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Setting up devstack to run swift with keystone v3 API

Install devstack

Instructions for devstack all-in-one installation are here: http://devstack.org/guides/single-machine.html

Edit devstack/local.conf as described on that page.

Before running stack.sh there's a few more config changes to make.

1. If you have proxy settings in your environment be sure to set no_proxy for local address ranges e.g.

 export no_proxy=,localhost,,.localdomain

(replace with your VM subnet)

2. Enable swift to run in devstack

By default devstack does not run swift, so add a line to devstack/local.conf in the Swift section:

 enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account

(see http://devstack.org/configuration.html)

3. Enable keystone v3 API to be used by swift's auth middleware

Add line to devstack/lib/swift in in function configure_swift(), section starting with comment "# Configure Keystone":

 iniset ${SWIFT_CONFIG_PROXY_SERVER} filter:authtoken auth_version v3.0

(at time of writing this was at line 369 in devstack/lib/swift )

4. Configure keystone to use UUID tokens rather than PKI - this may not be necessary but avoids any issues arising from large PKI tokens exceeding Swift's default max header size.

Edit existing variable in devstack/lib/keystone:


Now run devstack:

$ cd devstack
$ ./stack.sh

Enter SERVICE_TOKEN password when prompted (examples below assume this is 'ADMIN').

With devstack running, check the [filter:authtoken] section in /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf to verify that auth_version = v3.0 is set.

Install openstackclient

openstackclient will be used to set up users and projects in non-default keystone domains - keystoneclient CLI does not support non-default domains.

On a client machine:

$ git clone https://github.com/openstack/python-openstackclient.git openstackclient
$ cd openstackclient
[ may be needed: $ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt ]
$ sudo python setup.py install
$ cd ..

The openstack client command line help is here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStackClient/Commands

Use openstackclient to create a domain, and a user and project in that domain

keystone-v3-setup.sh script will perform these steps: https://gist.github.com/alistairncoles/ae9d5f92063b58afeb88#file-keystone-v3-setup-sh

NOTE: in following examples replace 'u132.localdomain' with your devstack hostname/IP address and replace 'ADMIN' with whatever password you entered for SERVICE_TOKEN when running stack.sh

Create a domain named d1 (note use of --os-url and --os-token to manage keystone)

$ openstack --os-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-token=ADMIN domain create d1
| Field   | Value                                                                                  | 
| enabled | True                                                                                   |
| id      | b91b1a2be2784448a44f82ed1feafef8                                                       |
| links   | {u'self': u'http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3/domains/b91b1a2be2784448a44f82ed1feafef8'} |
| name    | d1                                                                                     |

Create a project named p1 in domain d1

$ openstack --os-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-token=ADMIN project create p1 --domain d1
| Field       | Value                                                                                   |
| description |                                                                                         |
| domain_id   | b91b1a2be2784448a44f82ed1feafef8                                                        |
| enabled     | True                                                                                    |
| id          | 3a64e71a64a84c4796b93b109cd2b5ba                                                        |
| links       | {u'self': u'http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3/projects/3a64e71a64a84c4796b93b109cd2b5ba'} |
| name        | p1                                                                                      |

Create a user named u1 in domain d1

$ openstack --os-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-token=ADMIN user create u1 --domain d1 --password testing
| Field     | Value                                                                                |
| domain_id | b91b1a2be2784448a44f82ed1feafef8                                                     |
| enabled   | True                                                                                 |
| id        | f227284da36849a39b29db3798d00979                                                     |
| links     | {u'self': u'http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3/users/f227284da36849a39b29db3798d00979'} |
| name      | u1                                                                                   |

Create a role named admin (note, use 'admin' role because devstack does not configure the role 'swiftoperator' in swift-proxy-server.conf)

$ openstack --os-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-token=ADMIN role create admin
| Field | Value                                                                                |
| id    | 587f0885f6174436bd1cd5b0862324b2                                                     |
| links | {u'self': u'http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3/roles/587f0885f6174436bd1cd5b0862324b2'} |
| name  | admin                                                                                |

Assign user u1 the role admin on project p1

$ openstack --os-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-token=ADMIN role add --user u1 --project p1 admin

This may return an error because 'admin' role already exists - ignore:

ERROR: cliff.app Conflict occurred attempting to store role. (IntegrityError) (1062, "Duplicate entry 'admin' for key 'ixu_role_name'") 'INSERT INTO role (id, name, extra) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' ('342b7b9103ff4c1284b1926c6e2bcc2c', 'admin', '{}') (HTTP 409)

Use swiftclient to create an account

Patch swiftclient from from https://review.openstack.org/#/c/91788/ to get keystone v3 support.

stat the account (note -V 3 option and /v3 at end of auth url)

$ swift --os-auth-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-username u1 --os-user-domain-name d1 --os-project-name p1 --os-project-domain-name d1 --os-password testing -V 3 stat
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneclient.httpclient"
      Account: AUTH_3a64e71a64a84c4796b93b109cd2b5ba
   Containers: 0
      Objects: 0
        Bytes: 0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
  X-Timestamp: 1406021227.61343
   X-Trans-Id: tx405d56d8da1a454492a58-0053ce2e6b 
X-Put-Timestamp: 1406021227.61343

Create a container

$ swift --os-auth-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-username u1 --os-user-domain-name d1 --os-project-name p1 --os-project-domain-name d1 --os-password testing -V 3 post c1
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneclient.httpclient"

List the account containers using swiftclient

$ swift --os-auth-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-username u1 --os-user-domain-name d1 --os-project-name p1 --os-project-domain-name d1 --os-password testing -V 3 list
No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneclient.httpclient"

You can also list the account containers using openstackclient (note: now using --os-auth-url and user credentials)

$ openstack --os-auth-url http://u132.localdomain:5000/v3 --os-identity-api-version 3 --os-username u1 --os-user-domain-name d1 --os-project-name p1 --os-project-domain-name d1 --os-password testing container list
WARNING: keystoneclient.httpclient Failed to retrieve management_url from token
| Name |
| c1   |