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< StoryBoard
Revision as of 15:46, 21 November 2013 by Nikita Konovalov (talk | contribs) (Entities Details)

Storyboard Object Model

Entities List

  • Project Group
  • Project
  • Branch
  • Milestone
  • Story
  • Task
  • Comment

Entities Details

Project Group

A Project Group object represents a list of projects which are closely dependent on each other.

Field Name Type Description
id integer A primary key for a database.
name string Project Group short name. One word names are preferred.
title string A detailed description for the entire Project Group.
members list(Project) A list of Projects that belong to this Project Group.


A Project object represents a single project.

Field Name Type Description
id integer A primary key for a database.
name string A Project short name. One word names are preferred.
title string A detailed description for the Project.


A Branch object represents a single development branch.

Field Name Type Description
id integer A primary key for a database.
name string Full Branch name.
short_name string Short Branch name.
status char Release status of a Branch. This may be M - master, R - release, S - stable, U - unsupported.


A Milestone object is used for associating Stories with a moment of time, when they are expected to be implemented.

Field Name Type Description
id integer A primary key for a database.
name string Milestone name.
branch Branch A Branch to which this Milestone belongs to.
released boolean Is this Milestone already released.
undefined boolean Milestone marked 'undefined' is similar to 'next' Milestone in Launchpad.


A Story is a basic object to describe bugs and features.

Field Name Type Description
id integer A primary key for a database.
title string Story name.
description string Full Story description.
is_bug boolean Is this Story a bug or a feature.
priority integer 0 - Undefined, 1 - Low, 2 - Medium, 3 - High, 4 - Critical.
creator User User who has created this Story.