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< Swift
Revision as of 15:45, 13 June 2012 by JimPlamondon (talk) (Added legend)

S3/Swift REST API Comparison Matrix

This page attempts to enumerate how OpenStack, Eucalyptus and CloudStack compare in regards to AWS S3 REST API support. Corrections/contributions welcome.

(./) == Known to be supported

X == Known not to be supported

/!\ == Support status not yet determined

General S3 REST API Support

Feature Eucalyptus OpenStack
List Bucket Objects /!\ /!\
Bucket ACLs /!\ /!\
Bucket Lifecycle /!\ /!\
Bucket Policy /!\ /!\
Bucket Location /!\ /!\
Bucket Logging /!\ /!\
Bucket Notification /!\ /!\
Bucket Object Versions /!\ /!\
Bucket Request Payment /!\ /!\
Bucket Versioning /!\ /!\
Bucket Website /!\ /!\

Amazon S3 REST API Compatability

Amazon S3 Bucket operations are referenced here

S3 REST API method Eucalyptus OpenStack
DELETE Bucket /!\ /!\