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  • Launchpad Entry: Reddwarf:server-templates
  • Created: 13 Feb 2013
  • Contributors: Don Kehn (dkehn)

Snapshot Design


The goal of this blueprint is to implement capabilities in Reddwarf to support the concept of DbaaS snapshots, which could be used to support database capabilities (i.e. backups, cloning, etc.). This will be supported in the Reddwarf API (guest_agent) and provide the ability to support snapshots in a consistent view of DB such that it can be used for replication setup, cloning of the Master DB, and/or backup such that a point-in-time restoration can be performed.

There are many methods of implementing a snapshot design such as: mysqldump with the master-data option, Perconas's XtraBackup, Openstack's volume snapshot, etc.. Each has their advantages and disadvantages. As such the design presented herein will provide for the idea of a pluggable interface such that as capabilities are developed they can be incorporated without code changes. One entities SLA may allow for only a certain type of snapshot due to acceptable down-time, etc.. So in order to offer the most robust possible snapshot implementation this pluggable API present the best of breed.

Design Goals

The following are the design goals:

  • Pluggable interface to the lower snapshot implantation layer in order to support multiple snapshot mechanisms, i.e. Xtrabackup, mysqldump, Openstack's Volume support, others. This will allow for a variety of snapshot implementation that could define different levels of service. For example:
    • High availability your would use Xtrabackup
    • For a lower level of service mysqldump.
  • Database support for information pertaining to the snapshot ,i.e. name, time of the snapshot, status information as to the current state of the snapshot, tenant information, etc..
  • Use of ACLs to support backup security and access from whom to which backup.

ACL Design

The ACL will use the Openstack Storage ACLs. ACLs allow us to have greater control over individual objects and containers without requiring full read/write access to a particular container. Granting access control is done on a container basis and is achieved at the role level. When a user creates a container by using the role they are in, other users can be granted that access by adding other roles to the container. In our case the following hierarchal modes applies. From the diagram show at left, each tenant will have one BackupManager role and associated to that role can be many users. Each user has the ability to create a snapshot object in swift and to access it in order to restore a VM's database from it. These users will have to be pre-assigned to the role of the BackupManager prior to use and by a user that has administration duties for that tenant. This way we can ensure that security and isolation between tenants.

Please note that the user's that are to be assigned to have the authority to perform backups and restores must be previously assign to the role of BackupManager first before attempting and backup or restore.

Once assignment to the role of BackupManager a user can use their credentials to create a backup and restore from a previously create backup. In addition, listing of the available backups performed with those credentials can be obtained for only a tenant that this user belongs to.

Pluggable Interface

In order to support a variety of different possible snapshot mechanisms a pluggable interface to those underlying capabilities seems the most plausible method for extending the capabilities of the snapshot implementation in the most efficient manner. A directory will be created under the ~/reddwarf/reddwarf/guestagent/plugins , that will contain the various implementations of the snapshot using the specific methods for their implementations (i.e. xtrabackup, mysqldump, volume snapshots, etc.).

In the call from the reddwarf API a type shall be exposed that will be use to load the supported implementation.

Database Design

In order to support the snapshot a database table will be created in the reddwarf database to allow determining the following information:

  • TENANT_ID - this will be the most granular predicate of whom can access which snapshot from swift. The TENANT_ID, ROLE_ID, USER, and PASSWORD will be necessary elements to determine if you can access a container from Swift.
  • Name - will represent the name of the snapshot, will be unique.
  • Size of the snapshot - this shot reflect the entire size of the snapshot. If for example the snapshot consists of the data directories this size should reflect all files involved.
  • Timestamp of the snapshot - this will reflect at what point the snapshot is consistent with the database is was taken from.
  • State of the snapshot - this should indicate the current state of the snapshot. During the snapshot process this will be updated by the agent to reflect state. The possible states are:
    • started - indicates that the API and agent has the request and is starting.
    • running - indicates that agent is in the process of performing the snapshot, given the size of the database this could be a state of snapshot request for some time.
    • completed - indicates that the snapshot is complete and the container is in Swift.
    • failed - indicates that an error has occurred, refer to the notes section for details on the failure.
    • notes - this will be a free text area to provide further information on the nature of an failure or further status information during the "started", "running" states, will be text length zero upon completion.

An example and definition of the of the database table is as follows:

CREATE TABLE snapshot (
       id             int(10)unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
       name           varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
       location       varchar(1024) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
       tenant_id      varchar(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00000000-0000-0000-000000000000',
       bkup_type      varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
       size           float unsigned not null DEFAULT 0.0,
       deleted        tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
       created_ts     timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
       deleted_ts     timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
       state          varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'started',
       note           varchar(512) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
       PRIMARY KEY (id),
       UNIQUE KEY (name, tenant_id),
       KEY idx_location(location),
       KEY idx_bkup_type(bkup_type)