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Developer's DevStack + vSphere Guide

This is a short guide for developers interested in working on OpenStack and vSphere (ESX, ESXi, and vCenter) drivers.

vSphere Environment and Inventory

Set up a vSphere 5.0 (or better) developer's environment. For development purposes, you'll need to have one of these inventory types.

a trivial Inventory

... or ...

inventory with a DRS cluster

Note: The cluster should be DRS enabled with automatic placement turned on.

Development Environment

Get an Ubuntu 12.04 (suggested) VM setup

This Ubuntu host can run as a VM itself, but should have public internet access (ideally direct, but http proxy is workable if you don’t need to commit code back to OpenStack). It should also have a reasonably high bandwidth link to the the vSphere hosts, as it will need to stream images from the Ubuntu host to the vSphere host. We suggest at least 10 GB disk, with 20+ GB being ideal. Give it at least one vCPU and 4 GB of RAM.

install Devstack (http://devstack.org/) in your new VM

Once booted, run:

sudo apt-get install git
git clone http://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git
cd devstack

Setup localrc for DevStack

create a file named “localrc” in your devstack directory with the content shown below (for each item with $variable_name, you will need to enter values specific to your environment, the rest you can just leave as is).

file ~/devstack/localrc


Note: omit the line VMWAREAPI_CLUSTER if you are using the trivial inventory example.

start stack (first time)


This will take a long time the first time, as it pulls down all code and dependencies.

Credentials and Environment Variables

get the OpenStack API credentials in your environment variables:

$ source openrc demo demo

This is needed anytime you make a call using an openstack CLI client like ‘nova’, ‘glance’, or ‘quantum’. You can rerun this at any time from the devstack directory if you need to re-login in at a later point.

Glance Initial Setup

Get a VMDK to use as a disk image and upload it to OpenStack using the Glance API.

Get an initial VMDK to work with

There are a lot of “gotchas” around what VMDK disks work with OpenStack + vSphere, so we strongly suggest using the provided image to start. In the Appendix there is information about creating/converting your own images.

download the image 1 GB debian disk image (user/password to login this image after booting is nicira/nicira).


Place the file under your home directory ~/

Upload your VMDK to glance

$ glance add name="Debian" disk_format=vmdk container_format=bare is_public=true vmware_disktype="preallocated" < ~/Debian-flat.vmdk

This will print out an <image-id> for use below. If you forget it, you can always run “glance image-list” to see all existing images.

Nova Boot

boot a VM using the “<image-id>” from above

$ nova boot --image <image-id> --flavor 1 test1

Now you can interact with the image using other nova client commands. For example

$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name  | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks         |
| 9bb724bf-298d-4a63-a653-dab7fcbd9ac7 | test1 | ACTIVE  | None       | NOSTATE     | private= |

Note: if your disk is big, it can take a VERY long time to stream the image from glance to your datastore (e.g., ~7 minutes for a 1 GB thick image). This will happen only the first time a new image UUID is used on a datastore. You can monitor progress by viewing the size of the file in the vmware_base directory of the filestore.

Once this is done, you can view the VM using vCenter. The username/password for the above Debian image is nicira/nicira .

You can access the OpenStack Web GUI (called horizon) by accessing your Ubuntu host on port 80, though currently VNC access via Horizon is broken (see: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30036/ for a patch to fix this).

Using Screen

Use screen to interact with individual openstack services

$ screen -x stack

See: http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html <- for how to use

  • "Control + a" enters command mode... enter this for each new command character

characters 0 through 9 switch tabs

    • the 'd' character detaches the session
    • the '[' character enters "copy mode" which allows you to navigate the screen trace and 'escape' escapes the copy mode.

Working the Development Environment

If you want to reset your environment, run:

  • This run of stack.sh will be faster (~1 minute) as it resets all database and service state, but does not need to re-download packages or source code.
  • After running ./unstack be sure to clean out all your datastores and delete any files left behind on accident. This will prevent a great number of problems people won't see in production environments. (For example: partially uploaded VMDK.)

Note: the source code is not automatically updated when you reset your environment. This is valuable, as you can manage your source code manually via git, having many branches, etc.


Install python support libraries

apt-get libs

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev python-pip build-essential 
$ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev 

pip based tool installs

$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip 
$ sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
$ sudo pip install MySQL-python
$ sudo pip install tox
$ sudo pip install python-subunit

pip proxy troubleshooting

If you get connection refused here - try this

export PIP_INDEX_URL="http://pypi.openstack.org/openstack"

Install OpenStack libs

$ cd /opt/stack/nova
$ sudo pip install -i http://pypi.openstack.org/openstack  -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt 

Note: make sure everything in the requires lists gets installed. Some installers have individual issues that you may have to clear one at a time. In particular lxslt has some issues that may require attention to properly clear.

Using TOX for testing

See: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProjectTestingInterface

Important tests to run before submitting for code review are

tox -e py27
tox -e pep8

Code Coverage tests and information

cd nova
tox -e cover  (code coverage)

look under the cover directory for html reports on the code coverage for that module. The file index.html contains the overall coverage report

NOTE: tests may run 10, 20, or as long as 65 minutes (depending on your hardware, network, and system) and produce no output until they complete. This is normal. You system may become sluggish but should not lock up entirely, a system hang can be symptomatic of an improperly configured test environment. Tests will run on Mac OSX. 2 Cores with 2GB of RAM on an Ubuntu 12.04 machine that is properly configured should take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.

Additional setup

If you are on Ubuntu 12.04 and need to use Python 2.6 (which OpenStack needs for some test scripts) install the old version of python by doing the following:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python2.6 python2.6-dev


Some workplaces may have to use special networking and/or proxy settings and that these may change when you are mobile. Those issues can cause problems with apt-get and other dependency management systems.

If you get stuck with Keystone try...

$ mysql -u root -pnova

... if that doesn't work you probably have a broken mysql install. If you have problems getting mysql to behave, try purging the OpenStack version of the install and install the database manually. Here’s how to rip everything down and install mysql-server from scratch yourself.

$ ./unstack
$ sudo apt-get purge mysql-server

... you may need to use the name mysql-server-5.5 instead ...

$ sudo apt-get autoremove
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5
$ sudo mysql_install_db
$ sudo mysqladmin -u root password 'nova'
$ sudo service mysql restart
$ ./stack

If you get stuck when you are checking your keystone connection via curl then it’s your proxy settings. Try setting the following in /etc/environment


If you have trouble with testing or other database heavy activities you may need to follow:


If networking suddenly stops working with an error like this

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/nova-rootwrap", line 59, in <module>
    from nova.rootwrap import wrapper
ImportError: No module named rootwrap

Then something has added a broken rootwrap to /usr/bin. Remove the /usr/bin/nova-rootwrap and it will use the correct one in /usr/local/bin


Converting Images

  1. Download fresh Precise cloud image from: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img
  2. Convert to VMDK using "qemu-img convert". For example
    qemu-img convert -f raw ~/Downloads/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img -O vmdk precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.vmdk
  3. Convert your existing vmdk from sparse to thick using vmware CLI

Note: this is currently required, due to a bug we are investigating.

Once you have rCLI installed on your Ubuntu box you can follow the instructions in the link below. You can download rCLI from vmware.com. Go to vSphere downloads on the drivers and tools tab. The latest version from the date this was written is 5.1 and the link is here. You may need to install perldoc and other required libraries but the installer will tell you what to do.

Link to converting sparse vmdk files to thick -


For example - create the new vmdk, rename the old, rename the new to the old name

vmkfstools --server= -i /vmfs/volumes/storage1/testVM/testVM.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/storage1/testVM/testVM_thick.vmdk 
vmkfstools --server= -E /vmfs/volumes/storage1/testVM/testVM.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/storage1/testVM/testVM_sparse.vmdk 
vmkfstools --server= -E /vmfs/volumes/storage1/testVM/testVM_thick.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/storage1/testVM/testVM.vmdk