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Revision as of 22:25, 7 March 2014 by Amcrn (talk | contribs)

MySQL Master/Slave

Create Master


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "availability_zone": "us-west-1",
    "name": "product-a",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mysql",
      "version": "mysql-5.5"
    "configuration": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
    "flavorRef": "7",
    "volume": {
      "size": 1


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
    "name": "product-a",
    "configuration": {
      "id": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
      "name": "config-a",
      "links": [{...}]

Create Slave


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "availability_zone": "us-west-2",
    "name": "product-b",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mysql",
      "version": "mysql-5.5"
    "topology": {
      "mysql": {
        "slave_of": [{"id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"}]
        "read_only": true
    "configuration": "fc318e00-3a6f-4f93-af99-146b44912188",
    "flavorRef": "7",,
    "volume": {
      "size": 1


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
    "name": "product-b",
    "configuration": {
      "id": "fc318e00-3a6f-4f93-af99-146b44912188",
      "name": "config-b",
      "links": [{...}]


  • For master/slave wirings, the 'server_id' must differ between master and slave, and optionally the slave can specify whether it is read-only or not to avoid accidental writes.
  • Update: Agreed on 03/14/14 that the user should not have to specify 'server_id'. Instead, trove will be responsible for setting it and ensuring that a slave does not have the same server_id as its master, or any sibling slaves. As a part of this agreement, this requires removing 'server_id' from configuration-groups overrides (to avoid the user meddling with our bookkeeping).
  • 'read_only' was removed from configuration-groups and moved to topology.mysql{} because forcing the user to create a configuration-group for every MySQL slave is arduous and a poor user experience.
  • 'slave_of' and 'read_only' will be the only supported input fields for topology.mysql{}
  • 'read_only' is only permitted if 'slave_of' is set, otherwise the request will be failed.
  • Opinion: 'read_only' should default to true
  • 'slave_of' is an array to properly represent multi-source replication in the future (coming in MySQL 5.7)
  • For now, 'slave_of' requires a vanilla trove instance uuid, but will inevitably need to be prefixed with namespacing to support multiple dcs and sources (e.g. trove:us-west:tenant_id:instance:dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998)
  • Why topology.<datastore>{} vs. topology.metadata{}? This should be more evident as you walk through the rest of the datatores, but in short: it provides strong(er) typing, allows for apischema validation, easier to document, simpler to maintain, etc.

Show Instance


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998


  "instance": {
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "updated": "2014-02-16T03:38:49"
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
    "name": "product-a",
    "datastore": {
      "version": "mysql-5.5",
      "type": "mysql",
    "flavor": {
      "id": "7",
      "links": [{...}]
    "configuration": {
      "id": "b9c8a3f8-7ace-4aea-9908-7b555586d7b6",
      "name": "config-a",
      "links": [{...}]

Show Topology


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology


  "topology": {
    "members": [
        "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "name": "product-a"
        "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
        "name": "product-b",
        "mysql": {
          "slave_of": [{"id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"}],
          "read_only": true

Remove Replication (aka "Promote" to Standalone)


POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/action

  "mysql": {
    "promote": {
      "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859"




Create Replica-Set


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-a",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "mongodb",
      "version": "mongodb-2.0.4"
    "topology": {
      "mongodb": {
        "type": "member",
        "replSet": "products",
        "join": false


  "instance": {
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",


  • Enforce 'replSet' field to be provided for MongoDB, even in the case of a standalone/single instance. See http://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/dont-let-your-standalone-mongodb-server-stand-alone for reasoning.
  • 'join' indicates whether you're joining an existing replica-set, or creating a new one. If 'join' is false, and an active replica-set by that name for the tenant already exists, the request will be failed. 'join' by default will be false, but was included above for illustrative purposes.
  • 'type' is 'member' vs. 'primary' because in a replica-set, the primary is dynamic and can change in an election.

Add Member to Replica-Set


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-b",
    "topology": {
      "mongodb": {
        "type": "member",
        "replSet": "products",
        "join": true


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",


  • If 'join' is true, and there is no existing replica-set for the tenant matching the 'replSet' value, the request will be failed.
  • Will have to use 'db.isMaster()' to determine the current primary to execute replica-set commands against (since it can be dynamic due to elections)
  • Will use http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/expand-replica-set/#configure-and-add-a-member
  • Should protect against adding more than 12 members to a replica-set
  • Should protect against adding more than 7 voting members to a replica-set
  • Should return warning when number of voting members is even and there is no arbiter

Add Another Member to Replica-Set


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-c",
    "topology": {
      "mongodb": {
        "type": "member",
        "replSet": "products",
        "join": true


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",

Show Instance


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998


  "instance": {
    "topology": {
      "mongodb": {
        "type": "member",
        "replSet": "products"

Show Topology


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology


  "topology": {
    "members": [
        "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "name": "product-a",
        "mongodb": {
          "type": "member",
          "replSet": "products"
        "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
        "name": "product-b",
        "mongodb": {
          "type": "member",
          "replSet": "products"
        "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",
        "name": "product-c",
        "mongodb": {
          "type": "member",
          "replSet": "products"

Add Arbiter


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-arbiter",
    "topology": {
      "mongodb": {
        "type": "arbiter",
        "replSet": "products",
        "join": true


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "a1b62aaa-7863-4384-8250-59024141c1f8",

Add a Delayed Member


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-delayed",
    "topology": {
      "mongodb": {
        "type": "member",
        "replSet": "products",
        "join": true,
        "priority": 0,
        "hidden": true,
        "slaveDelay": 3600


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "7d8eb019-931b-4b2a-88d2-4c9f0ca1b29e",


  • 'type', 'replSet', 'join', 'priority', 'hidden', and 'slaveDelay' are the only fields supported in topology.mongodb{}. All other configuration values must be set via a configuration-group. After more thought, consider supporting 'hostname' and 'votes' as well.
  • Why isn't 'priority', 'hidden' and 'slaveDelay' in a configuration-group you ask? This is explained in "Modifying a Replica-Set" below.

Modifying a Replica-Set

Thus far we've been able to model building a replica-set, adding an arbiter, adding a delayed secondary member, etc. Let's continue with how to modify a replica-set.


# from http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/configure-secondary-only-replica-set-member/#example
cfg = rs.conf()
cfg.members[0].priority = 2
cfg.members[1].priority = 1
cfg.members[2].priority = 0.5
cfg.members[3].priority = 0

Executing these priority changes one at a time can have catastrophic results, so it must be done as a transaction (with rs.reconfig() commiting). However, without the ability to address the cluster (i.e. multiple members at once), this becomes impossible. The only backdoor solution would be to guarantee that the MongoDB user(s) presented to the cloud tenant all have the clusterAdmin role, as this would allow them to connect to the primary and execute such transactions themselves via the native client. Obviously however, granting clusterAdmin to every DBaaS user in MongoDB is unacceptable in most deployments.

Option #1: PATCH /instances/:id/topology


PATCH /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology

  "topology": {
    "members": [
        "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "mongodb": {
          "priority": 2
        "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
        "mongodb": {
          "priority": 1
        "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",
        "mongodb": {
          "priority": 0.5


  "topology": {
    "members": [
        "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "name": "product-a",
        "mongodb": {
          "type": "member",
         "replSet": "products"
        "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
        "name": "product-b",
        "mongodb": {
          "type": "member",
          "replSet": "products"
        "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",
        "name": "product-c",
        "mongodb": {
          "type": "member",
          "replSet": "products"


  • An HTTP PATCH vs. PUT because the omission of a field or structure should not be an indication to drop/delete it.
  • All modified fields in a request will be changed transactionally in a single rs.reconfig().
  • It should now be clear why 'priority', 'hidden' and 'slaveDelay' are in topology.mongodb{} vs. a configuration-group: when a configuration-group is changed, an event is immediately triggered to update any attached trove instances. Therefore, if you have a heterogeneous mixture of configuration-groups in a replica-set, there is no way to coordinate a consolidated rs.reconfig().
  • Downside: if topology.mongodb{} may have fields returned on a GET that you cannot change in a PATCH/PUT; re-worded, the granularity of what is permissible to change in a PATCH becomes complicated to check and validate.
  • TBD on what should be returned in the mongodb{} on a GET /instance/:id and GET /instance/:id/topology. It's a question of whether we should persist anything beyond the 'type' and 'replSet'. If say the 'priority' is stored, you introduce the possibility of drift from the truth, but can easily return it on a GET; if it's not stored, do we prompt MongoDB for the truth on a GET, or is that too computationally expensive?

Option #2: POST /instances/:id/topology/action


POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/action

  "mongodb": {
    "update_members": {
      "members": [
          "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
          "priority": 2
          "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
          "priority": 1
          "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",
          "priority": 0.5


  • 'update_members.members[]' elements will only permit 'priority', 'hidden', and 'slaveDelay' (possibly 'votes' and 'hostname' as mentioned earlier).
  • Due to the limited field-set, this approach is much more fine-grained than the PATCH approach in Option #1.

Decision: Option #2 is more fine-grained, easier to reason about, and less error-prone. As you'll see in later operations (like Remove a Member), the action vs. PUT/PATCH approach is also more appropriate.

Remove a Member

Removing a member is not the same as deleting one, therefore DELETE /instances/:id is not appropriate.

Option #1: PUT /instances/:id/topology


PUT /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology

  "instance": {
    "topology": {
      "members": [
          "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
          "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",


  • By omitting a member{} for id=3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782 in a PUT operation, this indicates the member should be removed from the replica-set.
  • It's possible that one might want to modify the 'priority', 'hidden', 'votes', etc. fields of the remaining members while dropping a member. So although the example above does not show it, mongodb{} can be included in a member to indicate other changes, *BUT*, since it's a PUT the expectation of what happens to omitted fields in mongodb{} becomes unclear.

Summary: Not very clean, mildly confusing, and very error-prone (nowhere is a "remove" action ever explicitly implied).

Option #2: POST /instances/:id/topology/action


POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/action

  "mongodb": {
    "remove_member": {
      "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"


  • mongodb{} wrapper isn't necessary, but provides the benefit of schema validation + declaration of intention/understanding.
  • The 'remove_member' action is explicit here, vs. implicit as seen in the PUT option.
  • 'remove_member' has a strict set of fields that are supported, so there is no question as to what can be provided and what will be honored (as compared to the PUT).

Summary: Fairly clean, with no real drawbacks.

Option #3: POST /instances/:id/topology/remove

POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/remove

  "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"


  • Differs from Option #2 in that the action is in the URI vs. the payload.
  • One drawback of this approach is that not every action will be supported across all datastores. So for example, a POST /instances/:id/topology/changeoplogsize (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/change-oplog-size/) makes absolutely no sense to any datastore other than MongoDB.

Summary: At first glance is cleaner than Option #2 from a payload-perspective, but the URI discoverability and expansion is awful.

Option #4: POST /instances/:id/action

POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/action

  "join": false


  • Executed against the instance you wish to remove itself from the cluster, so providing the 'id' in the payload is unnecessary.
  • Drawback: There are actions that are replica-set-wide (or against a subset of the replica-set), meaning Option #1 or #2 or #3 would have to co-exist with this option anyway.
  • Drawback: Increase the number of ways to accomplish the same thing (could unjoin against /instances/:id/action, or against /instances/:id/topology)

Summary: For this very specific example it looks great, but isn't expressive enough for other actions.

Option #5: POST /instances/:id/topology/:id/action

POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/action

  "mongodb": {
    "remove": {}


  • The /instances/:id is an arbitrary member in the replica-set, it doesn't matter which one; the topology/:id is then a member of said replica-set that this action will be applied to.
  • Executed against the instance you wish to remove itself from the cluster, so providing the 'id' in the payload is unnecessary.
  • Needs More Thought: Could conceivably allow only specific operations here (like remove/unjoin), but not others that could be accomplished in a PATCH against /instances/:id/topology (like 'priority', 'hidden', etc.)

Summary: Fairly clean with no real drawbacks.

Decision: Option #2; it's extremely fine-grained, easy to reason about, and matches the approach taken in Remove A Member.

MongoDB TokuMX

  • TokuMUX will require a new datastore-version and *possibly* a new manager class (same reasoning as why Tungsten/Galera will have their own datastore-version for MySQL)


Create Cluster


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-a",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "cassandra",
      "version": "cassandra-2.0.5"
    "topology": {
      "cassandra": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "num_tokens": 256,
        "is_seed": true,
        "endpoint_snitch": "RackInferringSnitch",
        "join": false


  "instance": {
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",


  • Unlike in MongoDB, the 'type' field is not required (because all members of the cluster are of the same type)
  • 'cluster_name', 'num_tokens', and 'is_seed' are always required, with 'endpoint_snitch' being required if 'join' is false (if 'join' is true, the endpoint_snitch is inherited) and 'auto_bootstrap' required if 'join' is true.
  • 'seed_provider' can optionally be provided, but conveniently defaults to 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider'
  • 'join' indicates whether you're joining an existing cluster, or creating a new one. If 'join' is false, and an active cluster by that name for the tenant already exists, the request will be failed. 'join' by default will be false, but was included above for illustrative purposes.
  • Likely the Keystone region and the availability-zone inherent to the trove request can be used for the data-center and rack (cassandra-topology.properties), but if it turns out that the naming schemes are incompatible, 'data_center' and 'rack' can be introduced.
  • 'is_seed' is used vs. a seed list of ip-addresses because (1) the ip-address is not yet known and (2) when additional seeds are added, each node in the cluster must be notified and updated. More on this later.

Add Node to Cluster


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-b",
    "topology": {
      "cassandra": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "num_tokens": 256,
        "is_seed": false,
        "auto_bootstrap": false,
        "join": true


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",


  • If 'join' is true, and there is no existing cluster for the tenant matching the 'cluster_name' value, the request will be failed.
  • If 'endpoint_snitch' is provided, and the value does not match that of the existing node(s) in the cluster, the request will be failed.

Add Another Node to Cluster


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-c",
    "topology": {
      "cassandra": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "num_tokens": 256,
        "is_seed": false,
        "auto_bootstrap": false,
        "join": true


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",

Show Instance


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998


  "instance": {
    "topology": {
      "cassandra": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "num_tokens": 256,
        "is_seed": true

Show Topology


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology


  "topology": {
    "members": [
        "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "name": "product-a",
        "cassandra": {
          "cluster_name": "products",
          "num_tokens": 256,
          "is_seed": true
        "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
        "name": "product-b",
        "cassandra": {
          "cluster_name": "products",
          "num_tokens": 256,
          "is_seed": false
        "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",
        "name": "product-c",
        "cassandra": {
          "cluster_name": "products",
          "num_tokens": 256,
          "is_seed": false

Modifying a Cluster

Example: Drain (http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/tools/toolsDrain.html)

POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/action

  "cassandra": {
    "drain_node": {
      "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"

Remove a Member


POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/action

  "cassandra": {
    "remove_node": {
      "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"


Create Cluster

Create Initial Cluster


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-a",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "couchbase",
      "version": "couchbase-2.2"
    "topology": {
      "couchbase": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "join": false


  "instance": {
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",


Add Node to Cluster


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-b",
    "topology": {
      "couchbase": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "join": true


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",


  • If 'join' is true, and there is no existing cluster for the tenant matching the 'cluster_name' value, the request will be failed.
  • In Couchbase, a new node can join the cluster by referencing any existing member, which is discoverable by trove via the cluster_name (unique per tenant)

Add Another Node to Cluster

Request/Response omitted due to a lack of any special considerations required

Show Instance

Request/Response omitted due to a lack of any special considerations required

Show Topology

Request/Response omitted due to a lack of any special considerations required

Modifying a Cluster

POST /instances/:id/topology/action

Example: Create Bucket

POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/action

  "couchbase": {
    "create_bucket": {
      "bucket": "test_bucket",
      "bucket_type": "couchbase",
      "bucket_port": 11222,
      "bucket_ramsize": 200,
      "bucket_replica": 1

Remove a Member

POST /instances/:id/topology/action


POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/action

  "couchbase": {
    "rebalance": {
      "server_remove": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"


  • Note how removing a node is done in the context of a rebalance for Couchbase. This is an example of how homogenizing actions across trove, like "remove node", might not be appropriate.


Create Master


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-a",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "redis",
      "version": "redis-2.8.6"
    "topology": {
      "redis": {}


  "instance": {
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",


  • 'join' field is not required for redis. also notice the lack of a 'cluster_name' of sorts (see 'Add Slave' for reasoning)

Add Slave


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-b",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "redis",
      "version": "redis-2.8.6"
    "topology": {
      "redis": {
        "slave_of": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",


  • redis supports daisy-chaining slaves, therefore the 'slave_of' value needs to be a specific trove instance uuid vs. a manufactured 'cluster_name' of sorts.
  • whether it is a master or slave can be inferred from the presence (or lack thereof) of 'slave_of'.

Show Instance


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998


  "instance": {
    "topology": {
      "redis": {}

Show Topology


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology


  "topology": {
    "members": [
        "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "name": "product-a",
        "redis": {}
        "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
        "name": "product-b",
        "redis": {
          "slave_of": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"

Promote/Disconnect Slave

POST /instances/:id/topology/action


POST /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology/action

  "redis": {
    "slaveof_no_one": {
      "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"

Redis Cluster

Create Cluster


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-a",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "redis",
      "version": "redis-3.0.0-beta1"
    "topology": {
      "redis_cluster": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "cluster_timeout": 5000,
        "join": false


  "instance": {
    "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",


  • Will require datastore-version to topology.<namespace> validation (e.g. if redis 3+, permit topology.redis_cluster{} and topology.redis{}, but if redis 2.x only permit topology.redis{})
  • 'cluster_name' and 'cluster_timeout' are unique to topology.redis_cluster{} (not supported in topology.redis{})
  • As seen in other datastore examples, uses 'join' and 'cluster_name'

Add Another Master to Cluster


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-b",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "redis",
      "version": "redis-3.0.0-beta1"
    "topology": {
      "redis_cluster": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "join": true


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",

Add Slave to Cluster


POST /instances
  "instance": {
    "name": "product-c",
    "datastore": {
      "type": "redis",
      "version": "redis-3.0.0-beta1"
    "topology": {
      "redis_cluster": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "slave_of": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"


  "instance": {
    "status": "BUILD",
    "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",


  • Despite redis clusters supporting the ability to add a slave without designating the master, we will require it to avoid unoptimal geographical relationships.

Show Instance


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998


  "instance": {
    "topology": {
      "redis_cluster": {
        "cluster_name": "products",
        "cluster_timeout": 5000

Show Topology


GET /instances/dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998/topology


  "topology": {
    "members": [
        "id": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998",
        "name": "product-a",
        "redis_cluster": {
          "cluster_name": "products",
          "cluster_timeout": 5000
        "id": "061aaf4c-3a57-411e-9df9-2d0f813db859",
        "name": "product-b",
        "redis_cluster": {
          "cluster_name": "products",
          "cluster_timeout": 5000
        "id": "3a72ee87-cf3e-40f1-a1e1-fe8c7263a782",
        "name": "product-c",
        "redis_cluster": {
          "cluster_name": "products",
          "cluster_timeout": 5000,
          "slave_of": "dfbbd9ca-b5e1-4028-adb7-f78643e17998"

Promote/Disconnect Slave

Work in Progress