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Difference between revisions of "Ironic"

(Using Disk Image Builder)
(Boot the Ironic undercloud image)
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To login to the undercloud node with ssh, use a command like this
After doing step #5 of [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-incubator/devtest_undercloud.html devtest_undercloud-walkthru's], you will be able to login to the undercloud node with ssh, use a command like this:
  ssh heat-admin@$UNDERCLOUD_IP
  ssh heat-admin@$UNDERCLOUD_IP
:'''Note''': We included the stackuser element when we built our image so if you have console access you may also login on the console with " stack " as both username and password. Both users, "heat-admin" and "stack", have full sudo access.
:'''Note''': We included the stackuser element when we built our image so if you have console access you may also login on the console with " stack " as both username and password. Both users, "heat-admin" and "stack", have full sudo access.

Revision as of 15:08, 22 October 2013

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Ironic: Bare Metal provisioning for OpenStack

Ironic is under rapid initial development, forked from Nova's Baremetal driver. If you're looking for something that works today, go there :)

If you'd like to join the development, start by reading the developer docs here, and then join us in the #openstack-ironic on irc.freenode.net!

Building Documentation Locally

If you want to build the ironic docs for yourself locally, follow these steps:

create a vm

 #using vagrant 1.2.2 with a virtualbox backend
 vagrant init precise32
 #enable networking with the host
   vi Vagrantfile
     config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 4567
 vagrant up

shell into the vm

 vagrant ssh

install dependencies

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install -y git apache2 python-dev swig libssl-dev python-pip libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libxslt1-dev python-mysqldb libpq-dev
 sudo pip install virtualenv setuptools-git flake8 tox
 sudo easy_install nose

get the ironic repo

 cd ~
 git clone git://github.com/openstack/ironic.git

create a file enabling ironic.localhost in apache

 sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/100-ironic
 # contents
 <VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerName ironic.localhost
     DocumentRoot /opt/source/ironic/doc/build/html
         <Directory /opt/source/ironic/doc/build/html>
                 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                 AllowOverride None
                 Order allow,deny
                 allow from all
 # change the DocumentRoot and the Directory to point the the ironic repo, if you are using
 # vagrant and the ironic repo is the the vagrant user's home directory the code is fine

create a venv inside the ironic repo

 cd ironic
 tox -evenv -- echo 'done'

activate the newly created venv

 source .tox/venv/bin/activate

from inside the venv

 python setup.py build_sphinx
 # as I run this I get 20 warnings, ignore the warnings

exit the venv


restart apache

 sudo service apache2 restart

on your host:

 add ironic.localhost to /etc/hosts with:
 sudo sed -i 's/\(\s*localhost\)/\1 ironic.localhost/' /etc/hosts

point your browser to http://ironic.localhost:4567

You should be reading your newly build documentation.

Try it on Devstack

To install Ironic using Devstack follow the following steps:

1. Obtain the latest copy of Devstack:

 git clone git://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git

2. Go to the Devstack source tree and create a localrc file with at least the following options:

 # Enable Ironic API and Ironic Conductor
 enable_service ir-api
 enable_service ir-cond
 # Enable Neutron which is required by Ironic and disable nova-network.
 disable_service n-net
 enable_service q-svc
 enable_service q-agt
 enable_service q-dhcp
 enable_service q-l3
 enable_service q-meta
 enable_service neutron
 # You can replace "password" with your own one.

3. Run installation of Devstack:


4. Wait until everything gets installed.

5. Ironic API service is listening on http://YOUR_IP:6385

Using Disk Image Builder

In this section, we will go over how to set up Ironic within the TripleO enviroment.

Note: TripleO heat templates are under rapid development and may invalidate this walk thru.
Element and Ironic yaml used in this walk thru may be found HERE.

If not familiar with TripleO and / or have not used the DiskImage-Builder (DIB) tool before, please read and familiarize yourself with the TripleO story. Here are some good starting points:

Please follow TripleO's Devtest-Doc up to the devtest_undercloud section.
In order to add Ironic to the undercloud image, you will need the Ironic element and Ironic yaml from HERE:

Clone the element

cd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-image-elements/elements
git clone https://github.com/NoBodyCam/ironic-element ironic

Copy the Ironic yaml file out of element's directory

cd ironic/yaml
cp ironic.yaml $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates

Add Ironic to the undercloud

Before doing step #1 of devtest_undercloud-walkthru, do this to add 'ironic' argument to the disk-image-create command:


Then do step #1, $TRIPLEO_ROOT/diskimage-builder/bin/disk-image-create...

Note: This will install Ironic and the Ironic command line client on the undercloud image. It will configure ironic.conf to use the undercloud's services. At this point it will NOT configure the undercloud to use Ironic's services.

Load Undercloud image

Step #2 of devtest_undercloud-walkthru loads the undercloud image containing Ironic you created above, into glance:

load-image $TRIPLEO_ROOT/undercloud.qcow2

Merge the Ironic and undercloud yaml files

python $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates/merge.py $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates/undercloud-vm.yaml  $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates/ironic.yaml > $TRIPLEO_ROOT/UndercloudAndIronic.yaml
Note: this will create the UndercloudAndIronic.yaml file in the $TRIPLEO_ROOT directory.

Create the required passwords

Step #3 of the devtest_undercloud-walkthru creates the required passwords for the undercloud.

source tripleo-undercloud-passwords

Boot the Ironic undercloud image

Use the command below in place of devtest_undercloud-walkthru's step #4 to spin up the undercloud! (It uses UndercloudAndIronic.yaml instead of the tripleo-heat-templates/undercloud-vm.yaml.)

if [ "$DHCP_DRIVER" = "bm-dnsmasq" ]; then

heat stack-create -f $TRIPLEO_ROOT/UndercloudAndIronic.yaml \
 -P "PowerUserName=$(whoami);\

Once HEAT has finished its magic, "nova list" should show something like this:

| ID                   | Name                               | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks           |
| <UUID>               | undercloud-notcompute-bo7jyyewi3on | ACTIVE | None       | Running     | ctlplane= |

This will be the Ironic node.

After doing step #5 of devtest_undercloud-walkthru's, you will be able to login to the undercloud node with ssh, use a command like this:

ssh heat-admin@$UNDERCLOUD_IP
Note: We included the stackuser element when we built our image so if you have console access you may also login on the console with " stack " as both username and password. Both users, "heat-admin" and "stack", have full sudo access.

Continue devtest_undercloud-walkthru

Continue to follow the devtest_undercloud-walkthru up through step #8.

Register the Ironic service

After step #8, register the Ironic service with keystone.

export UNDERCLOUD_IRONIC_PASSWORD=$(os-make-password)
PASSWORD=$UNDERCLOUD_IRONIC_PASSWORD register-endpoint -r "regionOne" -d "Ironic Service" ironic baremetal http://$UNDERCLOUD_IP:6385

In devtest_undercloud-walkthru's step #9, nodes are registered to the undercloud's nova-baremetal and not Ironic. Instead of that, we'll create a 'baremetal' node and register it with ironic, via the undercloud.

This will create a 'baremetal' node:


Login to the undercloud node with ssh, and register the baremetal node with ironic:

ssh heat-admin@$UNDERCLOUD_IP
sudo su -
source stackrc
ironic chassis-create -d TestChassis
ironic node-create -c <uuid of TestChassis created above>
ironic port-create -a <value of $UNDERCLOUD_MAC from create-nodes command in host> -n <uuid of node created above>

Be sure to run devtest_undercloud-walkthru's step #10.

Test it

ssh heat-admin@$UNDERCLOUD_IP
sudo su -
source stackrc
ironic chassis-create --description MyFirstTestChassis
ironic chassis-list