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Examples of using the nova client to create and manage pclouds

Create a Pcloud

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-create phil
| Property | Value                                | 
| uuid     | a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee |
| name     | phil                                 |

List the Pclouds (Note we can see the Nr of Hosts as we own it)

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-list
| Id                                   | Name | Role  | Hosts |
| a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee | phil | Owner | 0     |

Show the details of a Pcloud

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-show a51edd73-3667-4c6f-b19c-daf4dc369ea9
| Property | Value                                 |
| owner    | 6c1db1a4abde4170a29dc299e645ab0f      |
| tenants  | [u'6c1db1a4abde4170a29dc299e645ab0f'] |
| id       | a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee  |
| name     | phil                                  |

As Admin Add a host directly to the Aggregate (As we don't have the allocation code in place yet)

ubuntu@pcloud2(admin):/mnt/devstack$ nova aggregate-add-host 1 pcloud3

As the user list the Pclouds again – see we now have 1 host

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-list
| Id                                   | Name | Role  | Hosts |
| a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee | phil | Owner | 1     |

Show details of the Pcloud with the host (and get a list of instances) Note that host_id is the same hash as used in Server Details

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-show a51edd73-3667-4c6f-b19c-daf4dc369ea9
| Property | Value                                 |
| owner    | 6c1db1a4abde4170a29dc299e645ab0f      |
| tenants  | [u'6c1db1a4abde4170a29dc299e645ab0f'] |
| id       | a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee  |
| name     | phil                                  |
| Property  | Value                                                    |
| host_id   | 0e162c89056b0e3fba937e3202b94bccf1b848feb2a772c9873fe3c8 |
| instances | [u'39f846ee-a4b8-40ab-aa2f-6fbd3f36a749']                |

Add another project to the Pcloud

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-add-project a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee 0ef23163e7e3422b80f9c872a1bb1521
Project 0ef23163e7e3422b80f9c872a1bb1521 has been successfully added to Pcloud a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee as a Tenant
| Property | Value                                                                      |
| owner    | 6c1db1a4abde4170a29dc299e645ab0f                                           |
| tenants  | [u'6c1db1a4abde4170a29dc299e645ab0f', u'0ef23163e7e3422b80f9c872a1bb1521'] |
| id       | a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee                                       |
| name     | phil                                                                       |

See the Pcloud from the other project (note can’t see # Hosts as we don’t own the Pcloud)

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo2):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-list 
| Id                                   | Name | Role   | Hosts |
| a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee | phil | Tenant | -     |             

But we can’t show detsils Pclouds we don’t own

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo2):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-show a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee
ERROR: Not authorized. (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-283b1dd7-8730-4360-b6c6-f490538c7612)

Or delete Pclouds we don’t own

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo2):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-delete a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee
ERROR: Not authorized. (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-2959c227-0b7e-4da9-85b1-1066a318db8d)

Remove the project form the Pcloud

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-remove-project a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee 0ef23163e7e3422b80f9c872a1bb1521
Project 0ef23163e7e3422b80f9c872a1bb1521 has been successfully removed from Pcloud a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee.
| Property | Value                                 |
| owner    | 6c1db1a4abde4170a29dc299e645ab0f      |
| tenants  | [u'6c1db1a4abde4170a29dc299e645ab0f'] |
| id       | a3e9a336-1277-496c-90b1-bba2ec9050ee  |
| name     | phil                                  |

Check that the other user can’t see it any more

ubuntu@pcloud2(demo2):/mnt/devstack$ nova pcloud-list
| Id | Name | Role | Hosts |