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< Trove
Revision as of 04:15, 25 April 2014 by Shalini (talk | contribs) (Use Case Requirements)


Include vertica analytical database in trove datastores.

Use Case Requirements

The implementation would provide an additional feature to trove which will be the support of new data store vertica and specific operations for that data store.

Described operations: A. Instance creation with vertica data store.

B. Common database operations:

  1. Database : create, list, delete
  2. User : create, list, delete
  3. Revoke, grant user access

C. back-up and restore functionality for vertica datastore.


Implement all sections of Use Case Requirements.


This change would impact mainly guestagent, as new datastore will be added.


Configuration will be changed as per datastores. There is a proposed re-structuring for "ignoring users" as per datastore.


This change has no impact on existing database tables.

Public API

No API calls are altered. Responce to API calls are similar for vertica Datastore.

Internal API

No change

Guest Agent

Vertica datastore specific guestagent code needs to be added. It will be compatible with the existing API structure and taskmanager.