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< Oslo
Revision as of 07:13, 7 April 2014 by Yamahata (talk | contribs) (Use Cases: more figures)

Oslo.messaging: message proxy

proxy message between two messaging servers or transports

One message server is in openstack control network which openstack servers connect to and another message server is in openstack tenant network which agents connect to. Openstack server wants to send RPC message to agents in tenant networks. The control network isn't directly connected to tenant network. So proxy server relays RPC message over unix domain socket to bypass Linux netns. The supported RPC is cast, call and fanout. notification isn't supported because it's not needed at this moment. But it's easy to add it.

Use Cases

Many openstack projects uses server<-> guest agent pattern. Murano, Heat, savanna,

  • Heat, Savanna, Trove, Murano, Solum

Guest Agent Architecture.svg

Murano architecture diagram.png

  • Neutron for NFV(Network Function Virtualization)

Neutron also wants similar communication to guest agent for NFV support.







To be filled

supported RPC semantics

The RPC cast/call/fanout is supported. But notification isn't supported because I don't need it. However it is easy to add it.

what's added to oslo.messaging

to be filled