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Poppy/Provider - Getting Started/Poppy Features

Current Poppy Features

The following features are currently implemented or targeted in Poppy and will need to be supported by your Vendor Driver:


Poppy supports the ability to configure one or more origins to pull content from. Origin servers can be any host with an IP address or server url with a DNS record pointing to it. The vendor driver will configure the origin with their home api. The vendor's edge servers will then request content from the configured origins (based on the defined rules), and cache the content at its edge node.


Poppy supports the ability to configure one or more domains (hostnames) that will be used to access content from the edge. Domains are used to route requests to the correct service.

Secure Certificates

Coming Soon



Poppy supports low TTLs (as low as 0sec). These TTL configurations are sent to the vendor's API, defining default TTL's for the service, as well as custom TTL's for various url paths.


Poppy supports the ability to purge content by URL. The content at the specified URL will be removed from all Edge hosts

Invalidate Content

Coming Soon


Referrer Restrictions

Poppy supports the ability to restrict requests to the edge from configured referrers (based on the request.host.referrer header). This is a defined whitelist by the user when provided.

Geo Restrictions

Coming Soon

Client IP Restrictions

Coming Soon

HTTP Method Restrictions

Coming Soon

Dynamic Site Delivery


Coming Soon

Header Forwarding

Coming Soon

Geo Targeting

Coming Soon

Error Responses

Coming Soon