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< Trove‎ | Configurations
Revision as of 16:01, 21 October 2013 by Cp16net (talk | contribs)


These are a list of the options that can be part of a configuration group for mysql.

Options that are not dynamic require a restart of the mysql service.


option Configurable by User default template (512MB) dynamic special case min max description
innodb_file_per_table Yes false false 0 1 Create a separate tablespace for each innodb table when enabled
autocommit Yes true false 0 1 Enable or disable MySQL's autocommit feature
local_infile Yes 0 true false 0 1 Enable client side import files for clients not supporting mysqldump formatted files


option Configurable by User default template (512MB) dynamic special case min max description
key_buffer_size Yes 50M true false 0 4294967296 MyISAM index buffer
join_buffer_size Yes true false 0 4294967296 Memory buffer used for joins on multiple tables that do not use an index
sort_buffer_size Yes true false 2097144 1.84467E+19 Buffer used for all queries that perform a sort action
innodb_buffer_pool_size Yes 150M false false 0 68719476736 Buffer used by innodb to cache data and indexes of it's tables
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit Yes true false 0 2 Frequency by which Innodb will flush it's logs to disk