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= DocBook markup conventions =
{{Warning|header=Warning|body=This page is deprecated. It is left here for reference.}}
This page offers writing conventions for OpenStack documentation. Following conventions helps to enhance the readabilty of our docs by enabling the DocBook stylesheets to format them consistently. Please modify this page as you come across more markup you need for the docs.openstack.org site.  
== General authoring conventions ==
Read the new content in [http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/writing-style/general-writing-guidelines.html the Documentation Contributor Guide].
This section contains general guidelines for editing OpenStack documents in DocBook.  
=== Maximum line length in verbatim text ===
When using verbatim elements (including <code>literallayout</code>, <code>programlisting</code>, <code>screen</code>, and <code>synopsis</code>), do not exceed a line length of 70 characters.
=== Boolean configuration options ===
When documenting boolean configuration options, explicitly include the truth value.
'''Correct example'''
'''Incorrect example'''
=== Sections ===
==== Add IDs to sections ====
All section tags must have an <code>xml:id</code> attribute. This enables unique file names for the generated HTML and human-readable page titles, plus it lets Disqus threads stay with the HTML page.
<pre><section xml:id="section-id-goes-here">
==== Keeping sections together ====
To keep several sections on a single HTML page, use the DocBook <code>stop_chunking</code> processing instruction:
<pre><section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
    xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0"
<?dbhtml stop-chunking?>
<title>Dom Modifications for Resize/Migration Support</title>
=== euca2ools documentation ===
Since Nova exposes both its own API and an EC2-compatible API, many tasks can be executed using either the nova CLI or euca2ools. Documentation related to euca2ools should generally be limited to:
    * Describing euca2ools commands that don't yet have a nova CLI equivalent (e.g., euca-get-console-output)
    * Describing how to get credentials to work with euca2ools
    * Describing differences between how Amazon's EC2 endpoint behaves and how an OpenStack endpoint behaves when accessing via EC2.
=== Adding a line break ===
In verbatim elements, you explicitly control line breaks. In the output of non-verbatim block elements (such as paragraphs and table cells), lines normally break automatically, for example at a fixed page or table boundary or when the reader resizes an HTML page. Automatic line breaking can fail if the text contains long strings that contain no whitespace. When that happens, the text is clipped or overflows the page or table boundaries.
If a line fails to break normally, try adding whitespace (like spaces) in the source where you want to allow line breaks. If that method is not available, you can force a line break anywhere in text by inserting the <code><?sbr?></code> processing instruction.
In the first line of code, spaces around the equals signs enable the line to wrap at either location. In the second line, <code><?sbr?></code> forces a line break.
compute_driver = nova.virt.baremetal.driver.BareMetalDriver
== Tagging ==
Choosing the right tags (or at least agreeing to use the same tags) is important for using DocBook effectively. Otherwise, readers get inconsistent visual cues in the output formatting. You can check the semantic description of any tag in Oxygen. This section tries to identify circumstances where multiple tags might work or where the choice of tags is not obvious, and suggests an appropriate tagging.
=== Code or data (block) ===
'''Use tag:''' <code>programlisting</code>
Program source or source fragments formatted as a standalone block. (For inline source fragments use the <code>code</code> element).
Content is displayed verbatim, so whitespace is significant, including spaces, tabs, and line breaks. Text is usually displayed in a fixed-width font.
To optimize the output of <code>programlisting</code> for a specific programming language, use the language attribute. Valid language values include <code>bash</code>, <code>java</code>, <code>json</code>, and <code>xml</code>.
<pre><nowiki><programlisting language="json"><xi:include href="samples/agents-put-res.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
<programlisting language="bash" linenumbering="unnumbered">CACHES = {
  'default': {
    'BACKEND' : 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
    'LOCATION' : ''
=== Code or data (inline) ===
'''Use tag''': <code>literal</code>
A fragment of code within a line of text. If you are instructing users to enter the code or data, consider <code>userinput</code> instead of <code>literal</code>.
<pre><nowiki><para>The file contains the default setting, <literal>use_syslog = True</literal>.</para>
<para>The owner is typically set to <literal>root:nova</literal>, and the mode set to <literal>0640</literal>.</para></nowiki></pre>
=== User input ===
'''Use tag''': <code>userinput</code>
Text that you instruct or intend users to enter. Compare to <code>code</code> or <code>programlisting</code>, which simply shows an instance of code or data, without telling users to enter it.
You can insert a short <code>userinput</code> into a line of text (such as a para). For multiline input, embed <code>userinput</code> in a <code>screen</code> element, where you can insert line breaks to create each line.
<pre><nowiki><para>Enter <userinput>admin</userinput> for the username and <userinput>secret</userinput> as the password.</para</nowiki></pre>
See Computer output for a multiline example.
=== Computer output ===
'''Use tag''': <code>computeroutput</code>
Text displayed in a terminal or log file as the result of a command. You can insert a short <code>computeroutput</code> string into a line of text. For multi-line input, embed <code>computeroutput</code> in a <code>screen</code> element, inserting line breaks to create each line.
This example of an interactive session in a terminal combines a prompt, user input, and the resulting computer output in a <code>screen</code>:
<pre><nowiki><para>Mount the image in read-write mode by entering, as root:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>guestfish --rw -a centos63_desktop.img</userinput>
Welcome to guestfish, the libguestfs filesystem interactive shell for
editing virtual machine filesystems.
Type: 'help' for help on commands
      'man' to read the manual
      'quit' to quit the shell
=== Command ===
'''Use tag''': <code>command</code>
The name of an executable program.
<pre><nowiki>Use the <command>nova network-create</command> command to create the subnet that the VMs reside on.</nowiki></pre>
=== Command line prompt ===
'''Use tag''': <code>prompt</code>
<pre><nowiki><screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>sudo addgroup nova</userinput></screen></nowiki></pre>
=== File name or path ===
'''Use tag''': <code>filename</code>
Any part of a path specification, including device name, directory, file name, or extension.
<pre><nowiki><para>The configuration file <filename>nova.conf</filename> is installed in <filename>/etc/nova</filename> by default.</para></nowiki></pre>
=== Variable text ===
'''Use tag''': <code>replaceable</code>
Variable content that readers replace with actual instances. The text is frequently italicized in output.
<pre><nowiki><para>The <filename>/etc/<replaceable>service-codename</replaceable>/policy.json</filename> controls what users are allowed to do for a given service.</nowiki></pre>
'''Note''': Don't add formatting to replaceable text, for example by surrounding it with quotes or brackets. Let the DocBook style sheets do the formatting.
=== System and API names ===
'''Use tag''': <code>systemitem</code>
Refer to components in an operating system or API by name, including system services, daemons, methods, classes, and functions. To  refer to the item's location rather than its name, consider using <code>filename</code> instead.
<pre><nowiki><para>Compute uses the <systemitem>nova-scheduler</systemitem> service to determine how to dispatch compute and volume requests.</para></nowiki></pre>
=== Linking ===
==== Link to an internal target that has a title ====
'''Use tag''': <code>xref</code>
Cross-references a target element in the same document. The "hot" link text that appears in the output is normally generated automatically from the target object during processing. For this reason, <code>xref</code> usually point to targets that have a title or a similar associated label.
Compare this to a cross reference using <code>link</code>, where you specify the link text yourself. The advantage of using <code>xref</code> is that the link text is not static: if the title of the target changes, your link text is automatically updated in the next build.
Note that the <code>xref linkend</code> attribute points to the <code>xml:id</code> of the target element, not its title.
The <code>xref</code> in this example points to the figure that follows. In the output, the target title, '''OpenStack Services''', is automatically used as the link text of the cross-reference:
<pre><nowiki><para>The Image Service is central to the overall IaaS picture, as shown in <xref linkend="concept_arch"/>.</para>
<figure xml:id="concept_arch">
  <title>OpenStack Services</title>
Note that the same <code>xref</code> has no link text if the target is an <code>informalfigure</code>, because that element has no title. (For workarounds to this limitation, see the DocBook <code>xref</code> reference.)
==== Link to an internal target or external resource ====
'''Use tag''': <code>link</code>
<code>link</code> is a general purpose element that can point to another element in the same document, or to an external resource like an HTML page or PDF document. 
* To cross-reference an internal target, use the <code>linkend</code> attribute that specifies the target element's <code>xml:id</code>.
* To cross-reference an external target, use the <code>xlink:href</code> attribute with a URI value.
In the content of the <code>link</code> specify the link text that you want to appear in the output.
'''Example''' (external):
<pre><nowiki><link xlink:href="http://nova.openstack.org">Nova</link></nowiki></pre>
'''Example''' (internal link)
<pre><nowiki><para>The Image Service is central to the overall IaaS picture, as shown in <link linkend="concept_arch">OpenStack Services</link>.</para>
<informalfigure xml:id="concept_arch">
As a rule of thumb, use <code>link</code> instead of <code>xref</code> to cross-reference external targets, and internal targets for which DocBook processing does not automatically generate link text  (for example, informal tables or figures, which have no titles). Conversely, if you're cross-referencing an internal target that has a title, consider using <code>xref</code> instead of hard-coding the link text<code>link</code>.
=== Unlinked URI ===
'''Use tag''': <code>uri</code>
Provide only the text of a URI, without a live link.
<pre><nowiki><para>In your Web brower, log in to the Dashboard at <uri></uri>. </para></nowiki></pre>
=== Procedure ===
Tag to use: <code>procedure</code>
A formal (titled) sequence of steps. Normally, the steps are rendered as a numbered list in the output. Begin the title with the word, "To", and do not end the title with a colon.
Individual steps don't require titles, and step titles do not have to start with "To."
To reduce the number of steps and make long procedures easier to follow, consider breaking steps up into logical groups of substeps.
  <title>To install the software</title>
  <step><para>Download the package.</para>
      <step><para>Go to the download page.</para></step>
      <step><para>Choose the package for your environment and click Download.</para></step>
<step><para>Unpack the downloaded file.</para></step>   
To indicate a choice of steps, use <code>stepalternative</code>. The alternative steps are rendered as a bulleted list in the output.
''(Credit and thanks to Bob Stayton for this clear illustration:)''
  <step><para>Do part A</para></step>
  <step><para>Do one of these:</para>
      <step><para>Do part B</para></step>
      <step><para>If you can't do part B, do part C</para></step>
</procedure>  </nowiki></pre>
=== Lists ===
Choose the appropriate list type to presenting a sequence of items. '''Note''': to present steps in a task, use <code>procedure</code> instead.
==== Ordered list ====
'''Use tag''': <code>orderedlist</code>
A sequence of items whose order matters.
<pre><nowiki><para>During the migration process:</para>
  <listitem><para>The target host ensures that live migration is enabled.</para></listitem>
  <listitem><para>The target host installs the base VHD if it is not already present.</para></listitem>
  <listitem><para>The source host ensures that live migration is enabled.</para></listitem>
  <listitem><para>The source host initiates the migration.</para></listitem>
  <listitem><para>The source host notifies the manager of the outcome of the operation.</para></listitem>
==== Unordered items ====
'''Use tag''': <code>itemizedlist</code>
A sequence of items that can happen in any order or whose order doesn't matter.
<para>OpenStack with XenAPI supports the following virtual machine image formats:</para>
  <listitem><para>VHD (in a gzipped tarball)</para></listitem>
==== Term/description or key/value pairs ====
'''Use tag''': <code>variablelist</code>
An unordered list in which each item has a short term (such as a key or option) or phrase in one block, followed by a description block. <code>variablelist</code> is typically rendered as a <code>dl</code> definition list in HTML output, with the term highlighted.
Consider using a variable list:
* Instead of an itemized list when your list has a regular pattern of key/value or term/definition pairs.
* Instead of a two column table where the first column lists items of a consistent type, such as keys, options, or short terms, and the second column describes the items. Consider that lists are generally more accessible than tables for screen reader users.
==== A simple, undecorated  list of items ====
'''Use tag''': <code>simplelist</code>
Present a sequence of words or short phrases without the decorations of a numbered or bulleted list. <code>simplelist</code> offers a variety of flavors.
'''Example''' (vertical list of undecorated items)
By default, simplelist is rendered as standalone block:
<pre><nowiki><para>Valid formats include:</para>
'''Example''' (inline)
Here is the same list rendered inline (specified in the type attribute), as a comma-separated list in a paragraph:
<pre><nowiki><para>Valid formats include
  <simplelist type='inline'>
=== Notes ===
'''Use tag''': <code>note</code>, <code>caution</code>, <code>important</code>, <code>tip</code>, or <code>warning</code>
A brief message that is set off from the main text. Use <code>note</code> for generic messages; the others have more specific semantic meanings, as their names indicate. By default, these elements automatically generate a title ('''Note''', '''Caution''', and so on.) You can override the default title by explicitly adding a <code>title</code> element with your custom text.
Without a <code>title</code> element the output of this example would have the default title, '''Note''':
<pre><nowiki><note><title>Upcoming Changes</title>
    <para>Future versions of this feature may not be backward compatible. Consider implementing the revised interface now.
=== Image ===
'''Use tag''': <code>mediaobject</code>, <code>inlinemediaobject</code>
Use <code>mediaobject</code> for a block image, <code>inlinemediaobject</code> to insert an image (usually a small one like an icon) in a para. For a formal (titled) image, embed a <code>mediaobject</code> in a <code>figure</code>.
In DocBook source, here is how you include images that have both a scalable-for-print-resolution in the PDF and an online-resolution for the HTML output. In this case the two types of images are SVG and PNG formats. The contentwidth="6in" attribute ensures that the image does not overlap print margins nor take up too much screen space.
<pre><nowiki><figure xml:id="CFinterfaces">
  <title>Cloud Files System Interfaces</title>
      <imagedata contentwidth="6in" fileref="figures/CFinterfaces.svg"/>
The convention is to use the /src/figures/ directory to store both the source image and any other formats of that same image. The pom.xml file copies the files in the /figures/ directory into the output directory required for HTML in the post processing section.
Also, when you add the image to the /src/figures directory, be sure to tell the source control system that you've added the image. For example, use '''git add''' to ensure the images get added to source control so the HTML and PDF output will be built correctly by the Jenkins continuous integration server.
For any figure you create, please also include the source files, even if the image was not created with open source tools, for maintenance purposes. While all OpenStack docs are created with open source in mind, including open-licensed fonts in the output, we are willing to allow non-open authoring or image creation tools if it's more efficient.
=== Tables ===
'''Use tag''': <code>table</code>, <code>informaltable</code>
Use <code>table</code> for a formal (titled) table, <code>informaltable</code> for a table with no title.
Use sentence capitalization for table captions and column headings.
<pre><nowiki><table rules="all">
  <caption>Hardware recommendations </caption>
  <col width="20%"/>
  <col width="23%"/>
  <col width="57%"/>
      <td>Recommended hardware</td>
=== Conditionalizing ===
'''Use tag''': any element, with <code>os</code> attribute
The ''Install & Deploy Guide'' has content that depends upon the operating system. Use the <code>os</code> attribute to specify a region that is operating-system specific. Valid values are:
* ubuntu
* fedora
* rhel
* centos
* deb
<pre><nowiki><screen os="ubuntu"><userinput><prompt>$</prompt> sudo apt-get install -y ntp</userinput></screen>
<screen os="rhel;fedora;centos"><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>yum install -y ntp</userinput></screen></nowiki></pre>
'''Use tag''': <code>menuchoice</code>
A sequence of two or more menu selections. Output automatically includes a '''>''' separator between items.
<pre><nowiki><para>Here's an example openrc file you can download from the Dashboard in
  <guimenuitem>Project Settings</guimenuitem>
  <guimenuitem>Download RC File</guimenuitem>
=== Keyboard key combination ===
'''Use tag''': <code>keycombo</code>
A sequence of two or more keystrokes or mouse actions. Output automatically includes a '''+''' separator between items.
=== GUI button ===
'''Use tag''': <code>guibutton</code>
An item in a window that you select or click.
<pre><nowiki><para>In the TryStack dashboard, click <guibutton>Login</guibutton>.</para></nowiki></pre>
== Terms and usage ==
This section offers conventions around general English usage and terms that are not covered in the glossary.
=== hostname ===
Use lowercase unless legal considerations require capitalizing.
<pre><nowiki>"local-hostname": "test.novalocal"</nowiki></pre>
=== OpenStack, not Openstack or openstack ===
=== Service and project names ===
When referring to the services, use "Compute", "Image", and "Identity"  instead of "nova", "glance", and "keystone". Use the project names like "nova" and "keystone" when referring to the project or for CLI commands and service names.

Latest revision as of 13:47, 27 March 2018

Warning icon.svg Warning

This page is deprecated. It is left here for reference.

Read the new content in the Documentation Contributor Guide.