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Board of Directors - May 11, 2014 Meeting

The OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors will meet at 9:00am - 2:30pm on May 11, 2014. Directors may participate via conference dial-in. Audio from the meeting will also be available to the community.

Meeting Location: Executive Boardroom, Building A - Georgia World Congress Center

To join the session:

Session number: 921 164 008
  1. Go to https://openstack.webex.com/openstack/k2/j.php?MTID=t36392890b38257c9c1519d6f3174295c
  2. Enter your name and email address.
  3. Enter the session password: This session does not require a password.
  4. Click "Join Now".
  5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
  6. To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the training session, or call the number below and enter the access code.
    1. Call-in toll number (US/Canada):1-650-479-3207
    2. Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada):1-855-244-8681

A joint meeting with the TC will be held from 3pm to 6pm. That meeting will not be available via conference dial-in.

Room B403, Building B - Georgia World Congress Center

Post the joint meeting there will be dinner for the Board and TC members.

6:30pm - 8:30pm: Dinner for the Board, TC, UC & Foundation Staff
Der Biergarten (2 blocks from the Omni / Georgia World Congress Center)
300 Marietta St NW


* Minutes recorded by Mark Radcliffe

Call To Order

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approve minutes from April 3 board meeting

Executive Director Update

  1. Summit Highlights, Marketing updates - Jonathan

Core Definition and Branding

  1. Current Trademark framework and Branding Hierarchy - Jonathan
  2. DefCore work effort Update - Rob and Joshua

Drive Adoption

  1. Report from the WIN Enterprise workgroup - Imad
  2. Report from the User Committee - User Survey - Tim
  3. Activities for the next 1/2 year
    1. propose we launch a work effort focused on the End User?
    2. NFV?

Breakfast with the Board

May 14 Breakfast with the Board 7:30am Expo Hall
  1. finalize the topics of discussion for breakfast with the board

Executive Session


Joint meeting with the Technical Committee 3:00pm - 5pm (May 11)
Board dinner 6:30pm - 9pm (May 11)
May 13 Gold Member Lunch Meeting, 12:45 - 2:00pm - Room B406
May 14 "Win the Enterprise" session 2:00pm - 3:00pm - Room B407

Next Board Meeting

  1. July 21 F2F in Portland. Need to change the date to July 22nd - need board approval