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SSH Module Proposal

As an initial platform to enable data plane discovery, implement an SSH module using paramiko by extending its SSHClient class.

Desired Interface

>>> from satori.common.ssh import SSH
>>> client = SSH(host="123.456.789.11", host_password="pa$$word", host_username="Tobias")
>>> output = client.remote_execute("sudo echo hello", with_exit_code=True)
>>> print output
{'stdout': 'hello', 'stderr': , 'exit_code': 0}


  • Manage authentication mechanisms, retry authenticating, and prefer SSH keys.
  • Mange connecting and disconnecting when remote_execute is called. (Lazy load the auth object)
  • Support ssh proxy connections [1], and create an implementation that provides the same behavior whether connecting through a proxy or connecting to the remote host directly.
  • Implement an instance property, platform_info, that will return the remote host's platform info using (python >=2.4)'s platform module
    • architecture, distro, version
    • e.g. Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64 would return
      • {'arch': 'x86_64', 'dist': 'ubuntu', 'version': '12.04'}


  1. 1.0 1.1 github.com/paramiko/paramiko See `sock` keyword argument.