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Showing results for marconi main. Search instead for Marco Marino.
  • Send commands to one or more agents. Identical to UC3, but substituting the actor Agent for Subscriber, and substituting command for event.
    500 bytes (22 words) - 18:42, 7 August 2014
  • Forward usage events to data collectors Identical to UC1, but substituting the actors Component and Collector for the actors Producer and Worker, respectively
    880 bytes (71 words) - 18:42, 7 August 2014
  • Distribute tasks among multiple workers. 1. Producer signs and submits work ticket to Service 2. Service acknowledges work ticket and guarantees its
    2 KB (316 words) - 18:42, 7 August 2014
  • Publish events to any number of subscribers. This use case only covers pub-sub within a single application domain. Publishing events to 3rd-party systems
    3 KB (388 words) - 18:42, 7 August 2014
  • Request information from an agent. 1. Requester generates and signs request, then submits it to Service. 2. Service acknowledges message and guarantees
    2 KB (276 words) - 18:42, 7 August 2014
  • ones being claimed by the workers Support msgpack in addition to JSON? Main difficulty is in replying in JSON when a message was enqueued using msgpack
    2 KB (399 words) - 15:12, 7 November 2014
  • Zaqar/FAQ (redirect from Marconi/FAQ)
    somehow misleading in this sense. The sqlalchemy driver was created for 3 main reasons: The support for sqlite is very useful for development. It makes
    5 KB (687 words) - 19:45, 7 August 2014
  • Message Queuing Service (Marconi)] Prashanth Raghu,India,pisprashanth@gmail.com, [OpenStack Message Queuing Service (Marconi)] Angel Cambero, US, [ac5444@rit
    18 KB (1,939 words) - 22:47, 16 March 2015
  • Marconi is designed to support several messaging patterns, including a number of Enterprise Integration Patterns, through a combination of API semantics
    5 KB (845 words) - 08:07, 12 September 2014
  • Actively using schemas in their v2 API. Actively using schemas in their Marconi client library. According to a core contributor, there is also a plan to
    2 KB (175 words) - 12:03, 28 April 2014
  • Add a New Storage Backend Goal The main goal of my proposal is to identify a storage engine that fits Marconi's interests and to implement a driver
    2 KB (11 words) - 20:24, 21 March 2014
  • project Zaqar: Sessions about the Zaqar incubated project (formerly known as Marconi) Barbican: Sessions about the Barbican incubated project Manila: Sessions
    4 KB (482 words) - 16:32, 24 March 2015
  • instance redis store as a data backend. The driver supports 6 main required functions of a marconi storage driver which are: Helps organize messages scoped
    4 KB (327 words) - 13:52, 11 August 2014
  • (Ceilometer, Marconi). We'd like to get a better NoSQL backend without Mongo's licensing issue and do away with relational storage entirely (Marconi). Here's
    31 KB (5,001 words) - 18:28, 10 October 2014
  • review Neutron testing (mlavalle) Marconi testing (malini) https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/add-basic-marconi-tests,n,z Ironic testing (agordeev)
    131 KB (16,984 words) - 03:43, 13 March 2018