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< Chef
Revision as of 21:24, 6 May 2015 by JJ Asghar (talk | contribs) (Communication)

This page serves as a getting started guide for community members interested in contributing to the OpenStack Chef cookbooks and example repository.


  • The OpenStack + Chef community leverages the main openstack-dev mailing list with the tag of [chef] in the subject line.
  • There is an #openstack-chef channel on Freenode.net. Come hang out with us and collaborate there.
  • Our IRC status meeting are at 14:30 UTC 10:30 EST 07:30 PST on Mondays
  • Our IRC office hours are at 14:30 UTC 10:30 EST 07:30 PST on Thursdays. We try to have as many core members here so we can discuss topics or issues users are having. Our agendas are located here.

Bug Tracking

We track bugs and feature requests using a single Launchpad project called OpenStack + Chef. You can see the list of open bugs or file a new bug.

Blueprints / Feature Tracking

For major feature enhancements and planning you can use Launchpad's Blueprints system for the OpenStack + Chef project on Launchpad. You can create a new blueprint that may be targeted to a milestone and tracked appropriately. The process for blueprint content reviews is documented here: https://github.com/stackforge/openstack-chef-specs

How to Contribute

We have broken this off into another page here.