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< Trove
Revision as of 10:38, 23 December 2013 by Denis M. (talk | contribs) (Request Parameters:)


Provide specific API interface to end-user which would allow to manipulate with database log files.


Log manipulations are designed to let user perform log investigations. Since Trove is PaaS - level project, it's user cannot interact with compute instance directly, only with database through given API (database operations). Deployer would decide which log files would be available for trove user.

API Schema

DownloadDBLogFile request parameters and DBLog Model

Description: Downloads current database log file into Swift container.

Request Parameters:

Parameter name Description Type Required
Instance ID or Name The customer-assigned name of the DB instance that contains the log files. String Yes
LogFileName log file name String Yes
Marker For paginating String No

Response Elements

Name Description Type Errors
LogFileData The following elements are returned in a structure named DBLog DBLog DBInstanceNotFound. HTTP 404

DBLog Database Model

DBLog is responsible for database log file stored in Swift container
Name Description Type
ID UUDI String
DBInstanceID Instance ID String
Location URL. Storage location. String
CreatedAt Date String
DeletedAt Date String
LogFileName Example Example
Deleted Signals if record is deleted Boolen

Server-side configuration

  • Trove taskmanager and api services would require next conf values:
  1. log_file_storage_dir per datastore (could be retrieved from database configuration at guest side).
  2. pagination limit.

Guest-side configuration

  • Same as server side, guest side requires several configuration values:
  1. naming convention: uuid+daytime.log
  2. manifest convention: *.log or *tar.bz2 or *tar.gz
  3. Storage Strategy: Swift
  4. Container: logs_files