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Revision as of 21:37, 17 January 2013 by KurtGriffiths (talk) (Added note about durability)

Marconi API: v1 Blueprint

See also: marconi/specs/grizzly


  • Consider splitting the API into two namespaces, one for work queuing and one for eventing
    • Allows for different scaling architectures, storage backends, etc.
    • Simplifies semantics for the two major use cases
    • Downside is we remove affordances - clients won't be able to mix/match semantics (we would be effectively removing features)
  • Consider defining top-level queues instead of just using tags
    • Makes it easier to layer on top of existing message queuing systems / use them as backing stores.
    • Aligns with people's mental model of queuing systems
    • Makes RBAC more natural
    • Could be implemented as syntactic sugar on top of tags - maybe just leave that decision to the storage driver?
  • Should durability be configurable? If we go with concrete queues, probably durability should be configured per-queue, not per-message.
  • Decide whether message signing should be a mandatory or optional feature (probably optional)
  • Decide whether client state should be based on timestamps or markers (or make one optional)
    • Markers assume some kind of monotonic message IDs and/or a sequential storage schema.
    • Timestamps can be easier to scale, but are prone to collisions, and this complicates client code
  • Decide whether Marconi should be responsible for cross-availability zone and even cross-DC replication/availability
  • Do we need to support XML?

To Do

  • Clarify use cases around tags
  • Flesh out examples, incomplete sections (obviously)
  • Clean up this document, add a FAQ section


Marconi provides an HTTP-based API in the spirit of the REST architecture style.

REST is a natural fit for Marconi's design philosophy, shamelessly borrowed from Donald A. Norman's work regarding The Design of Everyday Things:

 The value of a well-designed object is when it has such a rich set of affordances that the people who use it can do things with it that the designer never imagined. 

This guide assumes the reader is familiar with REST, HTTP/1.1, JSON and XML. URI templates are specified according to RFC 6570.

Common API Elements


All requests to authenticate and operate against the API in production environments use SSL/TLS over HTTP (HTTPS) on TCP port 443. Web servers should only accept high-quality cipher suites, such as AES256_SHA and ECDHE_RSA_AES256_SHA. If hardware acceleration (e.g., AES_NI) is not available, RC4_SHA and ECDHE_RSA_RC4_SHA may be used with some discretion.


  • Clients should follow HTTP redirects
  • Clients should advertise gzip support
  • Clients must identify themselves in the UserAgent request header; e.g., "User-Agent: python/2.7 cloudthing/1.2"
  • Clients must not hard-code URI paths or templates since they may change over time. Instead, clients should cache links and link templates provided by the API.

API Versioning

The Marconi API uses a URI versioning scheme. The first element of the path contains the target version identifier, e.g.:


The URI version will only be incremented to accomodate major new features or API redesigns that can not be made backwards-compatible. When new API versions are released, older versions are deprecated. Marconi maintainers will work with developers and partners to ensure there is adequate time to migrate to new versions before deprecated ones are discontinued.

Since the base URI is only incremented to accommodate major API revisions, sub-versioning of the API is meaningless and is therefore not used. For example, the next version after "v1" would be "v2", not "v1.1" or some variant thereof. (HATEOS and media types are used in lieu of minor, URI-based versioning.)

Resource Media Types

The API supports `application/json` and `application/xml`, encoded as UTF-8. Gzip'd requests are optionally supported by the server.

Unrecognised protocol elements should be ignored. This includes XML elements and attributes, JSON object properties, link relation types, media types, etc.

TODO: Define and register message media type/ messages media type - http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html


All requests to the API may only be performed by an authenticated agent.

To authenticate, an agent issues an authentication request to a Keystone Identity Service endpoint.

In response to valid credentials, Keystone responds with an auth token and a service catalog that contains a list of all services and endpoints available for the given token. Multiple endpoints may be returned for Marconi according to physical locations and performance/availability characteristics of different deployments.

Marconi clients must specify a valid auth token in the `X-Auth-Token` header for each request to the Marconi API. The API validates auth tokens against Keystone before servicing each request.


TBD: The API needs to verify read/write access to all endpoints according to the provided auth token.

Request Signing

Messages may optionally contain a signature to verify its authenticity.

TODO: How to register and query public keys? Via Keystone? Shouldn't be part of Marconi, in any case.

How to calculate signature?

SecP256K1 or something using RSA-2048? (encrypt a SHA-512 value). Would be nice to allow different schemes... How is Ceilometer doing it?

See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9897023/asymmetric-hmac#

Tenant ID

Auth tokens are only valid for a particular tenant ID, which should be reflected in the service endpoints retrieved from Keystone. Agents use the given endpoint as a home document href from which to discover links to all other API requests.

An example endpoint:


The client chooses one of the presented endpoints and uses it as the base URL for all subsequent requests.



Can be used to save bandwidth at the expense of server CPU and/or added complexity. Provide an ETag for results, the client submits in subsequent request using the If-None-Match header. Server performs query against data store, dynamically generates ETag, compares to client's ETag, and returns 204 if-and-only-if the two ETags don't match. This is especially helpful in cutting down on duplicate traffic due to the inability of the server to guarantee message ordering.


If any request results in an error, the server will return an appropriate 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code, as well as the following information in the body:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Internal code
  • Link to more information


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

  "title": "Unsupported limit",
  "description": "The given limit cannot be negative, and cannot be greater than 50.",
  "code": 1092,
  "link": {
    "rel": "api-doc",
    "href": "http://example.com/marconi/docs/messages#limit",
    "text": "API documentation for the limit parameter"

Common Headers

Each request to the API must include certain standard and extended HTTP headers. These headers provide host, agent, authentication and other pertinent information to the server.

Header Description
Host The host name of the API, as referenced by the Keystone service catalog
User-Agent The name and version of the Marconi client, as well as a UUID for that client. Marconi uses the UUID to distinguish publishers from subscribers, i.e., to avoid echoing an agent's own messages back to it.
Date The current date and time, using the standard RFC 1123 HTTP date format
Accept Media type desired; may be either `application/json` or `application/xml`
Accept-Encoding Specifies that the agent accepts gzip-encoded response bodies
Content-Length For POST or PUT requests, the length in bytes of the JSON or XML document being submitted
X-Auth-Token Keystone auth token

Sample API Request

GET /v1/480924/messages?tags=channel-foo,topic-bar&ts=1355237242783&limit=10 HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com
User-Agent: python/2.7 killer-rabbit/1.2 uuid/30387f00-39a0-11e2-be4d-a8d15f34bae2
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 21:14:19 GMT
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip
X-Auth-Token: 7d2f63fd-4dcc-4752-8e9b-1d08f989cc00

Get Home Document

Request Template

GET {base_url}


GET /v1/480924 HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com





The entire Marconi API is discoverable from a single starting point; agents do not need to know any more than this one URI in order to explore the entire API.

See also: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-json-home-02

Get a Specific Message

Request Template

GET {base_url}/messages/{messageId}


GET /v1/480924/messages/50b68a50d6f5b8c8a7c62b01 HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com



HTTP/1.1 200 OK


  "id": 50b68a50d6f5b8c8a7c62b01,
  "userAgent": "python/2.7 killer-rabbit/1.2 uuid/79ed56f8-2519-11e2-b835-acf6018e45a1",
  "age": 790,
  "tags": [
  "signature": {
    "scheme": "SecP256K1",
    "salt": "b8c850d6f5b8a7c6",
    "value": "T2gJfGQNgUe1XMDHyucwH27zn628it0fWrCFgE2mPWR+oMTOiW7jb1OPNuZtLus5O1IzTzy+5ALyLCyUq7JoLQ=="
  "body": {
    "event": "ActivateAccount",
    "mode": "active"


@todo Define message fields.

Get Messages

Request Template

GET {base_url}/messages{?tags,ts,limit,sort,audit,echo}


GET /v1/480924/messages?tags=foo,bar,bang&ts=1355237242783&limit=10&sort=desc HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com



HTTP 200 if the query matched 1 or more messages, HTTP 204 otherwise (with no body).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "2:fa0d1a60ef6616bb28038515c8ea4cb2"


  "messageCount": 1,
  "links": [
      "rel": "self"
      "href-template": "{base_url}/messages?tags=foo,bar,bang&ts=1355237242783&limit=10&sort=desc"
      "rel": "next"
      "href-template": "{base_url}/messages?tags=foo,bar,bang&ts=1355237244190&limit=10&sort=desc"
  "messages": [
      "id": 50b68a50d6f5b8c8a7c62b01,
      "href-template": "{base_url}/messages/{id}"
      "userAgent": "python/2.7 killer-rabbit/1.2 uuid/79ed56f8-2519-11e2-b835-acf6018e45a1",
      "ts": 1355237244190
      "age": 790,
      "tags": [
      "signature": {
        "scheme": "SecP256K1",
        "salt": "b8c850d6f5b8a7c6",
        "value": "T2gJfGQNgUe1XMDHyucwH27zn628it0fWrCFgE2mPWR+oMTOiW7jb1OPNuZtLus5O1IzTzy+5ALyLCyUq7JoLQ=="
      "body": {
        "event": "ActivateAccount",
        "mode": "active"

Example audit messages response (if a client were to add audit=true to the sample query).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "2:fa0d1a60ef6616bb28038515c8ea4cb2"


  "messageCount": 2,
  "links": [
      "rel": "self"
      "href-template": "{base_url}/messages?tags=foo,bar,bang&ts=1355237242783&limit=10&sort=desc&audit=true"
      "rel": "next"
      "href-template": "{base_url}/messages?tags=foo,bar,bang&ts=1355237244210&limit=10&sort=desc&audit=true"
  "messages": [
      "id": 10b00a50d6f5b8c8a7c62ccc,
      "href-template": "{base_url}/messages/{id}"
      "userAgent": "marconi/1 uuid/f2e4b36a-3f05-11e2-b71d-7823d2b0f3ce",
      "ts": 1355237242783,
      "age": 790,
      "tags": [
      "body": {
        "event": "MessageCreated",
        "timestamp": "2012-12-04 16:53:20Z",
        "details": {
          "messageId": "50b68a50d6f5b8c8a7c62b01",
          "userAgent": "python/2.7 killer-rabbit/1.2 uuid/79ed56f8-2519-11e2-b835-acf6018e45a1",
      "id": 10b00a50d6f5b8c8a7c62ccb,
      "href-template": "{base_url}/messages/{id}"
      "userAgent": "marconi/1 uuid/f2e4b36a-3f05-11e2-b71d-7823d2b0f3ce",
      "ts": 1355237244210,
      "age": 792,
      "tags": [
      "body": {
        "event": "LockExpired",
        "timestamp": "2012-12-04 16:53:18Z",
        "details": {
          "messageId": "50b68a50d6f5b8c8a7c62a87",
          "userAgent": "python/2.7 killer-rabbit/1.2 uuid/79ed56f8-2519-11e2-b835-acf6018e45a1",


Message IDs are opaque strings; clients should make no assumptions on their format or length, except that IDs may not exceed 50 characters in length.

tags is a list of up to n message tags, where n >= 2. The maximum number of tags supported is configurable. The API will return only those messages containing ALL of the specified tags. If no tags are specified, all messages are returned.

limit specifies up to x messages to return. Note that x is configurable, but must be at least 10. If not specified, limit defaults to x. When more messages are available than can be returned in a single request, the client can pick up the next batchby simply using the URI template parameters returned from the previous call in the "next" field (TBD).

ts is the timestamp (64-bit UNIX timestamp in milliseconds) from the last message the client saw (relative to the server - use the "ts" message field). The API will return messages that were enqueued after the specified time, minus t milliseconds, where t is an implementation-defined number of milliseconds within which the server cannot guarantee message ordering (admittedly, a leaky abstraction). The client must cache messages for t milliseconds in order to check for duplicates returned in subsequent requests. Note that the message having the exact given timestamp (ts) will probably be part of the result set unless that particular message has expired or an ETag submitted by the client allows the server to definitively determine that no new messages match the given query string since the last request.

Note: If ts is not specified, the API will return all messages.

sort specifies how to chronologically order results. Use "asc" or "desc" for ascending or descending, respectively. If sort is not given, the API will return results in ascending order (oldest message first).

audit is a boolean value (i.e., "true" or "false") that determines whether the API will return actual messages or audit messages. Audit messages are "messages about messages", and are automatically generated by the server. Clients may query for audit messages to audit business processes or to diagnose data flow issues. The default value for audit is "false".

echo is a boolean (i.e., "true" or "false") that determines whether or not the API will return a client's own messages, as determined by the uuid portion of the User-Agent header. If not specified, echo defaults to "false".

Post Messages

Request Template

POST {base_url}/messages


POST /v1/480924/messages HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com


    "ttl": 10,      
    "durability": 3,
    "tags": [420D29D6-3F24-11E2-BC14-7823D2B0F3CE, checkpoint]
    "signature": {
      "scheme": "SecP256K1",
      "salt": "b8c850d6f5b8a7c6",
      "value": "T2gJfGQNgUe1XMDHyucwH27zn628it0fWrCFgE2mPWR+oMTOiW7jb1OPNuZtLus5O1IzTzy+5ALyLCyUq7JoLQ=="
    "body": {
      "event": "BackupStarted",
      "backupId": "c378813c-3f0b-11e2-ad92-7823d2b0f3ce"
    "tags": [420D29D6-3F24-11E2-BC14-7823D2B0F3CE, progress]
    "body": {
      "event": "BackupProgress",
      "currentBytes": "0",
      "totalBytes": "99614720"


When a single message is submitted:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: https://marconi.example.com/v1/480924/messages/50b68a50d6f5b8c8a7c62b01

When multiple messages are submitted:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: https://marconi.example.com/v1/480924/messages&ts=1355237242783


One or more messages may be submitted in a single request, but must always be encapsulated in a collection container (an array in JSON, a parent tag in XML). In the case of a batch POST, querying the returned Location may return messages posted concurrently by other agents.

ttl is the number of seconds the server will keep a message before automatically deleting it. Should be long enough to give all observers ample time to retrieve the message. If not specified, defaults to the maximum default set for any of the message's associated tags, or the default set for the tenant (TBD), or the one configured in the deployment (?).

tags is a list of up to n tags to associate with a given message, where n >= 2. The maximum number of tags supported is configurable (the default is 5). The maximum length of each tag is likewise configurable (with a default of 150 characters). Tags are case-sensitive.

signature - TBD, probably something like sign(hash(salt + payload))

body specifies a custom document which constitutes the body of the message being sent. The size of this body, in characters and including whitespace, is configurable (the default is 64 KiB).

durability requests a certain durability guarantee from the server. The purpose of this parameter is to allow clients to dynamically make tradeoffs between durability and cost/performance depending on the type of message being sent. Note that the maximum durability level supported by the server is configurable; not all deployments will support all levels. If a level is unsupported, the server will return 400 Bad Request. If a level is supported but the server is unable to complete the request, and appropriate 5xx error will be returned to the client.

The following levels are defined:

2 Guaranteed to be replicated across two or more storage servers.
3 Guaranteed to be replicated across two or more zones within the same data center.

Note that higher durability levels assume the guarantees (if any) of all lower levels.

Delete a Single Message

Request Template

DELETE {base_url}/messages/{message_id}{?lock_id}


DELETE /v1/480924/messages/50b68a50d6f5b8c8a7c62b01 HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com



HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


message_id specifies the message to delete.

lock_id specifies that the message should only be deleted if it has the specified transactional lock, and that lock has not expired. This is useful for ensuring only one agent processes any given message; whenever a worker client's lock expires before it has a chance to delete a message it has processed, the worker must roll back any actions it took based on that message, since another worker will likely process the same message as part of a different transaction.

Delete Several Messages

Request Template

DELETE {base_url}/messages{?tags,all,lock_id}


DELETE /v1/480924/messages?tags=420D29D6-3F24-11E2-BC14-7823D2B0F3CE HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com



HTTP/1.1 200 OK


  "messageCount": 43


tags specifies that only messages having the given tags will be deleted. To avoid accidentally deleting all messages for a given tenant, if tags is not specified, all must equal "true"; otherwise, no messages will be deleted and the server will return 400 Bad Request. Tags are case-sensitive.

all is a boolean value (i.e., "true" or "false") that determines whether all messages will be deleted in the case that no tags are specified. If tags are specified, however, the server simply ignores all.

lock_id specifies that messages should only be deleted if they have the specified transactional lock, and that lock has not expired.

The server returns the number of messages deleted.

Lock Messages

Request Template

POST {base_url}/messages/locks{?tags,limit}


POST /v1/480924/messages/locks?tags=686897696a7c876b7e&limit=5

  "ttl": 30  


The client receives a lock ID and a list of locked messages, if any:


  "lock": {
    "id": "9206ebcc0939d18c351e994555de97b9",
    "ttl": 30,
    "age": 0
  "messages": [


Locks a set of messages, up to limit, from oldest to newest, skipping any that are already locked.

Lock TTL should be <= message TTLs. If it is not, the messages will expire and be garbage collected before the lock expires, which is not what clients will expect. (Should this constraint be enforced server-side?)

limit specifies up to x messages to lock. Note that x is configurable, but must be at least 10. If not specified, limit defaults to x.

Check the Status of a Lock

Request Template

GET {base_url}/messages/locks/{lock_id}

GET /v1/480924/messages/locks/9206ebcc0939d18c351e994555de97b9



  "id": "9206ebcc0939d18c351e994555de97b9",
  "ttl": 30,
  "age": 17


This query may be used to check the age of a given lock (relative to the server's clock).

Renew a Lock

Request Template

PATCH {base_url}/messages/locks/9206ebcc0939d18c351e994555de97b9


PATCH /v1/480924/messages/locks/9206ebcc0939d18c351e994555de97b9

    "replace": "/age",
    "value": 0


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Clients should periodically renew locks during long-running batches of work to avoid loosing a lock in the middle of processing a message. The server only accepts "0" for the age value.

Count Messages

Request Template

HEAD /{version}/{tenant}/messages{?tags,ts,audit,echo}


HEAD /v1/480924/messages?tags=foo,bar,bang&ts=1355237242783 HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com


Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "messageCount": 46


See Get Messages for definitions of the query parameters.

Check Health

Request Template

GET {base_url}/health


HEAD {base_url}/health


GET /v1/480924/health
Host: example.marconi.com



HTTP/1.1 200 OK


  "code": "green",
  "link": {
    "rel": "status",
    "href": "http://marconi.example.com/status",
    "text": "Service status page"


Use this request to check on the Marconi service status as a whole. The following status values are defined:

red Degraded availability

Note that if a client performs HEAD instead of GET, the server will return one of the following:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable

Poll Stats

@todo - also how authenticate?

Set Message Defaults

Request Template

PUT {base_url}/config

  "message": {
    "ttl": {ttl},
    "durability": {durability},
    "lock": {
      "ttl": {lock_ttl}


PUT /v1/480924/config HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com


  "message": {
    "ttl": 120,
    "durability": 1,
    "lock": {
      "ttl": 60


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Set per-tenant default message options, such as ttl and durability. Lock TTL must be <= message TTL.

Get Message Defaults

Request Template

GET {base_url}/config


GET /v1/480924/config HTTP/1.1
Host: marconi.example.com



HTTP/1.1 200 OK


  "message": {
    "ttl": 120,
    "durability": 1,
    "lock": {
      "ttl": 60


Get per-tenant default message options, such as ttl and durability. If not set explicitly by a client, a default configuration is used, and can vary between API deployments.


Request Template

GET /{version}/{tenant}



