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Revision as of 15:09, 30 July 2014 by Luqas (talk | contribs)


Midokura Third-Party Testing (MTPT) runs a set of Tempest tests on every new patch submitted for review to the upstream master branch of the Openstack Neutron project. The patch is tested using the Midonet plugin on a devstack environment to ensure that the patch works with it.

The Openstack gerrit account name for MTPT is “Midokura CI Bot”.

System Setup

Currently MTPT runs on Jenkins with the Gerrit Trigger plugin spawing VMs on demand using the JClouds plugin but we are moving it to Zuul + Gearman + Nodepool to improve it and meet all the Openstack Third-Party requirements.

MTPT is voting +1 on a success and 0 on a failure.

List of Publicly Available Logs

Public logs for the testing results are stored in: http://3rdparty-logs.midokura.com/

Contact Information

For any questions or comments, please contact: mido-openstack-dev@midokura.com