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< Trove
Revision as of 19:02, 22 October 2013 by Robert Myers (talk | contribs) (Incremental Backups)

Incremental Backups

Adding support for incremental backups and restores. The main difference between this and the current manual backups will be that these will be deleted when the instance is deleted. This is intended to be run as a backend scheduled task.

Database Changes

It is necessary to add a text field to store meta data from the backups. This includes the type of backup and the position of the bin logs or lsn number.

Table Backup - add meta text field null true

Full backup changes

Change the current backup process to add the meta data from the backup process.

Restore incremental backup call

This will require modifying the existing restorePoint object for the create instance call. The api will be expanded to:

restorePoint = {
   instance = 'uuid_of_instance'
   time = 'date string'