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< Trove
Revision as of 21:32, 5 May 2014 by Amcrn (talk | contribs) (Option #3: Nodes Table)


Summary of New Fields for Instance-Create

Field Type Description Applicable Datastore(s)
cluster.size int size of the new cluster mongdb, cassandra, couchbase, redis-cluster
cluster.slave complex-field see below for sub-fields mysql, redis, redis-cluster
-- cluster.slave.of string (uuid) instance-id of the master of which to be a slave mysql, redis, redis-cluster
-- cluster.slave.read_only boolean whether this slave should be read-only mysql, redis, redis-cluster

Summary of New Fields for Instance-Show

Field Type Description Applicable Datastore(s)
cluster.size int size of the cluster (excluding slaves) mongdb, cassandra, couchbase, redis-cluster
cluster.nodes array instance-ids of nodes mongdb, cassandra, couchbase, redis-cluster
cluster.slaves array instance-ids of slaves mysql, redis, redis-cluster
cluster.slave complex-field see below for sub-fields mysql, redis, redis-cluster
-- cluster.slave.of string (uuid) instance-id of master (if a slave) mysql, redis, redis-cluster
-- cluster.slave.read_only boolean if a slave, whether it's read-only mysql, redis, redis-cluster

Summary of Route Changes

New Route:

GET /instances/<id>/node/<node-id>
  "node": {
    "status": "<status>",
    "id": "<node-id>",
    "name": "<name>",
    "created": "<timestamp>",
    "updated": "<timestamp>",
    "links": [{...}],
    "ip": ["<ip>"], //or hostname, depending on conf
    "volume": {
      "size": <size>,
      "used": <used>

New Route:

POST /instances/<id>/node/<node-id>/action
  "<action>": {
    <action-specific fields>


  • the term "instance" now represents either a single standalone instance or a cluster of nodes.
  • each node in a cluster must initially be homogenous in respect to flavor, volume-size, configuration-group, datastore/datastore-version, security-groups, etc.
  • in this approach, a slave is not considered a node, and therefore the two terms and concepts are exclusive.
  • the instance.name now acts as the cluster name, both in trove as well as the datastore (e.g. cluster_name/replSet)
  • node.name is the instance.name with "-<num>" as a suffix (counter for the cluster, starting at 1)
  • the semantic meaning of instance.status, and the possible states, will change
  • the node.status will likely mirror the state values and transitions seen in instance.status prior to the clustering implementation.
  • the cluster.nodes[].ids are generated uuids

Features for First Iteration


  • Create Multi-Node Cluster
  • Restart Multi-Node Cluster
  • Terminate Multi-Node Cluster
  • Increase Cluster Size

Not Supported:

  • No 'POST /instances/<id>/node/<node-id>/action' implementations will land in the first iteration. This means no restart-node, delete-node, reboot-node, promote-node, repair-node, etc.
  • Decreasing Cluster Size
  • Resizing Flavor/Volume
  • Backups
  • Altering/Adding/Dropping Security Groups

Example: Cassandra

To illustrate the approach, Cassandra is used in the examples below. The eccentricities of each Datastore will be explained in their own sections.

Create Instance


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "products",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "cassandra",
      "version": "2.0.6"
    "configuration": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
    "flavorRef": "7",
    "volume": {
      "size": 1
    "cluster": {
      "size": 3


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
    "name": "products",
    "created": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "updated": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "links": [{...}],
    "datastore": {
      "type": "cassandra",
      "version": "2.0.6"
    "configuration": {
      "id": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
      "links": [{...}],
    "flavor": {
      "id": "7",
      "links": [{...}],
    "volume": {
      "size": 1
    "cluster": {
      "size": 3,
      "nodes": [
        {"id": "416b0b16-ba55-4302-bbd3-ff566032e1c1"},
        {"id": "7f52e4f9-3fa6-4238-ac08-1ce15197329a"},
        {"id": "ff9d680c-fde3-49c6-a84e-76173b6df39d"}


  • Cassandra-specific fields that are required to construct the initial cluster (num_tokens, endpoint_snitch, seed ip-list, etc.) are to be determined/calculated based on configuration file values and common-sense.

Show Instance


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998


  "instance": {
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
    "name": "products",
    "created": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "updated": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "links": [{...}],
    "datastore": {
      "type": "cassandra",
      "version": "2.0.6"
    "configuration": {
      "id": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
      "links": [{...}],
    "flavor": {
      "id": "7",
      "links": [{...}],
    "volume": {
      "size": 1
    "cluster": {
      "size": 3,
      "nodes": [
        {"id": "416b0b16-ba55-4302-bbd3-ff566032e1c1"},
        {"id": "7f52e4f9-3fa6-4238-ac08-1ce15197329a"},
        {"id": "ff9d680c-fde3-49c6-a84e-76173b6df39d"}


  • Change: instance.volume.used, instance.ip[], and instance.hostname will never be returned
    • It's possible that instance.ip[] can remain if it only returns the seed ips.
    • It's possible that instance.hostname can remain if it's converted to an array and only contains the seed hostnames.

Show Node


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/node/416b0b16-ba55-4302-bbd3-ff566032e1c1


  "node": {
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "id": "416b0b16-ba55-4302-bbd3-ff566032e1c1",
    "name": "products-1",
    "created": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "updated": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "links": [{...}],
    "ip": [""],
    "volume": {
      "size": 2,
      "used": 0.17

Resize Cluster


POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/action

  "resize_cluster": {
    "size": 6


HTTP 202 (Empty Body)

All Other Operations


  • As mentioned in the Summary, other operations like: removing a node, replacing a running node, replacing a dead node, repairing a node, etc. are not supported in the first iteration.

Example: MySQL

Create Instance


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "products",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mysql",
      "version": "5.5"
    "configuration": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
    "flavorRef": "7",
    "volume": {
      "size": 1


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
    "name": "products",
    "created": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "updated": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "links": [{...}],
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mysql",
      "version": "5.5"
    "configuration": {
      "id": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
      "links": [{...}],
    "flavor": {
      "id": "7",
      "links": [{...}],
    "volume": {
      "size": 1

Create Slave


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "products-slave",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mysql",
      "version": "5.5"
    "configuration": "fc318e00-3a6f-4f93-af99-146b44912188",
    "flavorRef": "7",
    "volume": {
      "size": 1
    "cluster": {
      "slave": {
        "of": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "read_only": true


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
    "name": "products",
    "created": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "updated": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "links": [{...}],
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mysql",
      "version": "5.5"
    "configuration": {
      "id": "fc318e00-3a6f-4f93-af99-146b44912188",
      "links": [{...}],
    "flavor": {
      "id": "7",
      "links": [{...}],
    "volume": {
      "size": 1
    "cluster": {
      "slave": {
        "of": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "read_only": true

Show Master


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998


  "instance": {
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
    "name": "products",
    "created": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "updated": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "links": [{...}],
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mysql",
      "version": "5.5"
    "configuration": {
      "id": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
      "links": [{...}],
    "flavor": {
      "id": "7",
      "links": [{...}],
    "volume": {
      "size": 1
    "cluster": {
      "slaves": [
        {"id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859"}

Show Slave


GET /instances/061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859


  "instance": {
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
    "name": "products",
    "created": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "updated": "2014-04-25T20:19:23",
    "links": [{...}],
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mysql",
      "version": "5.5"
    "configuration": {
      "id": "fc318e00-3a6f-4f93-af99-146b44912188",
      "links": [{...}],
    "flavor": {
      "id": "7",
      "links": [{...}],
    "volume": {
      "size": 1
    "cluster": {
      "slave": {
        "of": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "read_only": true



  • instance.name will function as the replica-set name
  • The smallest viable deployment pattern for a replica-set is 3 nodes. A three member replica-set can either be (a) a primary and two secondaries or (b) a primary, a secondary, and an arbiter. option (b) provides less redundancy and fault tolerance, so it will not be supported in this first iteration. Therefore, size=3 by default creates a three member replica-set with one primary and two secondaries.
  • instance.cluster.size will only support '3', '5', and '7' as values for MongoDB in this first iteration. Why? (a) an odd number of members ensures the replica-set is always able to elect a primary (b) only 7 members can vote at a time.
    • Scaling the Nodes from 3 to 5, or 5 to 7 will be supported.
    • A replica-set can have up to 12 members, but only 7 voting members. To avoid having to implement and handle 'priority'/'hidden' in the first iteration, the maximum number of nodes is capped at 7.
  • Changing the priority, hidden, slaveDelay, or adding an Arbiter will not be supported in this first iteration.



  • instance.cluster.size can be any positive number
  • Resizing the Cluster by increasing the number will be supported.
  • Removing a Node will not be supported in the first iteration.

Data Model Changes

Option #1: Instances Table

Name Data Type Length Nullable Description
type varchar 10 false either 'standalone', 'cluster', 'node', 'master', or 'slave'
parent_id varchar 36 true instance.id (Foreign Key)


  • on db_sync backfill existing rows with instance.type as 'standalone'
  • type could be an int instead of a varchar, backed by a class enum, but that doesn't seem to be the "OpenStack Way".
  • once a slave is created, the master's type is changed from 'standalone' to 'master'
  • for clusters, an additional row is inserted (the "cluster row"), with type=cluster.
  • parent_id is either the master's uuid (if the row is type=slave), or the cluster's shell row uuid (if the row is type=node)
  • node rows will not infer data (like flavor_id) from the cluster row; instead it will be "redundantly" included.

Example Database Rows (Represented in JSON)

Standalone Before:

  "id": "035dc57c-659c-4cab-83e8-29ec99437655",
  "created": "2014-04-20 19:38:59",
  "updated": "2014-04-20 19:39:13",
  "name": "products",
  "hostname": null,
  "compute_instance_id": "1bfa857e-0119-49f5-9f41-d4b5308b69d8",
  "task_id": 1,
  "task_description": "No tasks for the instance.",
  "task_start_time": null,
  "volume_id": "cdfabe94-6952-4279-b208-9917ac7d30ed",
  "flavor_id": 10,
  "volume_size": 200,
  "tenant_id": "19fb5380ec8444358ad3a9d26ced6b8f",
  "server_status": null,
  "deleted": 0,
  "deleted_at": null,
  "datastore_version_id": "4141cc0b-6300-4706-a9f2-3ce757fec859",
  "configuration_id": null

Standalone After:

  "id": "035dc57c-659c-4cab-83e8-29ec99437655",
  "created": "2014-04-20 19:38:59",
  "updated": "2014-04-20 19:39:13",
  "name": "products",
  "hostname": null,
  "compute_instance_id": "1bfa857e-0119-49f5-9f41-d4b5308b69d8",
  "task_id": 1,
  "task_description": "No tasks for the instance.",
  "task_start_time": null,
  "volume_id": "cdfabe94-6952-4279-b208-9917ac7d30ed",
  "flavor_id": 10,
  "volume_size": 200,
  "tenant_id": "19fb5380ec8444358ad3a9d26ced6b8f",
  "server_status": null,
  "deleted": 0,
  "deleted_at": null,
  "datastore_version_id": "4141cc0b-6300-4706-a9f2-3ce757fec859",
  "configuration_id": null,
  "type": "standalone",
  "parent_id": null

Cluster of 3 Nodes:

      "id": "035dc57c-659c-4cab-83e8-29ec99437655",
      "created": "2014-04-20 19:38:59",
      "updated": "2014-04-20 19:44:00",
      "name": "products",
      "hostname": null,
      "compute_instance_id": null,
      "task_id": 1,
      "task_description": "No tasks for the cluster.",
      "task_start_time": null,
      "volume_id": null,
      "flavor_id": 10,
      "volume_size": 200,
      "tenant_id": "19fb5380ec8444358ad3a9d26ced6b8f",
      "server_status": null,
      "deleted": 0,
      "deleted_at": null,
      "datastore_version_id": "4141cc0b-6300-4706-a9f2-3ce757fec859",
      "configuration_id": null,
      "type": "cluster",
      "parent_id": null
      "id": "ad16a607-bed4-49c7-957e-7d3f869e364f",
      "created": "2014-04-20 19:38:59",
      "updated": "2014-04-20 19:39:13",
      "name": "products-1",
      "hostname": null,
      "compute_instance_id": "7b146333-97b0-48cf-b731-a7e4ad61d58f",
      "task_id": 1,
      "task_description": "No tasks for the instance.",
      "task_start_time": null,
      "volume_id": "801c31b4-d2cd-413c-be7a-1ebdf89f53bb",
      "flavor_id": 10,
      "volume_size": 200,
      "tenant_id": "19fb5380ec8444358ad3a9d26ced6b8f",
      "server_status": null,
      "deleted": 0,
      "deleted_at": null,
      "datastore_version_id": "4141cc0b-6300-4706-a9f2-3ce757fec859",
      "configuration_id": null,
      "type": "node",
      "parent_id": "035dc57c-659c-4cab-83e8-29ec99437655"
      "id": "1f0c10fb-9bb6-45b5-b27d-ff0c32eb3ab3",
      "created": "2014-04-20 19:39:15",
      "updated": "2014-04-20 19:40:22",
      "name": "products-2",
      "hostname": null,
      "compute_instance_id": "fa6a6d74-f1bd-4ee8-bd7a-d54cf526bf77",
      "task_id": 1,
      "task_description": "No tasks for the instance.",
      "task_start_time": null,
      "volume_id": "932225fd-b613-4c62-b3e1-243aae10cc45",
      "flavor_id": 10,
      "volume_size": 200,
      "tenant_id": "19fb5380ec8444358ad3a9d26ced6b8f",
      "server_status": null,
      "deleted": 0,
      "deleted_at": null,
      "datastore_version_id": "4141cc0b-6300-4706-a9f2-3ce757fec859",
      "configuration_id": null,
      "type": "node",
      "parent_id": "035dc57c-659c-4cab-83e8-29ec99437655"
      "id": "b38f0356-6796-434c-acc6-953c081476d0",
      "created": "2014-04-20 19:41:11",
      "updated": "2014-04-20 19:42:54",
      "name": "products-3",
      "hostname": null,
      "compute_instance_id": "d120ed57-3f43-4200-b222-802f292f9d56",
      "task_id": 1,
      "task_description": "No tasks for the instance.",
      "task_start_time": null,
      "volume_id": "5d02d7a1-b7e8-410a-a1bd-eb0e460668fa",
      "flavor_id": 10,
      "volume_size": 200,
      "tenant_id": "19fb5380ec8444358ad3a9d26ced6b8f",
      "server_status": null,
      "deleted": 0,
      "deleted_at": null,
      "datastore_version_id": "4141cc0b-6300-4706-a9f2-3ce757fec859",
      "configuration_id": null,
      "type": "node",
      "parent_id": "035dc57c-659c-4cab-83e8-29ec99437655"


      "id": "1f0c10fb-9bb6-45b5-b27d-ff0c32eb3ab3",
      "created": "2014-04-20 19:39:15",
      "updated": "2014-04-20 19:40:22",
      "name": "products",
      "hostname": null,
      "compute_instance_id": "fa6a6d74-f1bd-4ee8-bd7a-d54cf526bf77",
      "task_id": 1,
      "task_description": "No tasks for the instance.",
      "task_start_time": null,
      "volume_id": "932225fd-b613-4c62-b3e1-243aae10cc45",
      "flavor_id": 10,
      "volume_size": 200,
      "tenant_id": "19fb5380ec8444358ad3a9d26ced6b8f",
      "server_status": null,
      "deleted": 0,
      "deleted_at": null,
      "datastore_version_id": "4141cc0b-6300-4706-a9f2-3ce757fec859",
      "configuration_id": null,
      "type": "master",
      "parent_id": null
      "id": "b38f0356-6796-434c-acc6-953c081476d0",
      "created": "2014-04-20 19:41:11",
      "updated": "2014-04-20 19:42:54",
      "name": "products-slave",
      "hostname": null,
      "compute_instance_id": "d120ed57-3f43-4200-b222-802f292f9d56",
      "task_id": 1,
      "task_description": "No tasks for the instance.",
      "task_start_time": null,
      "volume_id": "5d02d7a1-b7e8-410a-a1bd-eb0e460668fa",
      "flavor_id": 12,
      "volume_size": 500,
      "tenant_id": "19fb5380ec8444358ad3a9d26ced6b8f",
      "server_status": null,
      "deleted": 0,
      "deleted_at": null,
      "datastore_version_id": "4141cc0b-6300-4706-a9f2-3ce757fec859",
      "configuration_id": "9cc334ee-dca6-4002-a13e-b6a26fd4e47f",
      "type": "slave",
      "parent_id": "1f0c10fb-9bb6-45b5-b27d-ff0c32eb3ab3"


  • GET /instances/id will need to be amended to: where id=<id> and type!=node
  • GET /instances will need to be amended to understand the type column.
  • GET /instances/id/node/node-id will simply be: where id=<id> and type==node (instances table)
  • Pros
    • Single query lookups for instance and node
    • No additional tables
  • Deep copy of data from cluster row to all node rows:
    • Makes business intelligence and analytics easy
    • Makes it easier to support heterogenous clusters (if it becomes a requirement)
  • Cons
    • If a column needs to be added to instances that is nonsensical from a cluster-level, but sensical on a node-level, then that column cannot be NOT NULL (due to the cluster row). Re-worded, data integrity becomes more difficult if the field applicability diverges.

  • Permutations of Approach:
    • Don't deep copy data into node rows
    • Don't include 'standalone' and 'master' as types, because it's inferable (if row's type=null, and there's another row with parent_id our row, we're a master not a standalone).

Option #2: Nodes/Cluster Relationship Table

Name Data Type Length Nullable Description
id varchar 36 false primary key (uuid)
instance_id varchar 36 false foreign key to instance.id
type varchar 10 false either 'node' or 'slave'
updated datetime x false last updated


  • Approach: Same as Option #1, except type/parent_id are moved to a separate table
  • would remove the need for the cluster row in Option #1, but node rows would still exist in instances table
  • would remove the need for any added columns to instances table.
  • Cons
    • GET /instances would need to start with relationship table (rows where type!=node), then select data from instances table.
    • GET /instances/id would start with relationship table (is type!=node), then select data from instances table.
    • No single query lookups for instance and node

Option #3: Nodes Table

CREATE TABLE "nodes" (
  "id" varchar(36) NOT NULL,
  "instance_id" varchar(36) NOT NULL,
  "created" datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  "updated" datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  "hostname" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  "compute_instance_id" varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
  "task_id" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  "task_description" varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  "task_start_time" datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  "volume_id" varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
  "flavor_id" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  "volume_size" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  "tenant_id" varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
  "server_status" varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
  "deleted" tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  "deleted_at" datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  "datastore_version_id" varchar(36) NOT NULL,
  "configuration_id" varchar(36) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
  KEY "instance_id" ("instance_id"),
  KEY "instances_tenant_id" ("tenant_id"),
  KEY "instances_deleted" ("deleted"),
  CONSTRAINT "instances_ibfk_2" FOREIGN KEY ("configuration_id") REFERENCES "configurations" ("id"),
  CONSTRAINT "instances_ibfk_1" FOREIGN KEY ("datastore_version_id") REFERENCES "datastore_versions" ("id")

aka the same table as instances, except: the addition of the instance_id foreign-key, an index on instance_id, and the removal of a few indexes.