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Revision as of 23:57, 25 October 2012 by VishvanandaIshaya (talk)

Migrate From Nova-Volumes to Cinder

The process for migrating from nova-volumes to cinder is as follows.

  1. upgrade nova install to folsom
  2. upgrade nova database using `nova-manage db sync`
  3. install folsom version of Cinder
  4. create a cinder user in keystone as an admin in services tenant and edit '/etc/cinder/api-past.ini' to reflect the correct `admin_user`,`admin_tenant_name`, and `admin_password`
  5. create Cinder database and database user
  6. check that `sql_connection` in `/etc/cinder/cinder.conf` is correct
  7. create empty databse tables with cinder-manage db sync
  8. copy over volume tables using `cinder-manage migrate import_db --src=$NOVA_SQL_CONN --dest=$CINDER_SQL_CONN`
  9. set the correct volume api class in nova.conf `volume_api_class=nova.volume.cinder.API`
  10. disable the nova-volume-api in enabled apis in /etc/nova/nova.conf sed -i "s/osapi_volume,// /etc/nova/nova.conf", if you do not have enabled_apis set explicitly set it to `enabled_apis=ec2,osapi_compute,metadata` as osapi_volume is included by default
  11. restart nova-api
  12. start cinder-api
  13. be sure that `/etc/tgt/conf.d/cinder.conf` exists and has an include line that matches volumes_dir option in `cinder.conf` in the default case this is `include /var/lib/cinder/volumes/*`, if you edit this file restart the tgtd service