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< Nova
Revision as of 14:43, 12 May 2016 by Andrea Rosa (talk | contribs) (Weekly bug skimming duty)

Nova Bug Triage

The triage of Nova bugs follows the OpenStack-wide process documented on BugTriage.

There is an open group you need to join to get permissions to set bug priorities: https://launchpad.net/~nova-bugs

There is also a weekly Nova bug meeting here: Meetings/Nova/BugsTeam


All new bugs should be tagged to reflect which part of Nova they are related to. The current list of tags can be found below. Note that it is fine for a bug to receive more than one tag if appropriate. Launchpad Query: Untriaged Bugs Without Tags

Once new bugs have been tagged, they should be triaged as described on BugTriage. To help make sure that the triage queue stays under control, the following table lists the people that have committed to regularly triaging bugs for a given tag. The official (and inofficial) tags are at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+manage-official-tags

Tag Owner List

Bug tag Description Owner(s) Untriaged Query All Query
api Bugs related to the compute REST API implementation sdague Untriaged All
availability-zones Issues when segregating resources with availability zones.  ? Untriaged All
cells Bugs with Nova cells alaski Untriaged All
ceph Bugs related to the ceph storage solution  ? Untriaged All
cinder Bugs related to the nova-cinder interaction. If the bug is determined to be in the upstream cinder source, the cinder project should also be added to the "Affects" list  ? Untriaged All
compute Bugs in the nova-compute service that are not specific to a virt driver. melwitt Untriaged All
conductor Bugs in the nova-conductor service dansmith Untriaged All
config All bugs related to the config options markus_z Untriaged All
console Bugs in the nova-console service (including nova-consoleauth, novncproxy, etc)  ? Untriaged All
doc Bugs which should affect the manuals project or nova internal docs  ? Untriaged All
db Database (datastore) issues, including migrations  ? Untriaged All
ec2 Issues specific to EC2 API support.  ? Untriaged All
gate-failure Bug reports which are used to categorize failures in the gate  ? Untriaged All
hyper-v Problems specific to the hyper-v driver alexpilotti Untriaged All
i18n Issues with internationalization  ? Untriaged All
ironic Problems specific to the ironic driver jlvillal / mrda / devananda (Ironic PTL) Untriaged All
kilo-backport-potential Fixes to those bugs should potentially be backported to Kilo bug. If a bug was reported against Kilo, use this tag.  ? Untriaged All
kilo-rc-potential Blocks (potentially) the release of (another) Kilo release  ? Untriaged All
liberty-backport-potential Fixes to those bugs should potentially be backported to Liberty  ? Untriaged All
liberty-rc-potential Blocks (potentially) the release of (another) Liberty release  ? Untriaged All
libvirt Problems specific to the libvirt (kvm or qemu) driver kashyapc Untriaged All
live-migration Problems specific when doing live migration. PaulMurray Untriaged All
low-hanging-fruit Should be an easy goal for new contributors free for all Untriaged All
lxc Issues specific to LXC virtualization support thomasem Untriaged All
mitaka-backport-potential Fixes to those bugs should potentially be backported to Mitaka. If a bug was reported against Mitaka, use this tag.  ? Untriaged All
mitaka-rc-potential Blocks (potentially) the release of (another) Mitaka release  ? Untriaged All
needs-attention Bugs which came up during the bug skimming duty and further steps are unclear. markus_z Untriaged All
needs-functional-test We need a functional test for this to avoid regression.  ? Untriaged All
network Issues in nova-network (maybe dansmith?) Untriaged All
neutron Issues with the nova-neutron-interaction. If the bug is determined to be in the upstream neutron source, the neutron project should also be added to the "Affects" list  ? Untriaged All
nova-manage Bugs in the nova-manage utility (docs) melwitt Untriaged All
numa Issues where NUMA is involved  ? Untriaged All
novaclient novaclient bugs exist in their own project on launchpad, python-novaclient. They are not tagged bugs in the nova project. However, we still need one or more people signed up to make sure novaclient bugs get triaged and looked after. melwitt Untriaged All
ops  ?  ? Untriaged All
oslo Bugs related to Oslo integration (oslo-incubator or Oslo libraries). If the bug is determined to be in the upstream oslo source, the oslo project should also be added to the "Affects" list.  ? Untriaged All
pci Bugs regarding pci-devices (includes "pci-passthrough")  ? Untriaged All
postgresql PostgreSQL specific bugs.  ? Untriaged All
quotas Bugs related to restricting access to resources with quotas  ? Untriaged All
race-condition Issues which are hard to reproduce due to race conditions. Probably only useful in combination with other tags.  ? Untriaged All
resource-tracker Issues with the tracking when and where we claim resources.  ? Untriaged All
rootwrap Problems with run-as-root commands or the rootwrap framework. ttx Untriaged All
scheduler Bugs in the nova-scheduler service bauzas Untriaged All
security  ?  ? Untriaged All
security-groups  ?  ? Untriaged All
testing Bugs related to testing (unit tests, tempest integration)  ? Untriaged All
unified-objects Bugs related to the unified-objects work dansmith Untriaged All
upgrades Issues with upgrades from one release to another. Those are usually critical bugs! dansmith Untriaged All
vmware Issues specific to VMware virtualization support. tjones Untriaged All
volumes Issues related to volume support (Cinder integration) ndipanov Untriaged All
xen Issues with the libvirt+xen driver anthonyper, openstack-ci@xenproject.org Untriaged All
xenserver Issues specific to XenServer/XenAPI virtualization support BobBall Untriaged All

How to Subscribe to Tags

How to add a new subscription to bug reports which match certain tags.
How to list and manage bug report subscriptions.

Weekly bug skimming duty

Nova gets a lot of new bug reports each day. Each bug report needs to be skimmed if it is a valid report, if crucial information is missing and so on. The weekly bug skimming duty should spread the knowledge and effort of that task to multiple people.

The duty includes:

  • Switch the bug to "incomplete" when crucial information is missing and ask the reporter to provide more information. This includes:
    • steps to reproduce
    • the version of Nova and the novaclient (or os-client)
    • logs (on debug level)
    • environment details depending on the bug
      • libvirt/kvm versions, VMWare version, ...
      • storage type (ceph, LVM, GPFS, ...)
      • network type (nova-network or neutron)
  • Close as "invalid" if it is a support request or feature request.
  • Switch to "confirm" if you could reproduce the described issue or can otherwise say that this bug report seems valid. This is not always possible for you because of missing resources like a ceph storage or something like that.
  • Add a tag (or more tags) if the report allows you to narrow down the area which potentially contains the issue. This should be the entry point for subteams to dig deeper to find the root cause and potential solutions.
  • Bring critical bugs to the attention of the other contributors. The #openstack-nova channel and/or a ML post is useful.

In short, do as much as possible before the expertise of the subteams is needed. Also, if you spot potential critical bugs, shout out in the #openstack-nova channel (for markus_z or one of the core reviewers).

From date To date Contributors
2016-05-16 2016-05-17 andrearosa
2016-04-28 2016-05-05 pumaranikar
2016-04-21 2016-04-28 lyarwood
2016-04-07 2016-04-14 cihand
2016-03-31 2016-04-07 -
2016-03-24 2016-03-31 auggy
2016-03-17 2016-03-24 -
2016-03-10 2016-03-17 -
2016-03-03 2016-03-10 -
2016-02-25 2016-03-03 -
2016-02-18 2016-02-25 -
2016-02-11 2016-02-18 -
2016-02-04 2016-02-11 auggy
2016-01-28 2016-02-04 -
2016-01-21 2016-01-28 markus_z, auggy,
2016-01-14 2016-01-21 auggy rpodolyaka
2016-01-07 2016-01-14 cihand