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< Tuskar
Revision as of 17:34, 11 February 2014 by Tzumainn (talk | contribs) (Setup devtest)


Devtest is a script that creates a development environment for TripleO / Tuskar / TuskarUI development. Below you can find step-by-step instructions for setting up the environment using devtest. If you would like more information about how devtest works as well as the script itself, see the following links

However, following the steps below should lead to a complete functioning setup.


Setup devtest

All commands (unless otherwise specified) should be run as root, in a dedicated machine you will use for TripleO development. We will call this machine "the lab machine" or "the lab server". The setup has been tested with lab machines running Fedora 19.

Note: You might want to move the location of the default libvirt storage pool. The default location is /var/lib/libvirt/images. Depending on your file system / partitions setup, there might not be enough space for images at this default location. To be on the safe side, you can move it to another location which has plenty of space. Below is an example how to move the default storage pool location to /home/images. If you are sure that there is enough space at the default location, you can skip this step.

mkdir /home/images
yum install -y libvirt
service libvirtd start
virsh pool-destroy default
virsh pool-undefine default
virsh pool-define-as default dir --target /home/images
virsh pool-start default
virsh pool-autostart default
service libvirtd restart

Install git and kvm. Installing kvm at this point sets the ownership of the /dev/kvm correctly (it should be owned by the root user and kvm group). If you don't do this, devtest will fail due to incorrectly set ownership of /dev/kvm.

yum -y install git kvm

Check access rights on /dev/kvm afterwards. If group is not kvm or group doesn't have rw on this file, execute the following commands and reboot:

chgrp kvm /dev/kvm
chmod g+rw /dev/kvm

Create devtest configuration file:

cat <<'EOF' > ~/.devtestrc
export NODE_CPU=1 NODE_MEM=4096 NODE_DISK=20 NODE_ARCH=amd64
export NODE_DIST="fedora selinux-permissive"
export DIB_RELEASE=19

Clone the tripleo-incubator repo and run the devtest script:

export TRIPLEO_ROOT=~/tripleo
mkdir -p $TRIPLEO_ROOT
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/tripleo-incubator
$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/scripts/devtest.sh --trash-my-machine
# wait around 2+ hours
# mawagner: if openvswitch fails to start, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1006412 (or just mkdir /var/lock/subsys)

Create more baremetals, you can use their MAC addresses to register them from the UI later, so save the MACS somewhere

source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleorc
export MORE_MACS=$(create-nodes $NODE_CPU $NODE_MEM $NODE_DISK $NODE_ARCH 2 | tr '\r\n' ' ')

At this point, your devtest environment is configured. To proceed, you need to install Horizon and Tuskar-UI, since they are not installed by devtest.

Add Horizon and Tuskar-UI

Install and configure Horizon and Tuskar-UI:

easy_install pip
easy_install nose
mkdir -p /opt/stack && cd /opt/stack
git clone git://github.com/openstack/horizon.git 
git clone git://github.com/openstack/tuskar-ui.git
cd horizon
python tools/install_venv.py
cp ../tuskar-ui/local_settings.py.example openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py
tools/with_venv.sh pip install -r ../tuskar-ui/requirements.txt
tools/with_venv.sh pip install -e ../tuskar-ui/
cp ../tuskar-ui/_50_tuskar.py.example openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/_50_tuskar.py

Copy /root/stackrc from the undercloud to the lab machine, change the OS_AUTH_URL to point to the undercloud, and source it:

ssh heat-admin@ "sudo -i cat /root/stackrc" > /root/stackrc
sed -i 's/localhost:5000/' /root/stackrc
source /root/stackrc

Configure OPENSTACK_HOST in horizon settings to point to the undercloud machine:

sed -i 's/OPENSTACK_HOST = ""/OPENSTACK_HOST = ""/' /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py

Start the server:

tools/with_venv.sh ./manage.py runserver

Now you can see the UI from your browser (you can find credentials for dashboard in undercloud machine in /root/stackrc):


If you want to develop locally, you need only to mount the remote folder containing the code, in your local file system:

yum install -y sshfs && mkdir -p ~/devtest
sshfs root@lab-machine:/opt/stack/ ~/devtest