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Required Options

I understand the irony (?) of having required options, but they're not technically required because they'll default to environmental variables, so having them as command line arguments is not an option.

Command Line Option Environmental Variable
--project OS_PROJECT_ID
--username OS_AUTH_USER
--apikey OS_AUTH_KEY

Simply typing 'os' will give you usage/help information. This would be the same as typing -h or --help:

$ os
usage: os [--url URL] [--username USERNAME] [--apikey APIKEY] [--project PROJECT]

Command-line interface for connecting to various OpenStack projects.

Correct authentication URL and credentials must be supplied before more detailed options can be given.

If correct username, api key, and URL is provided via environment variables:

$ os
usage: os <project>

Command-line interface for connecting to various OpenStack projects.

Supported projects:
	compute		Manage compute nodes via the "Nova" API.
	image		Manage disk images via the "Glance" API.
	queue		Manage queues via the "Burrow" API.
	volume		Manage remote disk volumes via the "Lunr" API.
	auth		Manage authentication and authorization via the "Keystone" API.
	network		Manage networks via the "Melange" API.

After a project has been selected, specific commands can be given:

$ os compute
usage: os compute <command>

Command-line interface for retrieving information from an OpenStack Compute service.

Supported API versions:
	v1.1 [Default]

Supported commands:
	boot			Boot a new server.
	delete			Shut down and delete a server.
	flavor-list		Print a list of available 'flavors'.
	image-list		Print a list of available disk images.
	snapshot		Create a new disk image based on a currently
				running server.
	list			List active servers.
	reboot			Reboot a server.
	rebuild			Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.
	rename			Rename a server.
	resize			Begin the resize process.
	resize-confirm		Confirm a previously started resize.
	resize-revert		Revert a previously started resize.

	admin:diagnostics	Retrieve server diagnostics.
	admin:boot		Boot a new server, with extra options.
	admin:lock		Lock a server, preventing any changes.
	admin:unlock		Remove server lock, allowing future changes.

	zone:list		List zones underneath this endpoint.
	zone:info		Get information on this endpoint's zone.
	zone:add		Add a new child zone underneath this endpoint.