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Revision as of 12:54, 23 August 2012 by Chetan (talk)
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Add the ability in Nova to:

  1. power off a VM without destroying the instance
  2. power on a powered-off VM on an availability_zone of choice

Release Note

Added following features:

  1. Power off a VM without destroying the instance
  2. Power on a VM powered off earlier with the same settings some time later on an availability_zone of choice
  3. Added a new power_state POWER_OFF for the purpose


It is not possible to power off a VM and power on later with the same network settings.

User stories

User wants to use an existing VM later with the current settings.


  1. The VmPowerOnOffController will have extensions to:
    1. power off a VM
    2. power on the VM on a give availability_zone


Code Changes

Add VmPowerOnOffController to support the following API:

1. Power off VM:

    URI: v2/<tenant_id>/servers/<server_id>/action
    Request Body: JSON
                "vm-poweroff": {}

    Normal Response Code: 202
    Error Response Code(s): Bad Request (400), Not Found(404)
    Response: JSON
                <To be Added>

    Response: XML
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <To be Added>

2. Power on VM:

    URI: v2/<tenant_id>/servers/<server_id>/action
    Request body: JSON
            "vm-poweron": {
                "availability_zone": <availability_zone>

    Request body: XML
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <To be Added>

    Normal Response Code: 202
    Error Response Code(s): Bad Request (400), Not Found(404)
    Response: JSON
                <To be Added>

    Response: XML
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

                <To be Added>

Possible exceptions required to be handled:

  1. VM is not in POWER_OFF state.
  2. VM does not exist.
  3. Insufficient permissions: The API should return a 'Bad Request (400)' response with an appropriate error message.


No database or core API changes.

Test/Demo Plan

Tests being added

BoF agenda and discussion