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Revision as of 17:50, 11 April 2013 by Smaffulli (talk | contribs) (Common Errors)

Troubleshooting Tips for OpenStack Compute (Nova)

Starting Points

Most of the installation instructions are written for Ubuntu, but there is also information about Centos and Fedora.

You can also check the Ask OpenStack site to find asked and answered questions.

Log Files

Log files are stored in /var/log/nova and there is a log file for each service, for example nova-compute.log. You can format the log strings using flags for the nova.log module. The flags used to set format strings are: logging_context_format_string and logging_default_format_string. If the log level is set to debug, you can also specify logging_debug_format_suffix to append extra formatting. For information about what variables are available for the formatter see: http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#formatter

You have two options for logging for OpenStack Compute based on configuration settings. In nova.conf, include the --logfile flag to enable logging. Alternatively you can set --use_syslog=1, and then the nova daemon logs to syslog.

Common Errors

The Ask OpenStack site offers a place to ask and answer questions, and you can also mark questions as frequently asked questions. This section describes some errors people have posted. We are constantly fixing bugs, so online resources are a great way to get the most up-to-date errors and fixes.

Credential errors, 401, 403 forbidden errors

A 403 forbidden error is caused by missing credentials. Through current installation methods, there are basically two ways to get the novarc file. The manual method requires getting it from within a project zipfile, and the scripted method just generates novarc out of the project zip file and sources it for you. If you do the manual method through a zip file, then the following novarc alone, you end up losing the creds that are tied to the user you created with nova-manage in the steps before.

When you run nova-api the first time, it generates the certificate authority information, including openssl.cnf. If it gets started out of order, you may not be able to create your zip file. Once your CA information is available, you should be able to go back to nova-manage to create your zipfile.

You may also need to check your proxy settings to see if they are causing problems with the novarc creation.

Cannot Ping or SSH to an Instance

Sometimes a particular instance shows "pending" or you cannot SSH to it. Sometimes networking settings are the problem. Sometimes the image itself is the problem.


One of the most commonly missed configuration areas is not allowing the proper access to VMs. Use the 'euca-authorize' command to enable access.  Below, you will find the commands to allow 'ping' and 'ssh' to your VMs::

    euca-authorize -P icmp -t -1:-1 default
    euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 default

Another common issue is you cannot ping or SSH your instances after issuing the 'euca-authorize' commands.  Something to look at is the amount of 'dnsmasq' processes that are running.  If you have a running instance, check to see that TWO 'dnsmasq' processes are running.  If not, perform the following::

    killall dnsmasq
    service nova-network restart

With recent builds of Nova, IPv6 configuration is allowed, but if you cannot SSH to an image, add --use_ipv6=false to your nova.conf.

For example, when using flat manager networking, you do not have a dhcp server, and an ami-tiny image doesn't support interface injection so you cannot connect to it. The fix for this type of problem is to use an Ubuntu image, which should obtain an IP address correctly with FlatManager network settings. To troubleshoot other possible problems with an instance, such as one that stays in a spawning state, first check your instances directory for i-ze0bnh1q dir to make sure it has the following files:

  • libvirt.xml
  • disk
  • disk-raw
  • kernel
  • ramdisk
  • console.log (Once the instance actually starts you should see a console.log.)

Check the file sizes to see if they are reasonable. If any are missing/zero/very small then nova-compute has somehow not completed download of the images from objectstore.

Also check nova-compute.log for exceptions. Sometimes they don't show up in the console output.

Next, check the /var/log/libvirt/qemu/i-ze0bnh1q.log file to see if it exists and has any useful error messages in it.

Finally, from the instances/i-ze0bnh1q directory, try virsh create libvirt.xml and see if you get an error there.

Also, when setting up nodes in FlatManger, be sure to enable ipforward or none your node instances will be able to ping out.

Net ipv4 ip_forward = 1

Slow Running VMs

Why is my VM running slow as molasses? There is a permissions issue where /dev/kvm is not writable, and the VM's drop into qemu mode. This causes the slowdown, and can be addresses by the following:

Verify with:

cat /var/log/libvirt/qemu/(internal_id).log | grep -i kvm

In the results, look for:

open /dev/kvm: Permission denied
Could not initialize KVM, will disable KVM support

Fix with:

chgrp kvm /dev/kvm
chmod g+rwx /dev/kvm

Filesystem Not Found on Custom-created Images

When creating custom images, I get a / (root) filesystem not found error.

This is likely due to your image having / (root) as /dev/sda1, etc…..this needs to be /dev/vda1 for the image to boot properly.

Why /dev/vda1?

In the libvirt xml templates it specifies the virtual drives be made as "vdX" only.

So, vda1 would be the first one generated if you don't have advanced partitioning, and OpenStack can't boot the image.

Nova services (nova-api) not starting

Nova-api is not starting, so therefore, I can't start nova-compute.

When I try a restart of the nova-api service, such as:

root@ubuntu2:~# service nova-api restart

I get a response like so:

pidfile /var/run/nova/nova-api.pid does not exist. Daemon not running?
Initialized with method overriding = True, and path info altering = True
DEBUG:routes.middleware:Initialized with method overriding = True, and path info altering = True
Initialized with method overriding = True, and path info altering = True
DEBUG:routes.middleware:Initialized with method overriding = True, and path info altering = True
Initialized with method overriding = True, and path info altering = True
DEBUG:routes.middleware:Initialized with method overriding = True, and path info altering = True
Initialized with method overriding = True, and path info altering = True
DEBUG:routes.middleware:Initialized with method overriding = True, and path info altering = True
(7030) wsgi starting up on
(7030) wsgi starting up on

In this case, you should set the daemonize flag to 1 (true) in /etc/nova/nova.conf, like so: --daemonize=1

Restart the services with this setting enabled and you should be able to start all the services again.

Errors with IP addresses for VMs

When you see that nova-network or nova-compute shows errors with the IP assigned to the virtual machines themselves, you see something like this:

2010-12-05 21:48:40-0600 [-] nova.exception.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command.

You can verify with this command:

sudo -E dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --conf-file= --pid-file=/var/lib/nova/networks/nova-br100.pid --listen-address= --except-interface=lo --dhcp-range=,static,120s --dhcp-hostsfile=/var/lib/nova/networks/nova-br100.conf --dhcp-script=/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge --leasefile-ro

where the listen-address is the address that you see errors when sending commands to it.

To verify that this is your error, you should see this type of response after sending the dnsmasq command:

2010-12-05 21:48:40-0600 [-] Exit code: 2
2010-12-05 21:48:40-0600 [-] Stdout: ''
2010-12-05 21:48:40-0600 [-] Stderr: '\ndnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for Address already in use\n'

Fix with these commands:

{{ --killall dnsmasq --service nova-network restart </nowiki></pre>

Reboot instances if problem persists.

Database Locks

If you are not running Nova as a root user, you may get errors that the database is locked, first from nova-scheduler, next from nova-compute. Here is an example:

OperationalError: (OperationalError) database is locked

Check your permissions - if you installed as root but are trying to run Nova as another user, these errors may appear.