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Unified Instrumentation and Metering


With Ceilometer, Tach and StackTach, there are some very cool initiatives going on around instrumentation and metering/monitoring within OpenStack today.

However, due to incredible speed of development within OpenStack many of these efforts have been performed in isolation from each other. Now, we are reaching a level of maturity which demands we stop reinventing the wheel and agree upon some shared infrastructure. This need is necessary for a variety of reasons:

1. We want to make it easier for new projects to build on the existing OpenStack notification message bus. 1. Less code is good. We shouldn't need three different workers for extracting notifications from OpenStack. 1. Notifications are large and there's a lot of them. We only want to process and store that data once. 1. Archiving of data is a common problem, we shouldn't need several different ways of doing it.

Instrumentation vs Metering/Monitoring

At the very base of this discussion is having a clear understanding of the difference between Instrumentation and Metering/Monitoring.


Think of instrumentation as the way they test electronics in-circuit. While the device is running, probes are attached to the circuit board and measurements are taken.


There are some key things to consider in this analogy:

  • Every technician may want to place their probes in different locations.
  • Probes might be placed for long term measuring or transient ("I wonder if ... " scenarios)
  • The circuit does not have to change for the testing probes to be placed. No other groups or departments had to be involved for this instrumentation to occur.
  • The same probe technology can be used on other circuit boards. Likewise, our instrumentation probe-placement technology should not just be geared towards Nova. It should also work with all other parts of OpenStack.
  • When the circuit changes our probe placement may have to change. We have to be aware of that.
  • The probes aren't perfect. They might slip off or have a spotty connection. We're looking for trends here, identifying when things are slow or flaky.

Metering / Monitoring

Metering is watching usage of the system, usually for the purposes of Billing. Monitoring is watching the system for critical system changes, performance and accuracy, usually for things like SLA's.

Think of your power meter. You can go outside and watch the dial spin and confirm your monthly bill jives with what the meter is reporting.


The important aspects of metering and monitoring: