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Self-healing SIG

Self-healing SIG

Status: Formed

Original proposal: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-sigs/2017-September/000054.html


This SIG aims to coordinate the use and development of several OpenStack projects which can be combined in various ways to manage OpenStack infrastructure in a policy-driven fashion, reacting to failures and other events by automatically healing services.


One of the biggest promises of the cloud vision was the idea that all the infrastructure could be managed in a policy-driven fashion, reacting to failures and other events by automatically healing and optimising services.  Most of the components required to implement such an architecture already exist within OpenStack:

However, there is not yet a clear strategy within the community for how these should all tie together. This SIG aims to address that.


The original proposal defined the SIG's scope as self-healing of cloud infrastructure, so for now it is primarily of interest to developers and operators, not end users. However it is also possible that in the future we will extend the scope to self-healing of cloud applications (e.g. see https://www.openstack.org/videos/barcelona-2016/building-self-healing-applications-with-aodh-zaqar-and-mistral), in which case end users could also find the SIG useful.

The scope could encompass not only self-healing of failures and service degradations, but also automatic optimization such as that performed by Watcher. However this would raise the issue that the name "self-healing" is not perfect because "healing" implies something is sick/broken, and optimization occurs even when the cloud is perfectly healthy. At the Sydney Forum session it was decided that it was better to be pragmatic and start small by focusing on hard failures. Optimization can easily be introduced later if required.

In scenarios where there are multiple solutions to the same self-healing use case, it is not in the scope of the SIG to assume an opinionated position by recommending one solution or project over another . The SIG intends to remain project-agnostic, instead merely presenting the facts regarding what is and isn't currently possible, and what is intended for future development. This should enable operators and users to make better informed decisions based on their own needs.



  • Developers working on the OpenStack projects listed above
  • Architects responsible for designing OpenStack deployments
  • Operators responsible for deploying and managing OpenStack

As the scope increases in the future, we may also want to include:

  • Architects responsible for designing applications which run on OpenStack clouds
  • Developers responsible for developing applications which run on OpenStack clouds
  • End users of applications which run on OpenStack clouds

Getting Involved

From a feature request to a design spec, we value all participation. Please see the SIG's contributor guide.


The official SIG documentation contains self-healing use cases, cross-project specs, and in the future potentially also cross-project code.

The documentation is generated from the self-healing-sig git repository; you can also see associated change reviews.

Community Infrastructure / Resources

SIG Leads

Upcoming events

Past events

Project liasons

The following people have volunteered to act as liasons between the SIG and the individual project they are focused on. The intention of documenting these interface points is to encourage bidirectional assistance:

  1. If anyone is working on a self-healing use case and needs help from a specific project, they should have a greater chance of finding someone from that project who has both the knowledge and interest to help them.
  2. When projects add new functionality which can benefit self-healing use cases, they can proactively inform the SIG.

As a small measure of protection against email crawlers, emails are kept at https://ethercalc.openstack.org/docID where docID is e6retozlgrf8. Ongoing work regarding this list is tracked in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/self-healing-contacts

Project Contact Email IRC Handle
Ansible (Openstack) Jean-Philippe Evrard evrardjp
Congress Eric Kao ekcs
Fault Genes WG Nematollah Bidokhti
Freezer-DR Saad Zaher szaher
Heat Rico Lin ricolin
Masakari Adam Spiers aspiers
Mistral Dougal Matthews d0ugal
Monasca Witold Bedyk witek
OPNFV Georg Kunz georgk
OPNFV Barometer Sunku Ranganath sunku-ranganath
OPNFV Doctor Tomi Juvonen tojuvone
Senlin Qi Ming Teng Qiming
Senlin XueFeng Liu XueFeng
Senlin Yuanbin Chen chenyb4
TripleO Michele Baldessari bandini
TripleO Damien Ciabrini
Vitrage Eyal Bar-Ilan eyalb1
Watcher Alexander Chadin alexchadin


The idea for the SIG was born out of long-standing efforts to unify the OpenStack HA community around a single solution for instance HA, coupled with the realisation that this was just one of many self-healing use cases required in order for OpenStack infrastructure to be robust and performant.

The first meeting happened at the Denver PTG, and was minuted in this etherpad. The SIG was formally proposed as a result of this meeting.

A Sydney Forum session was proposed, accepted, and took place, after which the SIG was officially formed.

A longer description of the history is in this blog post.