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< Neutron‎ | LBaaS
Revision as of 19:40, 1 April 2014 by Retr0h (talk | contribs)

This page is dedicated to track operator's data on how users utilize load balancing. What their deployments/configurations look like.

Uses cases

SSL Termination

This has already been proposed and in the process of being accepted. Neutron/LBaaS/SSL.

L7 Scriptability

Define a flexible API which allows for L7 Scripting.

  • Ability to insert Certificate Information into HTTP Headers.
  • SSL client authentication with OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol).

High Availability

Ability to define an active/active or active/standby cluster of load balancers. This will be realized differently depending on the backend driver. For example Citrix implements this with a middlewear API server [Netscaler Control Center].

Service VMs

Would it make sense to take advantage of these blueprints as it relates to LBaaS?


Stats for each pool associated with the VIP as well as aggregated stats.

Vendor Passthrough

Will there always be a standardized API no matter which backend driver is used? How do we account for functionality in Netscaler that may not exist in HAProxy (contrived example)?