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Trove/guest agent communication

Guest agent communication

There are the following issues with the guest agents communication method.

  1. Heatbeats are directly written to the infrastructure database
  2. Mutiple heatbeats used when one will do. There is no need to send a heartbeat saying the agent is up and one for the database state. We know the agent is up if it is reporting the database status.
  3. Uses the same transport as the rest of the infrstrucuture

Phase 1

Remove guest agent from writing heartbeats directly to infra database

Remove heartbeats being written to the database directly via guest agent. This would solve a huge security issue along with cutting down on connection load to the infra db.

Kenneth Wilke proposed this blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/taskmanager-statusupdate

It was decided in the weekly meeting to not extend taskmanager to handle this but write another manager called trove-conductor that would handle heartbeat updates to the infra database. http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/trove/2013/trove.2013-08-07-20.00.html


Regardless of transport used the message should always be in json

       "heartbeat": [
           { "agentstatus":"online" , "mysqlstatus":"running" }