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The stx builder is the container where you will perform most actions, such as launching the task of building packages and images, to start:

 $ stx control enter

In order to start building packages you have to do the following:

Update and setup git

    sudo apt-get update
    git config --global user.name <username>
    git config --global user.email <email>

Configure proxy (if needed)

    ssh -D 8080 -qTfnN <proxy host>
    proxychains <comand like 'debbuild libfdt', 'repo init ...', 'repo sync'>

Start a fresh repo tree

   repo init -u https://opendev.org/starlingx/manifest -m default.xml
   repo sync

Start a local binary repository

  debdownloader $MY_REPO_ROOT_DIR/stx-tools/debian-mirror-tools/config/debian/common/base-bullseye.lst

Build Packages

  build-pgs -a ALL

Build an Image
