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TC Elections September/October 2015

Revision as of 07:58, 10 September 2015 by TonyBreeds (talk | contribs) (Officials)

TC Elections September 2015


  • Tony Breeds (tonyb) tony at bakeyournoodle dot com
  • Tristan Cacqueray (tristanC) tdecacqu at redhat dot com

Election System

Elections will be held using CIVS and a Condorcet algorithm (Schulze/Beatpath/CSSD variant). Any tie will be broken using Governance/TieBreaking.


  • September 25 - October 1, 05:59 UTC: Open candidacy for TC positions
  • October 2 - October 9: TC elections

Elected Positions

Under the rules of the TC charter, we need to renew 6 TC seats for this election. Seats are valid for one-year terms.

  • Technical Committee member - 6 positions


The electorate for this election are the Foundation individual members that are also committers for one of the official project teams repositories over the Kilo-Liberty timeframe (September 18, 2014 06:00 UTC to September 18, 2015 05:59 UTC)

The electorate is requested to confirm their email address in gerrit, review.openstack.org > Settings > Contact Information > Preferred Email, prior to September 18, 2015 so that the emailed ballots are mailed to the correct email address.

There is a resolution to the governance repo that all of the electorate is expected to follow: http://governance.openstack.org/resolutions/20140711-election-activities.html


Any individual member of the foundation can propose their candidacy (except the seven TC members who were elected for a one-year seat last April).

Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the openstack/election repository before October 1, 05:59 UTC. The file must be placed in candidates/<cycle>/TC/<candidate_name>.txt. The candidacy is then confirmed by elections officials through gerrit vote. See bellow for a step by step documentation.

How to submit your candidacy

If you are not already familiar with OpenStack development workflow, see this more detailed documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html

Candidacies now need to be submitted as a text file to the openstack/election repository. Here are the required steps:

  • Clone the election repository: git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/election
  • Write your candidacy to: cd election; candidates/mitaka/TC/<your_name>.txt
  • Commit your candidacy: git add candidates/mitaka/TC/*.txt; git commit -m "Adding <your_name> candidacy for TC"
  • Submit your candidacy: git review

Once it's submitted to gerrit, verification and approval is being done by elections officials. Then the approved candidate list below is updated.

Confirmed Candidates