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Computing Force Network Working Group

Revision as of 03:11, 3 January 2024 by Niujie (talk | contribs) (Release Info:)

Current Status



What is Computing Force Network
With the flourish of new business scenarios such as hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, AI, big data, edge computing, building a new information infrastructure based on multiple key technologies and converging cloud and network, will better support global digital transformation. This new infrastructure will not only relates to cloud, it is getting more and more connected with network, and at the same time, we also need to consider how to converge multiple technologies like AI, Blockchain, big data, security to provide this integrated service. China Mobile is working on building Computing Force Network infrastructure to meet the business requirements from digital and economy development, Computing Force Network is a new information infrastructure that takes network as the foundation and computing as the core, deeply converge Artificial intelligence, Block chain, Cloud, Data, Network, Edge computing, Terminal computing, Security(ABCDNETS),to provide all-in-one services. This CFN infrastructure will manage ubiquitous distributed computing force by a unified platform, integrate multiple technologies like AI, blockchain and etc, to provide intelligent services to consumers, to support digital transformation and new business like IoT, IoV, Metaverse and etc.


The mission of this CFN working group is to promoting the development of CFN, gradually building the next generation of open infrastructure. CFN working group will collect use case scenarios, define and optimize CFN architecture, identify key technologies, formulate solutions for technical challenges, the collaboration pattern and integration solutions between these key technologies, then promote the development and implementation of key technologies to empower the development of CFN. According to the subjects and classification of technology, set up sub-groups to focus on specified topics, like use case scenarios, overall architecture, key technologies etc, gradually formulate technical solutions, we will deliver documents about CFN use case scenarios, architecture, CFN related technical solutions and requirements.

Scope of CFN working group:

This CFN working group will focus on topics of how to build the new information infrastructure of CFN, which including:

  • Use case scenarios and users' requirements based on the current market and technical development trend
  • Discussions and specifications for Computing Force Network overall architecture
  • Discussions around key technologies for building new information infrastructure of CFN, how those technologies collaborate and integrate with each other, and generate a cross-community aligned technical solutions
  • Operating System for ubiquitous computing: to realize a unified operating system of management and orchestration for cloud, edge and terminal computing. Related technologies includes: cluster management of infrastructure, terminal computing management, security, operating system isolation and etc.
  • Computing abstraction: this is to build a development platform of unified compiling which based on heterogeneous computing hardware. Related technologies includes: compiler for heterogeneous chips, unified programming language for development, operating system adaption, chip driver and etc.
  • Computing transaction: this is to build s trusted computing transaction platform for multi-party computing. Related technologies includes: 3rd-party computing cooperation, computing authentication, computing encapsulation, blockchain and etc.
  • Computing offload: this is to build a unified computing platform basement. Related technologies includes: DPU, vSwitch, Storage, hypervisor related technologies, customized servers and etc
  • CFN brain: build a CFN brain to realize task decomposition, orchestration, and distribution, which can connects computing and network resources in all fields in lower layer, and gives full support for computing network integrated services in upper layer.
  • ...


Mailling list: https://lists.opendev.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/computing-force-network
Repository: https://opendev.org/cfn/
Storyboard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/computing-force-network
CFN WG guide: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Computing_Force_Network_Working_Group_guide

              will migrate to git repository: https://opendev.org/cfn/cfn-overview

Working Group proposal: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/CFN-Working-Group

Organization Structure

The initial organization structure

Organization Structure

TSC is in forming status , the initial TSC is formed by PTL of sub working group
TSC link: (a place holder for wiki page)

Current sub-groups:

Active: Use case and architecture, Ubiquitous Computing Scheduling, Computing Native, Computing Offload
Planning: CFN Security

Sub group links:

Use case and architecture: will host the CFN use case research and e2e analyze
Link: https://opendev.org/cfn/use-case-and-architecture
obsolete https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Computing_Force_Network_Working_Group_Usecase_architecture

Ubiquitous Computing Scheduling:
Link: https://opendev.org/cfn/ubiquitous-computing-scheduling

Computing Offload and Integration:
Link: https://opendev.org/cfn/computing-offload

Computing Native:
Link: https://opendev.org/cfn/computing-native

Release Info:

After a year of collaboration among all CFN WG members and contributors, CFN WG has finishied our release 1 and has launched release 1 on OpenInfra Days China on 1st December, 2023. Facing with diverse AI applications that needs to be run on difference AI chips, we targeting to provide CFN infrastructure for AI application, together with the efforts of 4 sub-groups, we have formed CFN landscape 1.0, that include AI CFN infrastructure use case and technical solutions, which is also the first release of CFN.

CFN WG landscape 1.0


Bi-weekly, Thursday 10:00AM UTC +8


  1. 腾讯会议:774-1603-8038

Meeting Log


Next Meeting

17/11/2022 THU UTC+8 10:00 AM

Next Meeting Agenda

Please add agenda items in: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/CFNWG-meetings (For regular meeting)

Upcoming Event


Previous Events

  • OpenInfra Days China 2023


  • OpenInfra Live Meet the Computing Force Network Working Group


  • OpenInfra Project Teams Gathering

OpenInfra Project Teams Gathering (PTG) October 20, 2022 06:00 - 09:00 UTC . https://openinfra.dev/ptg/

  • OpenInfra Days China 2022
OpenInfra Days China 2022 at 08/05/2022, online, roundtable notes: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/openinfra-days-china-2022-CFN-forum-roundtable

Monthly Updates

