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Solum/solum m2 demo

< Solum(Redirected from Solum/Demo)

Set Up Your Own Development Environment

You can set up your own demo environment to run your own installation of Solum with Devstack in a vagrant box. This uses VirtualBox as the default provider, so it will work on a Mac or PC with Vagrant and VirtualBox loaded. This has been tested with the latest versions of Vagrant and VirtualBox.

Ideally, following steps should be sufficient:

1) Clone the vagrant repo: git clone https://github.com/rackerlabs/vagrant-solum-dev

2) Clone solum and python-solumclient repositories

   git clone https://github.com/openstack/solum.git
   git clone https://github.com/openstack/python-solumclient.git

3) Set SOLUM and SOLUMCLIENT environment variables

   SOLUM=<path on Host system to solum repo>
   SOLUMCLIENT=<path on Host system to python-solumclient repo>

4) Start the vagrant VM: vagrant up --provision

5) Enter the vagrant VM: vagrant ssh

After this you can follow the steps from the getting_started guide (http://docs.openstack.org/developer/solum/getting_started/)

Solum Demo

Atlanta Demo Video

Solum Demo Thumbnail.jpg

Vancouver Demo Video


Solum Demo Vagrant Installation Instructions (Old)

These installation instructions were tested on Mac OSX v10.7.5 and OSX 10.8.5

1. Install Vagrant (http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html). Tested with Vagrant v1.5.4

2. Make a directory for the two repositories, and activate the demo UI. This demo uses the ~/Solum_Demo directory.

mkdir ~/Solum-Demo
cd ~/Solum-Demo
git clone https://github.com/rackerlabs/vagrant-solum-dev.git vagrant
git clone https://github.com/rackerlabs/solum-m2demo-ui.git m2demo
export WEBGUI=`pwd`/m2demo
export USE_SOLUM_UI=True

For those who prefer to use VMs instead of Docker containers (the default).

export SOLUM_IMAGE_FORMAT=vm # Add only if you don't want Docker containers

3. Create the demo environment on your system:

cd vagrant
vagrant up

NOTE: This may take between about 15 and 60 minutes to install, depending on the speed of your machine and network.

4. Add a route so the demo app can be seen from your host machine:

sudo route add -net

5. Browse to this URL to see the demo: (

Common Vagrant Commands

  • vagrant halt --- Stops the running vagrant but doesn't delete anything
  • vagrant up --provision --- Restarts a halted vagrant, and runs all provisioning scripts, including devstack in our case. Please note that this option will likely fail until the Vagrant scripts are updated. vagrant destroy and then vagrant up is the most reliable option right now.
  • vagrant destroy --- Deletes the vagrant and all data (be careful!)

Navigating the Vagrant Screen Sessions

  • To log into the Vagrant session, use vagrant ssh
  • To list the screen sessions available use screen -ls
  • To connect to a given screen, screen -x bridge for example (it works as long as the name is an unambiguous subset of one screen session's name)

Pulling Down Latest Demo Code

  • Git pull new code from solum-m2demo-ui

Note: This should be all that is needed but in some cases, Django may need to be restarted to pick up the new code. In this case:

  • Go to the vagrant directory where Vagrantfile exists
  • vagrant ssh
  • screen -x bridge
  • Control-C to stop Django
  • Up arrow and enter to re-run the command (which is: python ./manage.py runserver
  • Control-A Control-D to detach

Deleting Applications

Currently, the demo only works with two applications running simultaneously due to port availability. In order to delete old applications without having to perform a full vagrant destroy/up you may:

  • Vagrant ssh in and attach to the bridge (described in previous steps, may need to control-C the bridge and restart after these steps)
  • solum assembly list
  • For each assembly listed, take the UUID and run this command: solum assembly delete [UUID]
  • Now clear out the Heat stack by first executing: heat stack list
  • For each entry execute: heat stack delete [UUID]