Less often would be better

Action Items

  • For Everyone: Doodle for voting and finding an ideal meeting time: http://www.doodle.com/yiz4xytwmkkn6uh6. Please enter your name and vote for times that work for you for the monthly meeting.
  • Monthly meeting proposed for larger group
  • Subgroups may meet more frequently and have a different rhythm

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