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< Meetings
Revision as of 15:58, 4 December 2015 by Julim (talk | contribs) (Friday, 4 December 2015, 15:00 UTC)

The OpenStack User Experience Team regular meetings

Agenda for next meeting (Friday, 18 December 2015, 15:00 UTC)

Previous meetings

Friday, 4 December 2015, 15:00 UTC

  * Persona validation survey questions
  * we've received a lot of feedback on the persona screener
  * The foundation has agreed to provide a surveymonkey account to the OpenStack UX team -- the intent is to give them accounts, so they have access to the data.  Furthermore, the foundation will be responsible for distributing the survey link.  This is our current blocker to distributing the survey.
  * At some point, we will distribute a "screener" survey to the community to build-up a db of willing participants that will allow them to create email lists based on the participants specific interests.
 * Tuesday 1 Dec 2015 didn't get recorded due to technical difficulties
 * Determine if we need to hold another community presentation and try recording it again then
  • Unified CLI Study
 * Stan (IBM) and Piet (HP) are working on a unified CLI study
 * This will be a usability study with about eight participants
 * Unified CLI Study Etherpad
 * Unified CLI Study Tasks (for end-users so far)
 * The first go around will be end users rolling-up a VM (similar to the tasks we did for the Launch Instance usability in Horizon)
 * Goals of the study needs to be written up, but OSC team is really interesting in validating that the CLI is usable with both current OpenStack users and new users
 * The CLI has never been tested before
  • LBaaS
 * Need to get review on the LBaaS edit workflows
 * We have approved the panels and the Create Load Balancer UI
 * AI: Just need approval on the edit. Doug has reviewed it, but we need core approval.  It may be easier for the Cores if we have someone with specific domain experience reviewing them.  Feel free to leave comments on the first panel with the blue eye.
  • Move to a UX repository (Gerrit)
  * Not much to report
  * Things are moving along. Piet now one of the admins for the launchpad account.
  * Diana has created a git repository.
  * https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ux-drivers
  * https://launchpad.net/openstack-ux
  * At some point, there needs to be a discussion around the scope of the blueprints. For example, is personas a blueprint?  Or should the first file personas that we are currently refining a blueprint?
  • Mid-Cycle Meetup
  * We are planning to have a joint mid-cycle w the Horizon folks since some of the cores overlap
  * Vote on Mid-Cycle Meetup survey to identify a location/date
  * In the future, we may piggyback other mid-cycles
  * Proposed topics (Etherpad): Review guideline (heuristic) for UX Cores reviewing mocks, Personas

Friday, 20 November 2015, 15:00 UTC


Friday, 6 November 2015, 15:00 UTC

  • Follow-up from Summit
  • Personas
  • Move to a UX repository (Gerrit)
  • Neutron Study

September 8, 2014

August 18 2014

August 4

July 7

June 18